#include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include "DTPOLHit_factory.h" #include "DAQ/DF1TDCHit.h" using namespace jana; // Order hits by sector/ring. If same sector/ring, use ADC time to order hits. bool DTPOLSectorHit_fadc_cmp(const DTPOLSectorDigiHit *a,const DTPOLSectorDigiHit *b){ if (a->sector==b->sector) return (a->pulse_timepulse_time); return (a->sectorsector); } bool DTPOLRingHit_fadc_cmp(const DTPOLRingDigiHit *a,const DTPOLRingDigiHit *b){ if (a->ring==b->ring) return (a->pulse_timepulse_time); return (a->ringring); } //------------------ // init //------------------ jerror_t DTPOLHit_factory::init(void) { ADC_THRESHOLD = 120.; gPARMS->SetDefaultParameter("TPOL:ADC_THRESHOLD", ADC_THRESHOLD, "Software pulse integral threshold"); /// set the base conversion scales a_scale = 0.0001; t_scale = 0.0625; // 62.5 ps/count return NOERROR; } //------------------ // brun //------------------ jerror_t DTPOLHit_factory::brun(jana::JEventLoop *eventLoop, int runnumber) { /// Read in calibration constants jout << "In DTPOLHit_factory, loading constants..." << endl; // load scale factors map scale_factors; // a_scale (SC_ADC_SCALE) if (eventLoop->GetCalib("/TPOL/digi_scales", scale_factors)) jout << "Error loading /TPOL/digi_scales !" << endl; if (scale_factors.find("TPOL_ADC_ASCALE") != scale_factors.end()) a_scale = scale_factors["TPOL_ADC_ASCALE"]; else jerr << "Unable to get TPOL_ADC_ASCALE from /TPOL/digi_scales !" << endl; // t_scale (SC_ADC_SCALE) if (scale_factors.find("TPOL_ADC_TSCALE") != scale_factors.end()) t_scale = scale_factors["TPOL_ADC_TSCALE"]; else jerr << "Unable to get TPOL_ADC_TSCALE from /TPOL/digi_scales !" << endl; // load base time offset map base_time_offset; if (eventLoop->GetCalib("/TPOL/base_time_offset",base_time_offset)) jout << "Error loading /TPOL/base_time_offset !" << endl; if (base_time_offset.find("TPOL_BASE_TIME_OFFSET") != base_time_offset.end()) t_base = base_time_offset["TPOL_BASE_TIME_OFFSET"]; else jerr << "Unable to get TPOL_BASE_TIME_OFFSET from /TPOL/base_time_offset !" << endl; // load constant tables // a_gains (gains) if (eventLoop->GetCalib("/TPOL/gains", a_gains)) jout << "Error loading /TPOL/gains !" << endl; // a_pedestals (pedestals) if (eventLoop->GetCalib("/TPOL/pedestals", a_pedestals)) jout << "Error loading /TPOL/pedestals !" << endl; // adc_time_offsets (adc_timing_offsets) if (eventLoop->GetCalib("/TPOL/adc_timing_offsets", adc_time_offsets)) jout << "Error loading /TPOL/adc_timing_offsets !" << endl; return NOERROR; } //------------------ // evnt //------------------ jerror_t DTPOLHit_factory::evnt(JEventLoop *loop, int eventnumber) { /// Generate DTPOLHit object for each DTPOLSectorDigiHit /// and DTPOLRingDigiHit object. /// This is where the first set of calibration constants /// is applied to convert from digitzed units into natural /// units. /// /// Note that this code does NOT get called for simulated /// data in HDDM format. The HDDM event source will copy /// the precalibrated values directly into the _data vector. // First, get all fADC250 hits vector sectordigihits; loop->Get(sectordigihits); sort(sectordigihits.begin(),sectordigihits.end(),DTPOLSectorHit_fadc_cmp); vector ringdigihits; loop->Get(ringdigihits); sort(ringdigihits.begin(),ringdigihits.end(),DTPOLRingHit_fadc_cmp); char str[256]; // Loop over SECTOR hits for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sectordigihits.size(); i++){ const DTPOLSectorDigiHit *sectordigihit = sectordigihits[i]; // There is a slight difference between Mode 7 and 8 data // The following condition signals an error state in the flash algorithm // Do not make hits out of these const Df250PulsePedestal* PPobj = NULL; sectordigihit->GetSingle(PPobj); if (PPobj != NULL){ if (PPobj->pedestal == 0 || PPobj->pulse_peak == 0) continue; } // Make sure sector is in valid range if( sectordigihit->sector <= 0 || sectordigihit->sector > NSECTORS){ sprintf(str, "DTPOLSectorDigiHit sector out of range! sector=%d (should be 1-%d)", sectordigihit->sector, NSECTORS); throw JException(str); } // Initialize pedestal to one found in CCDB, but override it // with one found in event if is available double pedestal = a_pedestals[sectordigihit->sector-1]; const Df250PulseIntegral *pulse_integral = NULL; sectordigihit->GetSingle(pulse_integral); if (pulse_integral != NULL) { double single_sample_ped = (double)pulse_integral->pedestal; double nsamples_integral = (double)pulse_integral->nsamples_integral; double nsamples_pedestal = (double)pulse_integral->nsamples_pedestal; pedestal = single_sample_ped * nsamples_integral/nsamples_pedestal; } // Apply calibration constants here double A = (double)sectordigihit->pulse_integral; double T = (double)sectordigihit->pulse_time; double dA = A - pedestal; if (sectordigihit->pulse_time == 0) continue; DTPOLHit *hit = new DTPOLHit; hit->sector = sectordigihit->sector; // Sectors are numbered from 1-30 hit->dE = dA; // This will be scaled to energy units later hit->t_fADC = t_scale * T - adc_time_offsets[hit->sector-1] + t_base; hit->has_sector = true; hit->t = hit->t_fADC; // set time from fADC in case no TDC hit // add in higher order corrections? hit->AddAssociatedObject(sectordigihit); _data.push_back(hit); } /* // Get the trigger time from the f1 TDC vector tdchit; eventLoop->Get(tdchit); int tref = 0; for(unsigned int i=0;irocid==51 && tdchit[i]->slot==17 && tdchit[i]->channel==8) { tref=tdchit[i]->time; // in clicks if (tref > 0) break; // printf("tref %d %f\n",tdchit[i]->time,tref); } } //if (tref > 0) //{ // got reference signal // Next, loop over TDC hits, matching them to the // existing fADC hits where possible and updating // their time information. If no match is found, then // create a new hit with just the TDC info. vector tdcdigihits; loop->Get(tdcdigihits); sort(tdcdigihits.begin(),tdcdigihits.end(),DTPOLHit_tdc_cmp); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tdcdigihits.size(); i++) { const DSCTDCDigiHit *digihit = tdcdigihits[i]; // Make sure sector is in valid range if((digihit->sector <= 0) && (digihit->sector > MAX_SECTORS)) { sprintf(str, "DSCDigiHit sector out of range! sector=%d (should be 1-%d)", digihit->sector, MAX_SECTORS); throw JException(str); } // Take care of rollover int tdiff = int(digihit->time) - int(tref); if (tdiff < 0) tdiff += rollover_count; else if (tdiff > rollover_count) tdiff -= rollover_count; // Apply calibration constants here double T = (double)digihit->time; //printf("T %d %f\n",digihit->time,0.0559*T); //tdc_scale=0.0559; // hard code correctd tdc conversion scale (need to put in CCDB) unsigned int id = digihit->sector - 1; T = tdc_scale * tdiff - tdc_time_offsets[id] + t_tdc_base; // cout << "T = " << T << endl; // jout << "T = " << T << endl; // printf("T = %f scale %f\n", T, tdc_scale); // Look for existing hits to see if there is a match // or create new one if there is no match // Require that the trigger corrected TDC time fall within // a reasonable time window so that when a hit is associated with // a hit in the TDC and not the ADC it is a "decent" TDC hit if (fabs(T) < HIT_TIME_WINDOW) { //jout << " T cut = " << T << endl; DTPOLHit *hit = FindMatch(digihit->sector, T); if (! hit) { hit = new DTPOLHit; hit->sector = digihit->sector; hit->dE = 0.0; hit->t_fADC= numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); hit->has_fADC=false; _data.push_back(hit); } hit->has_TDC=true; hit->t_TDC=T; //jout << "t_tDC = " << hit->t_TDC << endl; if (hit->dE > 0.0) { // Correct for time walk // The correction is the form t=t_tdc- C1 (A^C2 - A0^C2) double A = hit->dE; double C1 = timewalk_parameters[id][1]; double C2 = timewalk_parameters[id][2]; double A0 = timewalk_parameters[id][3]; T -= C1*(pow(A,C2) - pow(A0,C2)); } hit->t=T; //jout << " T cut TW Corr = " << T << endl; hit->AddAssociatedObject(digihit); } // Hit time window cut } //} // Apply calibration constants to convert pulse integrals to energy // units for (unsigned int i=0;i<_data.size();i++) { _data[i]->dE*=a_scale * a_gains[_data[i]->sector-1]; } */ return NOERROR; } //------------------ // FindMatch //------------------ DTPOLHit* DTPOLHit_factory::FindMatch(int sector, double T) { DTPOLHit *best_match=NULL; // Loop over existing hits (from fADC) and look for a match // in both the sector and the time. for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _data.size(); i++) { DTPOLHit *hit = _data[i]; if (! isfinite(hit->t_fADC)) continue; // only match to fADC hits, not bachelor TDC hits if (hit->sector != sector) continue; // require identical sectors fired double delta_T = fabs(hit->t - T); if (delta_T > DELTA_T_ADC_TDC_MAX) continue; if (best_match != NULL) { if (delta_T < fabs(best_match->t - T)) best_match = hit; } else best_match = hit; } return best_match; } //------------------ // erun //------------------ jerror_t DTPOLHit_factory::erun(void) { return NOERROR; } //------------------ // fini //------------------ jerror_t DTPOLHit_factory::fini(void) { return NOERROR; } //------------------------------------ // GetConstant // Allow a few different interfaces //------------------------------------ const double DTPOLHit_factory::GetConstant(const vector &the_table, const int in_sector) const{ char str[256]; if ( (in_sector < 0) || (in_sector >= NSECTORS)){ sprintf(str, "Bad sector # requested in DTPOLHit_factory::GetConstant()!" " requested=%d , should be %ud", in_sector, NSECTORS); cerr << str << endl; throw JException(str); } return the_table[in_sector]; } const double DTPOLHit_factory::GetConstant(const vector &the_table, const DSCDigiHit *in_digihit) const{ char str[256]; if ( (in_digihit->sector < 0) || (in_digihit->sector >= NSECTORS)){ sprintf(str, "Bad sector # requested in DTPOLHit_factory::GetConstant()!" " requested=%d , should be %ud", in_digihit->sector, NSECTORS); cerr << str << endl; throw JException(str); } return the_table[in_digihit->sector]; } const double DTPOLHit_factory::GetConstant(const vector &the_table, const DTPOLHit *in_hit) const { char str[256]; if ( (in_hit->sector < 0) || (in_hit->sector >= NSECTORS)){ sprintf(str, "Bad sector # requested in DTPOLHit_factory::GetConstant()!" " requested=%d , should be %ud", in_hit->sector, NSECTORS); cerr << str << endl; throw JException(str); } return the_table[in_hit->sector]; } /* const double DTPOLHit_factory::GetConstant(const vector &the_table, const DTranslationTable *ttab, const int in_rocid, const int in_slot, const int in_channel) const { char str[256]; DTranslationTable::csc_t daq_index = { in_rocid, in_slot, in_channel }; DTranslationTable::DChannelInfo channel_info = ttab->GetDetectorIndex(daq_index); if( (channel_info.sc.sector <= 0) || (channel_info.sc.sector > static_cast(MAX_SECTORS))) { sprintf(str, "Bad sector # requested in DTPOLHit_factory::GetConstant()!" " requested=%d , should be %ud", channel_info.sc.sector, MAX_SECTORS); cerr << str << endl; throw JException(str); } return the_table[channel_info.sc.sector]; } */