Jan. 10, 2017 Mike Staib sent me and e-mail in early Jan. (or maybe late Dec.) concenrning a cable swap in the CDC. The swap was present for the entire Fall 2016 run (run numbers 20000-29999) but was fixed after that. He sent me an XML snippet of the relevant fix. I spent some time working on the tt.db format to include run ranges, but the work is incomplete and slow going so I am fixing the issue "by hand". Here is what I did: 1. Dump current tt from ccdb. (This is ID 15856 from 2016-10-10 15-20-21) > ccdb -r 20000 dump Translation/DAQ2detector > tt_orig.xml 2. Make a copy for the Fall 2016 condition and edit using the values supplied by Mike. > cp tt_orig.xml tt_fall2016.xml > xcode tt_fall2016.xml mikes_change.xml -- remove top 3 lines of non-XML that were spit out by CCDB -- replace lines 4216-4288 with Mike's lines (starting with " cp /Users/davidl/HallD/ccdb_sqlite/ccdb_2017-01-07.sqlite . > setenv JANA_CALIB_URL sqlite:///$PWD/ccdb_2017-01-07.sqlite > setenv CCDB_CONNECTION $JANA_CALIB_URL > cp ~/HallD/ONLINE/packages/TranslationTable/add_custom_data.py . > xcode add_custom_data.py -- change to provider.connect("sqlite:////Users/davidl/HallD/Studies/2017.01.10.CDC_cable_swap/ccdb_2017-01-07.sqlite") -- change to provider.authentication.current_user_name = "davidl" -- change to xml_content = io.open("tt_fall2016.xml", "r").read() -- change to min_run=20000 -- change to max_run=29999 -- change to comment="CDC Cable swap present only during Fall 2016 run" 4. Write to local sqlite copy and check > ./add_custom_data.py > ccdb ls Translation/DAQ2detector 5. Modify add_custom_data.py once more to write to live mysql DB > xcode add_custom_data.py -- change to provider.connect("mysql://ccdb_user@hallddb.jlab.org/ccdb") > ccdb ls Translation/DAQ2detector The new entry has id=21634