! Change decay status of certain particles in Lund ! For now, all we have is pi and K decay ... subroutine pythia6_setdecay(decaypik,decaylamks) ! implicit none !#include "py6dat3.inc" COMMON/PYDAT3/MDCY(500,3),MDME(8000,2),BRAT(8000),KFDP(8000,5) INTEGER MDCY,MDME,KFDP DOUBLE PRECISION BRAT SAVE/PYDAT3/ integer pycomp logical decaypik, decaylamks external pycomp ! Perhaps have Lund decay pi+/-, K+/-, and K0_long ! KF=211 --> charged pi ! KF=321 --> charged K ! KF=130 --> K_L0 if (decayPiK) then mdcy(pycomp(211),1)=1 mdcy(pycomp(321),1)=1 mdcy(pycomp(130),1)=1 else mdcy(pycomp(211),1)=0 mdcy(pycomp(321),1)=0 mdcy(pycomp(130),1)=0 endif ! Perhaps have Lund decay Lambda (,Sigma,Xi,Omega) and K0_short ! KF=310 --> K_S0 ! KF=3222 --> Sigma+ and anti-Sigma- ! KF=3112 --> Sigma- and anti-Sigma+ ! KF=3322 --> Xi0 and anti-Xi0 ! KF=3312 --> Xi- and anti-Xi+ ! KF=3122 --> Lambda0 and anti-Lambda0 ! KF=3334 --> Omega- and anti-Omega+ if (decayLamKs) then mdcy(pycomp(310),1)=1 mdcy(pycomp(3222),1)=1 mdcy(pycomp(3112),1)=1 mdcy(pycomp(3322),1)=1 mdcy(pycomp(3312),1)=1 mdcy(pycomp(3122),1)=1 mdcy(pycomp(3334),1)=1 else mdcy(pycomp(310),1)=0 mdcy(pycomp(3222),1)=0 mdcy(pycomp(3112),1)=0 mdcy(pycomp(3322),1)=0 mdcy(pycomp(3312),1)=0 mdcy(pycomp(3122),1)=0 mdcy(pycomp(3334),1)=0 endif return end