/* * particleType.h */ #ifndef particleTypeH_INCLUDED #define particleTypeH_INCLUDED static const char sccsid_particleTypeH[] = "@(#)particleType.h\t5.3\tCreated 8/20/97 17:13:12, \tcompiled "__DATE__; typedef enum { /* * These constants are defined to be * same as GEANT. see http://wwwcn.cern.ch/asdoc/geant/H2GEANTCONS300.html * for more details. */ Unknown = 0, Gamma = 1, Positron = 2, Electron = 3, Neutrino = 4, MuonPlus = 5, MuonMinus = 6, Pi0 = 7, PiPlus = 8, PiMinus = 9, KLong = 10, KPlus = 11, KMinus = 12, Neutron = 13, Proton = 14, AntiProton = 15, KShort = 16, Eta = 17, Lambda = 18, SigmaPlus = 19, Sigma0 = 20, SigmaMinus = 21, Xi0 = 22, XiMinus = 23, OmegaMinus = 24, AntiNeutron = 25, AntiLambda = 26, AntiSigmaMinus = 27, AntiSigma0 = 28, AntiSigmaPlus = 29, AntiXi0 = 30, AntiXiPlus = 31, AntiOmegaPlus = 32, /* the constants defined by GEANT end here */ /* These are E852-defined constants */ Rho0 = 57, RhoPlus = 58, RhoMinus = 59, omega = 60, EtaPrime = 61, phiMeson = 62 } Particle_t; float ParticleMass(Particle_t); int ParticleCharge(Particle_t); #endif /* end file */