*------------------------------------------------------------------- * fixes by rtj: This is mostly just an annotation of prior existing * code so that I can understand better what it is * doing. There was just one minor tweak to the logic * of virtual divisions for the special case of phi * divisions of mothers with child volumes that span * phi=0, where the decision of who gets included in * phi divisions around phi=0 was faulty. I also added * a compile-time switch DEBUG_PRINT to enable print * statements, which were commented out in the original * code. Other non-debug code that was commented out * is protected by the DISABLED_CODE switch. *------------------------------------------------------------------- * * $Id: ggclos.F,v 1.2 1997/11/14 17:44:00 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: ggclos.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1997/11/14 17:44:00 mclareni * Make sure the maximum angle is greater than the minimun * * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:10 cernlib * Geant * * #define DEBUG_PRINT 0 #include "geant321/pilot.h" #if !defined(CERNLIB_OLD) *CMZ : 3.21/04 13/12/94 15.29.27 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GGCLOS C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * Closes off the geometry setting. * C. * Initializes the search list for the contents of each * C. * volume following the order they have been positioned, and * C. * inserting the content '0' when a call to GSNEXT (-1) has * C. * been required by the user. * C. * Performs the development of the JVOLUM structure for all * C. * volumes with variable parameters, by calling GGDVLP. * C. * Interprets the user calls to GSORD, through GGORD. * C. * Computes and stores in a bank (next to JVOLUM mother bank) * C. * the number of levels in the geometrical tree and the * C. * maximum number of contents per level, by calling GGNLEV. * C. * Sets status bit for CONCAVE volumes, through GGCAVE. * C. * Completes the JSET structure with the list of volume names * C. * which identify uniquely a given physical detector, the * C. * list of bit numbers to pack the corresponding volume copy * C. * numbers, and the generic path(s) in the JVOLUM tree, * C. * through the routine GHCLOS. * C. * * C. * Called by : * C. * Authors : R.Brun, F.Bruyant, S.Giani ********* * C. * * C. * Modified by S.Giani for automatic initialization of the new * C. * tracking based on virtual divisions (1993). * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gcflag.inc" #include "geant321/gclist.inc" #include "geant321/gcnum.inc" #include "geant321/gcunit.inc" #include "geant321/gcopti.inc" #include "geant321/gchvir.inc" CHARACTER*4 NAME LOGICAL BTEST C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ dimension dx(3),tmpmax(7),ndivto(7),qualit(7),ivoaxi(7) data jfirst/0/ save jfirst COMMON /QUEST/ IQUEST(100) COMMON/GCDINA/jphi2,jclow,jchig,jbuff * * *** Stop the run in case of serious anomaly during initialization * IF (IEORUN.NE.0) THEN WRITE (CHMAIL, 1001) CALL GMAIL (0, 0) STOP ENDIF * IF (NVOLUM.LE.0) THEN WRITE (CHMAIL, 1002) NVOLUM CALL GMAIL (0, 0) GO TO 999 ENDIF * NPUSH = NVOLUM -IQ(JVOLUM-2) CALL MZPUSH (IXCONS, JVOLUM, NPUSH, NPUSH,'I') * * *** Loop over volumes, create default JNear banks as relevant, * and release unused bank space * IDO = 0 DO 80 IVO = 1,NVOLUM JVO = LQ(JVOLUM-IVO) * * *** Check if Tracking medium has been defined * NMED=Q(JVO+4) IF(NMED.LE.0.OR.NMED.GT.IQ(JTMED-2))THEN WRITE(CHMAIL,1003)IQ(JVOLUM+IVO) CALL GMAIL (0, 0) ELSE IF(LQ(JTMED-NMED).EQ.0)THEN WRITE(CHMAIL,1003)IQ(JVOLUM+IVO) CALL GMAIL (0, 0) ENDIF ENDIF IF (BTEST(IQ(JVO),0)) GO TO 80 IDO = 1 IQ(JVO) = IBSET(IQ(JVO),0) NINL = IQ(JVO-2) NIN = Q(JVO+3) NUSED = IABS(NIN) IF (NIN.GT.0) THEN * reserve enough additional space for sorted volumes IF(NIN.LE.1.OR.NIN.GT.500.OR.IOPTIM.LT.0)THEN NUSED=NUSED+1 ELSE NUSED=NUSED+2 ENDIF ENDIF * NPUSH = NUSED -NINL DO 90 IN=NINL,NUSED+1,-1 JIN = LQ(JVO-IN) IF(JIN.GT.0) THEN CALL MZDROP(IXCONS,JIN,'L') ENDIF 90 CONTINUE CALL MZPUSH (IXCONS, JVO, NPUSH, 0, 'I') IF (NIN.LE.0) GO TO 80 * IF(BTEST(IQ(JVO),3)) THEN IZERO=1 ELSE IZERO=0 ENDIF NEL = NIN +IZERO JN = LQ(JVO-NIN-1) IF(JN.EQ.0) THEN CALL MZBOOK (IXCONS,JN,JVO,-NIN-1,'VONE',0,0,NEL+1,2,0) ENDIF IQ(JN-5) = IVO IQ(JN+1) = NEL JN = JN +1 DO 29 I = 1,NIN IQ(JN+IZERO+I) = I 29 CONTINUE IF (IZERO.NE.0) IQ(JN+1) = 0 * 80 CONTINUE * IF (IDO.NE.0) THEN * * *** Perform development of JVOLUM structure where necessary * CALL GGDVLP * * *** Fill GSORD ordering banks if required * * Modified by S.Egli to allow GGORDQ to find the optimum sorting for * all volumes * IF(IOPTIM.GE.1)THEN WRITE(6,'(A)')' GGCLOS: Start automatic volume ordering:' ENDIF DO 91 IVO = 1,NVOLUM JVO = LQ(JVOLUM-IVO) NIN = Q(JVO+3) ISEARC=Q(JVO+1) IF(ISEARC.GT.0) GO TO 91 * check if sorting not possible or not wanted IF(NIN.LE.1.OR.NIN.GT.500.OR.IOPTIM.LT.0)THEN Q(JVO+1)=0. IF(NIN.GT.500.AND.IOPTIM.GE.1)THEN CALL UHTOC(IQ(JVOLUM+IVO),4,NAME,4) WRITE (CHMAIL,1004) NAME,NIN CALL GMAIL (0, 0) ENDIF ELSEIF(IOPTIM.EQ.0)THEN IF(ISEARC.LT.0)CALL GGORD (IVO) ELSEIF(IOPTIM.EQ.1)THEN IF(ISEARC.EQ.0) THEN CALL GGORDQ(IVO) ELSE CALL GGORD (IVO) END IF ELSE CALL GGORDQ(IVO) ENDIF 91 CONTINUE * * *** Set status bit for concave volumes * CALL GGCAVE * * *** Compute maximum number of levels and of contents per level * CALL GGNLEV * ENDIF * ******************************************************************************** * c Initialize zebra banks for virtual division tables c GCHVIR - JVIRT table c GCDINA - work space? if(jfirst.eq.0)then jfirst=1 call mzlink(ixcons,'/GCHVIR/',jvirt,jvdiv,jcont) call mzlink(ixstor,'/GCDINA/',jphi2,jbuff,jphi2) endif jflag=0 nwjvdi=0 jphi2=0 jclow=0 jchig=0 jbuff=0 if(jvirt.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixcons,jvirt,' ') nwjvir=5*nvolum+20 call mzneed(ixcons,nwjvir,'G') if(iquest(11).lt.0)then print *,'No space for jvirt bank' else call mzbook(ixcons,jvirt,jvirt,1,'VIRT',nvolum,nvolum, + 4*nvolum+20,0,0) endif c Initialize coordinate variables for geometry analysis dx(1)=0. dx(2)=0. dx(3)=0. ndivst=0 ndioff=0 ninmax=0 c Scan the entire geometry tree for volumes with contents do 101 ivo=1,nvolum jvo=lq(jvolum-ivo) call uhtoc(iq(jvolum+ivo),4,NAME,4) #if DEBUG_PRINT print *,'VOLUME ',NAME print *,' ' #endif nin=q(jvo+3) isearc=q(jvo+1) #if DEBUG_PRINT if(nin.eq.0)then print *,'No daughters.' elseif(nin.lt.0)then print *,'Divided volume.' elseif(nin.le.1)then print *,'Only 1 daughter.' endif #endif 1 continue if(nin.gt.1)then c Focus on volumes with placed daughters if(jflag.eq.0)then if(iswit(9).eq.12345)then print *,'VOLUME ',NAME print *,' ' endif endif if(jflag.eq.1)then c Coming here with jflag=1 means that we have completed c a pass through all of the possible subdivision axes, c and the best choice for iaxis is saved in itmpq, so c set the range of axes of interest to just that one. q(jvirt+4*(ivo-1)+1)=itmpq iaxlo=itmpq iaxhi=itmpq else c Coming here with jflag=0 means that we have not yet c completed a pass through all of the possible subdivision c axes, so set the range of axes of interest to all. iaxlo=1 iaxhi=7 endif c Make sure there is enough work space in the ixstor c zebra store to hold the arrays for this analysis scan. if(nin.gt.ninmax)then if(jphi2.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jphi2,' ') if(jclow.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jclow,' ') if(jchig.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jchig,' ') call mzbook(ixstor,jphi2,jphi2,2,'PHI2',0,0, + nin+20,2,-1) call mzbook(ixstor,jclow,jclow,2,'CLOW',0,0, + nin+20,3,-1) call mzbook(ixstor,jchig,jchig,2,'CHIG',0,0, + nin+20,3,-1) if(jflag.eq.1)then if(jbuff.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jbuff,' ') call mzbook(ixstor,jbuff,jbuff,2,'BUFF',0,0, + nin+20,2,-1) endif endif c Scan over all of the axes of interest, looking for the c one that provides the best partition of the daughters. do 110 iaxis=iaxlo,iaxhi myphif=0 #if DEBUG_PRINT print *,'Quality search for axis ',iaxis #endif ish=q(jvo+2) c Case of cartesian axis, look for full extent of the mother c volume and return limits in clmoth,chmoth (cm). if(iaxis.le.3)then call gvdcar(iaxis,ish,0,q(jvo+7),clmoth,chmoth,ierr) if(ierr.eq.1.or.(chmoth.le.clmoth))then #if DEBUG_PRINT print *,'Not convenient: abandoned!',iaxis print *,' ' #endif qualit(iaxis)=10000 goto 110 endif c Case of radial coordinate, either cylindrical (iaxis=4) c or spherical (iaxis=5) -- which gets immediately vetoed! elseif(iaxis.le.5)then call gvdrad(iaxis,ish,0,dx,q(jvo+7),clmoth,chmoth,ierr) if(iaxis.eq.5)ierr=1 if(ierr.eq.1.or.(chmoth.le.clmoth))then #if DEBUG_PRINT print *,'Not convenient: abandoned!',iaxis print *,' ' #endif qualit(iaxis)=10000 goto 110 endif c Case of cylindrical phi coordinate: give special attention c to the ranges in phi, and veto the axis if c a) the extents of the mother are unknown, or c b) the phi range of the mother is greater than 360 deg, or c c) the upper phi limit of the mother exceeds 360 deg. c If the space between the limits is 360 then the exact values c of the limits are meaningless, and myphif=1 is set to indicate c full azimuthal coverage. elseif(iaxis.eq.6)then call gvdphi(ish,0,dx,q(jvo+7),clmoth,chmoth,ierr) if(ierr.eq.1.or.(chmoth.le.clmoth))then #if DEBUG_PRINT print *,'Not convenient: abandoned!',iaxis print *,' ' #endif qualit(iaxis)=10000 goto 110 elseif((chmoth-clmoth).gt.360..or.chmoth.gt.360)then print *,'(chmoth-clmoth).gt.360.or.chmoth.gt.360' elseif((chmoth-clmoth).eq.360.)then myphif=1 endif c Case of the polar angle in spherical coordinates. This one c is a dummy, because it gets immediately vetoed! elseif(iaxis.eq.7)then call gvdthe(ish,0,dx,q(jvo+7),clmoth,chmoth,ierr) ierr=1 if(ierr.eq.1.or.(chmoth.le.clmoth))then #if DEBUG_PRINT print *,'Not convenient: abandoned!',iaxis print *,' ' #endif qualit(iaxis)=10000 goto 110 endif endif c If this is the final pass through here for this volume, c record the mother volume limits in the JVIRT table. if(jflag.eq.1)then q(jvirt+4*(ivo-1)+3)=clmoth q(jvirt+4*(ivo-1)+4)=chmoth endif c Prepare for the scan through the daughter volumes, c storing the thickness of the mother along the virtual division c axis in thimot, and the running minimum thickness of the daughters c will be saved in thimin. thimot=abs(chmoth-clmoth) thimin=100000. c For each volume ivo, and each axis iaxis, now we can through c each daughter volume identified by child index "in". do 102 in=1,nin iq(jphi2+in)=0 jin=lq(jvo-in) c Find the limits along this axis for this child. If there c is an error, set the limits to those of the mother. call gvdlim(jvo,in,iaxis,clow,chigh,ierr) if(ierr.eq.1.or.(chigh.le.clow))then #if DEBUG_PRINT if(ierr.eq.0)print *,'Error in gvdlim: corrected',iaxis #endif clow=clmoth chigh=chmoth c Special treatment for mothers being subdivided in phi, c whose extent is the full 360 degrees. c a) if chigh != 360 : c *) map clow into range [0.,360.) c *) map chigh into range [0.,360.) c b) else if chigh == 360 : c *) let clow := abs(clow) c *) map clow into range [0.,360.) c *) let chigh := 360. c This transformation can lead to the situation where c clow > chigh, and if so, exchange clow <=> chigh and c set a flag in the JPHI2 table to indicate that the c complement of the phi range [clow,chigh] is selected. c c NOTE BY RTJ: c Logically, this treatment seems valid. The case of c clow < 0 and chigh = 360 does not result in anything c that resembles the original interval, but these limits c are illegal because they span more than 360 deg, so the c results are unpredictable. elseif(myphif.eq.1)then clowm=clow chighm=chigh sg=sign(1.0,clow) clow=mod(abs(clow),360.0) if(chigh.ne.360.0)then if(sg.le.0.0)clow=360.-clow sg=sign(1.0,chigh) chigh=mod(abs(chigh),360.0) if(sg.le.0.0)chigh=360.-chigh endif if(chigh.lt.clow)then chightf = clow clow = chigh chigh = chightf iq(jphi2+in)=1 endif c Special treatment for mothers being subdivided in phi, c whose extent is less than the full 360 degrees. If the c low phi limit of the child protrudes further than 0.01 deg c below the low phi limit of the mother, or the high phi c limit of the child extends beyond 0.01 deg past the high c phi limit of the mother, this requires special treatment. c case a) mother clow < 0 but child clow > 0 c This means that the mother phi range has been set up c to wrap around and include phi=0, and often in this c case it happens that child chigh > mother chigh c without any geometry violation. The solution is to c map the child range back by 360 degrees to fit inside c the range over which the mother is defined. After that, c if the protrusion of the child beyond the limits of the c mother (tolerance 0.01 deg) still persists, truncate the c phi limits of the child at the corresponding limit of c the mother. c case b) mother chigh > 0 but child chigh < 0 c This means that the mother phi range has been set c to wrap around and include phi=0, and often in this c case it happens that child clow < mother clow c without any geometry violation. The solution is to c map the child range forward by 360 degrees to fit inside c the range over which the mother is defined. After that, c if the protrusion of the child beyond the limits of the c mother (tolerance 0.01 deg) still persists, truncate the c phi limits of the child at the corresponding limit of c the mother. c If the above process results in a child phi range that is c of zero or negative width, an inconsistency in the original c geometry description is suspected. This situation is not c flagged with any error message here, but the range of the c child volume is set to the full phi range of the mother. elseif(iaxis.eq.6.and.myphif.eq.0)then if((chigh-chmoth).gt..01.or.(clmoth-clow).gt..01)then if(clmoth.lt.0..and.clow.gt.0.)then clow=clow-360. chigh=chigh-360. if((chigh-chmoth).gt..01)then chigh=chmoth if(chigh.le.clow)clow=clmoth elseif((clmoth-clow).gt..01)then clow=clmoth if(clow.ge.chigh)chigh=chmoth endif elseif(chigh.lt.0..and.chmoth.gt.0.)then clow=clow+360. chigh=chigh+360. if((chigh-chmoth).gt..01)then chigh=chmoth if(chigh.le.clow)clow=clmoth elseif((clmoth-clow).gt..01)then clow=clmoth if(clow.ge.chigh)chigh=chmoth endif endif endif endif c This section applies to any virtual division axis. If the child c limits extend out past the limits of the mother then a geometry c violation has occurred. Truncate the child range at the limits c of the mother, and if this results in the child having zero or c negative extent, set the bounds of the child to the full range of c the mother. c c NOTE BY RTJ: c The algorithms used in the gvd*() functions to obtain the limits of c elementary shapes along arbitrary axes employ approximations in some c cases that are conservative. That is, the limits are sometimes a bit c larger than the actual extent of the object. This is fine for the c purposes of virtual divisions, but results in occasional false reports c of daughters protruding outside their mothers. Take this warning with c a grain of salt, particularly if the overlap is small compared to the c child volume size scale. if((chigh-chmoth).gt..01)then #if DEBUG_PRINT print *,'iaxis =',iaxis,'protruding daughter, high end' print *,'myphif =',myphif,'myphi2 =',iq(jphi2+in) print *,'mother limits: ',clmoth,chmoth print *,'daughter limits: ',clow,chigh print 5980, iq(jvolum+ivo),iq(jvolum+int(q(jin+2))),in 5980 format('mother is ',a4,', child is ',a4,i6) #endif chigh=chmoth if(chigh.le.clow)clow=clmoth elseif((clmoth-clow).gt..01)then #if DEBUG_PRINT print *,'iaxis =',iaxis,'protruding daughter, low end' print *,'myphif =',myphif,'myphi2 =',iq(jphi2+in) print *,'mother limits: ',clmoth,chmoth print *,'daughter limits: ',clow,chigh print 5980, iq(jvolum+ivo),iq(jvolum+int(q(jin+2))),in #endif clow=clmoth if(clow.ge.chigh)chigh=chmoth endif c Save the limits of this child in the JVIRT table. q(jclow+in)=clow q(jchig+in)=chigh c Determine the thickness of this child along the division axis, c and keep the minimum value for this mother in thimin. if(iq(jphi2+in).eq.0)then tmpthi=abs(chigh-clow) else tmpthi=abs(chighm-clowm) endif if(thimin.gt.tmpthi)thimin=tmpthi 102 continue c Loop over child index "in" terminates here. c Check that the minimum child thickness along this axis c is not significantly greater than the thickness of the c mother. If so, this is weird, because it should never c happen, given all the truncation that occurred above. if((thimin-thimot).gt.1)then #if DEBUG_PRINT print *,'thimin.gt.thimot',thimin-thimot,'iax=',iaxis #endif qualit(iaxis)=10000 goto 110 endif c Apply an arbitrary cutoff on the minimum child thickness, then c adopt an initial guess for the thickness of the virtual divisions c that is half the minimum, and set the number of divisions accordingly. if(thimin.lt.0.04)thimin=0.04 tmpndi=2.*thimot/thimin nditmp=tmpndi+1 #if DEBUG_PRINT print *,nditmp,' divisions to partition ',nin,' daughters.' #endif #if DISABLED_CODE if(nditmp.lt.nin)then nditmp=nin print *,'Number of divisions corrected to be = ',nin endif #endif c Apply a maximum of 1000 divisions, prevent excessive memory c consumption #if DEBUG_PRINT if(nditmp.gt.1000.)print *,'1000 divisions are enough.' #endif ndivto(iaxis)=min(nditmp,1000) c If this is the final pass through the iaxis loop then record c the outcome of this analysis in the JVIRT table for this mother. if(jflag.eq.1)then q(jvirt+4*(ivo-1)+2)=ndivto(iaxis) jvdiv=lq(jvirt-ivo) if(jvdiv.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixcons,jvdiv,' ') nwvili=ndivto(iaxis)+ivoaxi(itmpq)+11 nwjvdi=nwjvdi+nwvili call mzneed(ixcons,nwvili,'G') if(iquest(11).lt.0)then print *,'No space for jvdiv bank',ivo else call mzbook(ixcons,jvdiv,jvirt,-ivo,'VLIST',0,0, + nwvili,2,0) endif endif c Set up to loop over the slices and compute statistics c on the occupation of children throughout the mother. thisli=thimot/ndivto(iaxis) clslic=clmoth chslic=clmoth+thisli avelis=0. aveave=0. avesta=0. ii=0 tmpmax(iaxis)=0. import=0 if(jflag.eq.1)ioff=ndivto(iaxis) c Loop over all virtual divisions of this mother "i". do 103 i=1,ndivto(iaxis) j=1 c For each slice, loop over all children of this mother c and count (in j) the number that belong to this slice. c If we are on the last pass for this mother volume, save c the index of this child in the virtual divisions table c list for this slice. do 104 in=1,nin c Ordinary case of a child volume whose limits are simply c ordered without any complications from wrap-around phi. if(iq(jphi2+in).eq.0)then if(q(jchig+in).ge.clslic.and. + q(jclow+in).le.chslic)then j=j+1 if(jflag.eq.1)then iq(jbuff+j)=in endif endif c Special case of phi axis subdivisions of the mother where c the child wraps around through phi=0, as indicated by the c phi2 flag. c c NOTE BY RTJ: c From what I can see, this logic is faulty. A child with its c phi2 flag set can have phi bounds which are ordered thus: c c child_clow < division_clow < division_chigh < child_chigh c c and yet not belong to the virtual division. This is because c the virtual division [clow,chigh] lies entirely within the c child range (clow,chigh), but this excludes the child volume c since phi2 is set. See two lines below for my fix to the logic. else c if(q(jchig+in).ge.clslic.or. c + q(jclow+in).le.chslic)then if (q(jclow+in).ge.clslic.or. + q(jchig+in).le.chslic) then j=j+1 if(jflag.eq.1)then iq(jbuff+j)=in endif endif endif 104 continue c End of loop over child volumes that belong to this slice c If this is the final pass for this volume, gather all of c the information about virtual divisions of this mother, c and save it in the virtual divisions bank. inbuf1=j-1 if(jflag.eq.1)then if(i.gt.1.and.iq(jbuff+1).eq.(j-1))then if(j-1.eq.0)then import=1 elseif(j-1.eq.1)then if(iq(jbuff+2).eq.iq(jvdiv+ioff-nposti+2))then import=1 else import=0 endif else import=1 do 234 ijk=2,nposti-2 do 432 kji=2,nposti-2 if(iq(jbuff+ijk).eq.iq(jvdiv+ioff-nposti+kji))then goto 234 endif 432 continue import=0 goto 235 234 continue 235 continue endif if(import.eq.1)then iq(jvdiv+ioff-nposti+nposti)=i iq(jvdiv+i)=ioff-nposti goto 145 endif else import=0 endif iq(jbuff+1)=j-1 nposti=j+2 iq(jbuff+j+1)=i iq(jbuff+j+2)=i iq(jvdiv+i)=ioff do 144 m=1,nposti iq(jvdiv+ioff+m)=iq(jbuff+m) 144 continue ioff=ioff+nposti else aveinc=j+2 avesta=avesta+aveinc endif 145 continue if(inbuf1.gt.tmpmax(iaxis))then tmpmax(iaxis)=inbuf1 endif if(inbuf1.ne.0.)ii=ii+1 avelis=avelis+inbuf1 c Advance to the next slice of the mother and continue clslic=chslic chslic=clslic+thisli 103 continue c End of loop over virtual divisions of this mother if(jflag.eq.1)then ndioff=ndioff+ioff if(iswit(9).eq.12345)then print *,'words booked =',nwvili,'; words used =',ioff print *,' ' endif #if DISABLED_CODE mymyof=0 do 2 mm=1,ndivto(iaxis) myoff=iq(jvdiv+mm) if(myoff.ne.mymyof)then if(iq(jvdiv+myoff+1).eq.0)then print *,'Lower div =',iq(jvdiv+myoff+2) print *,'Upper div =',iq(jvdiv+myoff+3) elseif(iq(jvdiv+myoff+1).eq.1)then print *,'Lower div =',iq(jvdiv+myoff+3) print *,'Upper div =',iq(jvdiv+myoff+4) endif endif mymyof=iq(jvdiv+mm) 2 continue #endif endif if(ii.eq.0)then print *,iaxis,'=iax: not filled divisions: error!' print *,' ' aveave=10000 avelis=10000 goto 105 endif if(jflag.eq.0)then ivoaxi(iaxis)=avesta endif aveave=avelis/ndivto(iaxis) avelis=avelis/ii 105 continue qualit(iaxis)=avelis #if DEBUG_PRINT print *,'Max n. of objects per div = ',tmpmax(iaxis) print *,'Aver. n. of obj. per not-empty div = ',avelis print *,'Average n. of objects per div = ',aveave print *,' ' #endif 110 continue if(jflag.eq.0)then tmpq=10000 tmpm=10000 itmpq=0 itmpm=0 do 111 iaxis=1,7 if(qualit(iaxis).lt.tmpq)then tmpq=qualit(iaxis) itmpq=iaxis endif if(tmpmax(iaxis).lt.tmpm)then tmpqm=tmpmax(iaxis) itmpm=iaxis endif 111 continue if(iswit(9).eq.12345)then print *,'nin=',nin,' iax=',itmpq,' ndiv=',ndivto(itmpq) print *,'Max n. of objects per div = ',tmpmax(itmpq) print *,'Average n. of objects per div = ',tmpq endif #if DISABLED_CODE if(isearc.lt.0)then jsb=lq(lq(jvo-nin-1)) iaxor=q(jsb+1) ndivor=q(jsb+2)-1 jsco=lq(jvo-nin-2) tmpqor=0. tmpmor=0. do 133 idivor=1,ndivor if(iq(jsco+idivor).gt.tmpmor)tmpmor=iq(jsco+idivor) tmpqor=tmpqor+iq(jsco+idivor) 133 continue tmpqor=tmpqor/ndivor print *,'Gsord: iax=',iaxor,' ndiv=',ndivor print *,'Gsord: Max n. of obj. per div = ',tmpmor print *,'Gsord: Aver. n. of obj. per div = ',tmpqor endif #endif ndivst=ndivst+(ndivto(itmpq)+ndivto(itmpq)*(3.+tmpq)+10.) jflag=1 goto 1 else jflag=0 #if DEBUG_PRINT print *,'nin=',nin,' iax=',q(jvirt+4*(ivo-1)+1),' ndiv=', +q(jvirt+4*(ivo-1)+2) ittmp=0 iind=q(jvirt+4*(ivo-1)+2) do 155 n=1,iind jvdiv1=lq(jvirt-ivo) iofset=iq(jvdiv1+n) nnobj=iq(jvdiv1+iofset+1) if(nnobj.gt.ittmp)ittmp=nnobj 155 continue print *,'Max n. of objects per div = ',ittmp print *,' ' print *,' ' #endif endif endif if(nin.gt.ninmax)ninmax=nin 101 continue nwtota=ndivst+nvolum*5+10. if(iswit(9).eq.12345)then print *,'Computed number of words foreseen = ',nwtota endif nwreal=nwjvir+nwjvdi if(iswit(9).eq.12345)then print *,'Computed number of words booked = ',nwreal endif nwneed=nwjvir+ndioff if(iswit(9).eq.12345)then print *,'Computed number of words needed = ',nwneed endif if(jphi2.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jphi2,' ') if(jclow.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jclow,' ') if(jchig.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jchig,' ') if(jbuff.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jbuff,' ') * ******************************************************************************** * * *** Scan the volume structure to retrieve the path through * the physical tree for all sensitive detectors * CALL GHCLOS * * *** Books STAT banks if data card STAT is submitted * IF (NSTAT.GT.0) CALL GBSTAT * CALL MZGARB (IXCONS, 0) * 1001 FORMAT (' Severe diagnostic in initialization phase. STOP') 1002 FORMAT (' GGCLOS : NVOLUM =',I5,' *****') 1003 FORMAT (' Illegal tracking medium number in volume : ',A4) 1004 FORMAT (' GGORDQ : Volume ',A4,' has more than 500 (', + I3,') daughters ; volume sorting not possible !') * END GGCLOS 999 END #endif