C These routines calculate resolutions in various track parameters due C to both position resolution and multiple scattering individually as C well as the total (i. e., their sum in quadrature). C C The subroutines are: C C SUBROUTINE REZEST_CURVE(DET, LAMBDA, L, EPSILON, N_M, P, M, N_RL, C X B, DK_MS, DK_RES, DK) C C SUBROUTINE REZEST_AZIMUTH(DET, LAMBDA, L, EPSILON, N_M, P, M, C X N_RL, N_RL_FRONT, B, R_M, DK, DPHI_MS, DPHI_RES, DPHI_K, C x DPHI) C C SUBROUTINE REZEST_POLAR(DET, LAMBDA, L, EPSILON, STEREO, C X N_M, P, M, N_RL, N_RL_FRONT, DTHETA_MS, DTHETA_RES, C X DTHETA) C C All have the following REAL*4 input arguments in common: C C DET Detector, CHARACTER*3, either 'CDC' or 'FDC' C LAMBDA Dip angle, difference in polar angle in lab between track C and pi/2 (i. e., 90 degrees) (radians) C L_DET Length of detector C CDC: the distance from the inner radius of the chamber to the C outer radius, C FDC: the distance from the front of the chamber to the back of C the chamber C (meters) C EPSILON Position resolution (meters) C N_M Number of measurements (real number) C P Magnitude of total momentum (GeV/c) C M Mass of the particle (GeV) C N_RL Number of radiation lengths in the detector (real number) C C In addition REZEST_CURVE and REZEST_AZIMUTH require as input the REAL*4 C argument: C C B Magnetic field (Tesla) C C REZEST_AZIMUTH and REZEST_POLAR require a REAL*4 argument: C C N_RL_FRONT Number of radiations lengths in front of the detector C C Finally, REZEST_AZIMUTH requires a REAL*4 argument: C C DK Resolution in curvature, as output from REZEST_CURVE (see below) C (inverse meters) C C Output arguments are all REAL*4: C C REZEST_CURVE: DK_MS, DK_RES, DK C curvature resolution due to multiple scattering, position C resolution and their sum in quadrature respectively C (inverse meters) C C REZEST_AZIMUTH: DPHI_MS, DPHI_RES, DPHI C resolution in azimuthal angle due to multiple scattering, C position resolution and their sum in quadrature respectively C (radians) C C REZEST_POLAR: DTHETA_MS, DTHETA_RES, DTHETA C resolution in polar angle due to multiple scattering, C position resolution and their sum in quadrature respectively C (radians) C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC SUBROUTINE REZEST_CURVE(DET, LAMBDA, L_DET, EPSILON, N_M, P, M, X N_RL, B, DK_MS, DK_RES, DK) C Calculates resolution in curvature IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "rezest.par" CHARACTER*3 DET REAL*4 LAMBDA, L_DET, EPSILON, N_M, P, M, N_RL, B REAL*4 E, GAMMA, BETA REAL*4 L, L_PRIME, DK_RES, DK_MS, DK, N_RL_TOTAL IF (N_M .LE. N_M_MIN) THEN DK_MS = BIG_VALUE DK_RES = BIG_VALUE DK = BIG_VALUE RETURN END IF CALL KINEMATICS(P, M, E, GAMMA, BETA) CALL SET_LENGTHS(DET, L_DET, LAMBDA, L, L_PRIME) dk_res = epsilon/L_prime**2*sqrt(720/(n_m + 4)) IF (DET .EQ. 'CDC') THEN N_RL_TOTAL = N_RL/COS(LAMBDA) ELSE IF (DET .EQ. 'FDC') THEN N_RL_TOTAL = N_RL/COS(3.14159/2.0 - LAMBDA) ELSE WRITE (6,*) 'BAD DETECTOR TYPE' STOP ENDIF dk_ms = 0.016/(L*p*beta*cos(lambda)**2)*sqrt(n_rl_TOTAL) dk = sqrt(dk_res**2 + dk_ms**2) RETURN END CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC SUBROUTINE REZEST_AZIMUTH(DET, LAMBDA, L_DET, EPSILON, N_M, P, M, X N_RL, N_RL_FRONT, B, R_M, DK, DPHI_MS, DPHI_RES, DPHI_K, x DPHI) IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "rezest.par" CHARACTER*3 DET REAL*4 LAMBDA, L_DET, EPSILON, N_M, P, M, N_RL, N_RL_FRONT, B, X R_M, DK REAL*4 E, GAMMA, BETA REAL*4 THETA0, C, DPHI_MS, DPHI_RES, DPHI_K, DPHI, X N_RL_TOTAL, L, L_PRIME, PT, K, ALPHA DATA C/1.0/ IF (N_M .LE. N_M_MIN) THEN DPHI_MS = BIG_VALUE DPHI_RES = BIG_VALUE DPHI = BIG_VALUE RETURN END IF CALL SET_LENGTHS(DET, L_DET, LAMBDA, L, L_PRIME) CALL KINEMATICS(P, M, E, GAMMA, BETA) IF (DET .EQ. 'CDC') THEN N_RL_TOTAL = (N_RL + N_RL_FRONT)/COS(LAMBDA) ELSE IF (DET .EQ. 'FDC') THEN N_RL_TOTAL = (N_RL + N_RL_FRONT)/SIN(LAMBDA) ELSE WRITE (6,*) 'BAD DETECTOR TYPE' STOP ENDIF THETA0 = 0.0136/(BETA*C*P)*SQRT(N_RL_TOTAL) X *(1.0 + 0.038*LOG(N_RL_TOTAL)) DPHI_MS = THETA0/SQRT(3.0) IF (N_M .GE. 2.0) THEN DPHI_RES = EPSILON/L_PRIME*SQRT(12*(N_M - 1)/(N_M*(N_M + 1))) ELSE DPHI_RES = BIG_VALUE END IF PT = P*COS(LAMBDA) K = 0.3*B/PT IF (2.0/K .LE. R_M) THEN C linear track approximation breakdown: 2 X radius of curvature less C than measurement radius DPHI_K = BIG_VALUE ELSE ALPHA = ASIN(0.5*R_M*K) DPHI_K = R_M*DK/COS(0.5*ALPHA) ENDIF DPHI = SQRT(DPHI_RES**2 + DPHI_MS**2 + DPHI_K**2) RETURN END CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC SUBROUTINE REZEST_POLAR(DET, LAMBDA, L_DET, EPSILON, STEREO, X N_M, P, M, N_RL, N_RL_FRONT, DTHETA_MS, DTHETA_RES, X DTHETA) IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "rezest.par" CHARACTER*3 DET REAL*4 LAMBDA, L_DET, EPSILON, STEREO, N_M, P, M, N_RL, X N_RL_FRONT REAL*4 E, GAMMA, BETA REAL*4 C, N_RL_TOTAL, THETA0, EPS_EFF, DTHETA_MS, DTHETA_RES, x DTHETA, PIOVER2 DATA C/1.0/ DATA PIOVER2 /1.5707963/ IF (N_M .LE. N_M_MIN) THEN DTHETA_MS = BIG_VALUE DTHETA_RES = BIG_VALUE DTHETA = BIG_VALUE RETURN END IF CALL KINEMATICS(P, M, E, GAMMA, BETA) IF (DET .EQ. 'CDC') THEN N_RL_TOTAL = (N_RL + N_RL_FRONT)/COS(LAMBDA) ELSE IF (DET .EQ. 'FDC') THEN N_RL_TOTAL = (N_RL + N_RL_FRONT)/COS(PIOVER2 - LAMBDA) ELSE WRITE (6,*) 'BAD DETECTOR TYPE' STOP ENDIF THETA0 = 0.0136/(BETA*C*P)*SQRT(N_RL_TOTAL) X *(1.0 + 0.038*LOG(N_RL_TOTAL)) DTHETA_MS = THETA0/SQRT(3.0) IF (DET .EQ. 'CDC') THEN EPS_EFF = EPSILON*COS(LAMBDA)**2/SIN(STEREO) ELSE IF (DET .EQ. 'FDC') THEN EPS_EFF = EPSILON*COS(PIOVER2 - LAMBDA)**2 ELSE WRITE (6,*) 'BAD DETECTOR TYPE' STOP ENDIF IF (N_M .GE. 2.0) THEN DTHETA_RES = EPS_EFF/L_DET X *SQRT(12*(N_M - 1)/(N_M*(N_M + 1))) ELSE DTHETA_RES = BIG_VALUE END IF DTHETA = SQRT(DTHETA_RES**2 + DTHETA_MS**2) RETURN END CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC SUBROUTINE KINEMATICS(P, M, E, GAMMA, BETA) REAL*4 P, M REAL*4 E, GAMMA, BETA REAL*4 C DATA C/1.0/ E = sqrt(p**2 + m**2) gamma = E/m beta = sqrt(1.0 - 1/gamma**2) RETURN END CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC SUBROUTINE SET_LENGTHS(DET, L_DET, LAMBDA, L, L_PRIME) REAL*4 L_DET, LAMBDA, L, L_PRIME CHARACTER*3 DET IF (DET .EQ. 'CDC') THEN L_PRIME = L_DET L = L_DET/COS(LAMBDA) ELSE IF (DET .EQ. 'FDC') THEN L_PRIME = L_DET/TAN(LAMBDA) L = L_DET/SIN(LAMBDA) ELSE STOP 'BAD DETECTOR' END IF RETURN END CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC