* * $Id: gltrac.F,v 1.1 2006/04/15 04:38:38 jonesrt Exp $ * * $Log: gltrac.F,v $ * Revision 1.1 2006/04/15 04:38:38 jonesrt * gltrac.F, gsstak.F * - replacements for geant321 library functions that enable stacking of * secondaries with repeat counts and saving of ISTORY on the stack, * both for the purposes of enabling cascaded simulations. [rtj] * gustep.F * - new code to support electron beam dump simulations with a two-level * cascade to enhance the statistics of dump-related backgrounds. [rtj] * taggerCoords2.xls * - updates to the dimensions of the building and electron beam dump. [rtj] * hdds/Spectrometer.xml, hdds/TaggerArea.xml * - new geometry description including the electron beam dump attached * by a corridor to the tagger building. [rtj] * hdds/Makefile hdds/ElectronDump.xml * - added new document to describe the electron beam dump geometry [rtj] * gxtwist, gxtwist++, hdgeant [deleted] * - binary files removed from repository [rtj] * * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:41 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/04 13/12/94 15.36.22 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GLTRAC C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * SUBR. GLTRAC * C. * * C. * Extracts next track from stack JSTAK and prepares commons * C. * /GCTRAK/, /GCKINE/ and /GCVOLU/ * C. * * C. * Called by : GTREVE * C. * Authors : R.Brun, F.Bruyant * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #define USE_UPWGHT_AS_REPEAT_COUNT 1 * #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gckine.inc" #include "geant321/gcnum.inc" #include "geant321/gconsp.inc" #include "geant321/gcphys.inc" #include "geant321/gcstak.inc" #include "geant321/gctmed.inc" #include "geant321/gctrak.inc" #include "geant321/gcvolu.inc" DIMENSION RNDM(5) #if !defined(CERNLIB_SINGLE) DOUBLE PRECISION P2,GETOTD,GEKIND DOUBLE PRECISION PXD,PYD,PZD,ONE,HNORM,DAMASS,PP #endif PARAMETER (ONE=1) C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ *** Modification introduced March 26, 2006 *** There is a "user word" UPWGHT that is associated with each particle *** on the temporary stack. In the standard usage this word is a priority *** that is used to select the order in which particles are tracked, in *** conjunction with the SORD control card. In this modification I change *** the meaning of UPWGHT to represent a repeat count for the stacked *** particle. That is, each time a particle is retrieved from the stack *** its value of UPWGHT on the stack is decremented and it is removed from *** the stack only when its UPWGHT reaches zero. This behaviour is useful *** in implementing an importance sampling scheme. Note that the default *** value of UPWGHT is 1 so this modification has no effect unless user *** code in gustep() or elsewhere overwrites its value. The SORD card *** will have no effect if USE_UPWGHT_AS_REPEAT_COUNT is in effect. *** richard.t.jones@uconn.edu * * *** Extract next track from stack JSTAK * #ifndef USE_UPWGHT_AS_REPEAT_COUNT IF(ISTORD.EQ.1) THEN * * *** User ordering of tracks if requested CALL GSTORD ENDIF #endif ISTAK = IQ(JSTAK+1) IQ(JSTAK+1) = ISTAK -1 JST = JSTAK +NWSTAK*IQ(JSTAK+1) +3 #ifdef USE_UPWGHT_AS_REPEAT_COUNT IF (Q(JST+12).GT.1) THEN IQ(JSTAK+1) = ISTAK ENDIF #endif ITRA = IQ(JST+1) IF (ITRA.LT.0) THEN ITRA = -ITRA ELSE * * This is a new track. We set to zero the stack number and * update the vertex number ISTAK = 0 JK=LQ(JKINE-ITRA) IVERT=Q(JK+6) ENDIF IPART = IQ(JST+2) DO 60 I = 1,3 VERT(I) = Q(JST+3+I) PVERT(I) = Q(JST+6+I) 60 CONTINUE TOFG = Q(JST+10) SAFETY = Q(JST+11) UPWGHT = Q(JST+12) #ifdef USE_UPWGHT_AS_REPEAT_COUNT * print *, 'pop stacked track',istak,', copy',int(Q(JST+12)), * + ', generation',IQ(JST+3) Q(JST+12) = Q(JST+12)-1 UPWGHT = 1 #endif * * *** Prepare tracking parameters * VECT(1) = VERT(1) VECT(2) = VERT(2) VECT(3) = VERT(3) PXD = PVERT(1) PYD = PVERT(2) PZD = PVERT(3) P2 = PXD**2+PYD**2+PZD**2 IF(P2.GT.0.) THEN PP = SQRT(P2) HNORM = ONE/PP VECT(4) = PVERT(1)*HNORM VECT(5) = PVERT(2)*HNORM VECT(6) = PVERT(3)*HNORM VECT(7) = PP ELSE VECT(4) = 0. VECT(5) = 0. VECT(6) = 1. VECT(7) = 0. ENDIF * * ** Reload Particle characteristics, if needed * IF (IPART.NE.IPAOLD) THEN JPA = LQ(JPART-IPART) DO 90 I = 1,5 NAPART(I) = IQ(JPA+I) 90 CONTINUE ITRTYP = Q(JPA+6) AMASS = Q(JPA+7) CHARGE = Q(JPA+8) TLIFE = Q(JPA+9) IUPD = 0 IPAOLD = IPART ENDIF * DAMASS = AMASS GETOTD = SQRT(P2+DAMASS**2) GEKIND = GETOTD - DAMASS GETOT = GETOTD GEKIN = GEKIND * IF (ITRTYP.EQ.7) THEN * * *** Cerenkov photon. Retrieve polarisation JPO = LQ(JSTAK-1)+(ISTAK-1)*3 POLAR(1) = Q(JPO+1) POLAR(2) = Q(JPO+2) POLAR(3) = Q(JPO+3) ELSE CALL GEKBIN ENDIF * SLENG = 0. NSTEP = 0 NTMSTO = NTMSTO +1 NTMULT = NTMSTO #ifdef USE_UPWGHT_AS_REPEAT_COUNT ISTORY = IQ(JST+3) #else ISTORY = 0 #endif * * ** Initialize interaction probabilities * IF (ITRTYP.EQ.1) THEN * Gammas CALL GRNDM(RNDM,5) ZINTPA = -LOG(RNDM(1)) ZINTCO = -LOG(RNDM(2)) ZINTPH = -LOG(RNDM(3)) ZINTPF = -LOG(RNDM(4)) ZINTRA = -LOG(RNDM(5)) ELSE IF (ITRTYP.EQ.2) THEN * Electrons CALL GRNDM(RNDM,3) ZINTBR = -LOG(RNDM(1)) ZINTDR = -LOG(RNDM(2)) ZINTAN = -LOG(RNDM(3)) ELSE IF (ITRTYP.EQ.3) THEN * Neutral hadrons CALL GRNDM(RNDM,2) SUMLIF = -CLIGHT*TLIFE*LOG(RNDM(1)) ZINTHA = -LOG(RNDM(2)) ELSE IF (ITRTYP.EQ.4) THEN * Charged hadrons CALL GRNDM(RNDM,3) SUMLIF = -CLIGHT*TLIFE*LOG(RNDM(1)) ZINTHA = -LOG(RNDM(2)) ZINTDR = -LOG(RNDM(3)) ELSE IF (ITRTYP.EQ.5) THEN * Muons CALL GRNDM(RNDM,5) SUMLIF = -CLIGHT*TLIFE*LOG(RNDM(1)) ZINTBR = -LOG(RNDM(2)) ZINTPA = -LOG(RNDM(3)) ZINTDR = -LOG(RNDM(4)) ZINTMU = -LOG(RNDM(5)) ELSE IF (ITRTYP.EQ.7) THEN * Cerenkov photons CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) ZINTLA = -LOG(RNDM(1)) ELSE IF (ITRTYP.EQ.8) THEN * Ions CALL GRNDM(RNDM,2) ZINTHA = -LOG(RNDM(1)) ZINTDR = -LOG(RNDM(2)) ENDIF * * * Prepare common /GCVOLU/ and structure JGPAR, if needed * IF (NJTMAX.LE.0) THEN IF (GONLY(NLEVEL).EQ.0.) NLEVEL=0 CALL GMEDIA (VECT, NUMED) ENDIF INFROM = 0 * END GLTRAC END