% Input key file for X-> omega + eta %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ***Mass, Energy, and Momentum are in GeV's *** % Any number of blank spaces (no tabs or returns) % can be used between input values in an input line. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Start Input Values %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % beamp.x beamp.y beamp.z beamMass 0 0 8 0 % targetp.x targetp.y targetp.z targetMass 0 0 0 0.938 % % t-channelSlope 5.0 % number of particles needed to describe the isobar decay of X and Y 8 % particle# child1# child2# parent# Id ndau mass width charge flag % baryon decay 0 * * * 14 0 0.938 0 +1 11 % meson decay 1 2 3 * 0 2 2.2 0.150 0 00 3 4 7 1 0 2 0.890 0.050 0 01 2 5 6 1 0 2 0.890 0.050 0 01 4 * * 3 11 0 0.494 0.000 +1 10 5 * * 2 12 0 0.494 0.000 -1 10 6 * * 2 8 0 0.140 0.000 +1 10 7 * * 3 9 0 0.140 0.000 -1 10 !EOI %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End Input Values %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % for narrow widths particles(stable to strong interactions) % set width to zero (i.e. eta, pi's). % % flag 00 =isobar or resonace %flag 01 = production particle that decays i.e. eta, pizero .. %flag 11 = production particle that does not decay i.e. piplus,... %flag 10 = final state particle not in production i.e. gamma % % % Particle Id information defined in particleType.h %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % These constants are defined to be same as GEANT. % See http://wwwcn.cern.ch/asdoc/geant/H2GEANTCONS300.html % for more details. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Unknown = 0, % Gamma = 1, % Positron = 2, % Electron = 3, % Neutrino = 4, % MuonPlus = 5, % MuonMinus = 6, % Pi0 = 7, % PiPlus = 8, % PiMinus = 9, % KLong = 10, % KPlus = 11, % KMinus = 12, % Neutron = 13, % Proton = 14, % AntiProton = 15, % KShort = 16, % Eta = 17, % Lambda = 18, % SigmaPlus = 19, % Sigma0 = 20, % SigmaMinus = 21, % Xi0 = 22, % XiMinus = 23, % OmegaMinus = 24, % AntiNeutron = 25, % AntiLambda = 26, % AntiSigmaMinus = 27, % AntiSigma0 = 28, % AntiSigmaPlus = 29, % AntiXi0 = 30, % AntiXiPlus = 31, % AntiOmegaPlus = 32, % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% extra constants not defined by GEANT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Rho0 = 57, % RhoPlus = 58, % RhoMinus = 59, % omega = 60, % EtaPrime = 61, % phiMeson = 62 % %