/* * hddmInput - functions to handle Monte Carlo generator input to HDGeant * through the standard hddm i/o mechanism. * * Interface: * openInput(filename) - open input stream to file * skipInput(count) - skip next events on open input file * nextInput() - advance to next event on open input stream * loadInput() - push current input event to Geant kine structures * storeInput() - pop current input event from Geant kine structures * closeInput() - close currently open input stream * * Richard Jones * University of Connecticut * July 13, 2001 * * Usage Notes: * 1) Most Monte Carlo generators do not care where the vertex is placed * inside the target, and specify only the final-state particles' * momenta. In this case the vertex position has to be randomized by * the simulation within the beam/target overlap volume. If the vertex * position from the generator is (0,0,0) then the simulation vertex is * generated uniformly inside the cylinder specified by TARGET_LENGTH, * BEAM_DIAMETER, and TARGET_CENTER defined below. * * Revision history: * > Dec 15, 2004 - Richard Jones * Changed former behaviour of simulation to overwrite the vertex * coordinates from the input record, if the simulation decides to * override the input values. At present this happens whenever the * input record specifies 0,0,0 for the vertex, but in the future it * may be decided to let the simulator determine the vertex position * in other cases. Since it is not part of the simulation proper, the * decision was made to store this information in the reaction tag. */ #define TARGET_LENGTH 0 #define BEAM_DIAMETER 0.2 #define TARGET_CENTER 0 #include #include #include #include #include s_iostream_t* thisInputStream = 0; s_HDDM_t* thisInputEvent = 0; int openInput (char* filename) { thisInputStream = open_s_HDDM(filename); return (thisInputStream == 0); } int skipInput (int count) { int* buff = (int*) malloc(1000000); while (thisInputStream && (count > 0)) { int ret = fread(buff, sizeof(int), 1, thisInputStream->fd); if (ret == 1) { int nw = *buff; ret = fread(buff, sizeof(int), nw, thisInputStream->fd); --count; } else { break; } } free(buff); return count; } int nextInput () { if (thisInputStream == 0) { return 9; /* input stream was never opened */ } else if (thisInputEvent) { flush_s_HDDM(thisInputEvent, 0); } thisInputEvent = read_s_HDDM(thisInputStream); return (thisInputEvent == 0); } int loadInput () { s_Reactions_t* reacts; int reactCount, ir; reacts = thisInputEvent->physicsEvent->reactions; reactCount = reacts->mult; for (ir = 0; ir < reactCount; ir++) { s_Vertices_t* verts; int vertCount, iv; s_Reaction_t* react = &reacts->in[ir]; verts = react->vertices; vertCount = verts->mult; for (iv = 0; iv < vertCount; iv++) { float v[3]; int ntbeam = 0; int nttarg = 0; int nubuf = 0; float ubuf; int nvtx; s_Products_t* prods; int prodCount, ip; s_Vertex_t* vert = &verts->in[iv]; v[0] = vert->origin->vx; v[1] = vert->origin->vy; v[2] = vert->origin->vz; if ((v[0] == 0) && (v[1] == 0) && (v[2] == 0)) { v[0] = 1; v[1] = 1; v[2] = TARGET_CENTER; while (v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] > 0.25) { int len = 3; grndm_(v,&len); v[0] -= 0.5; v[1] -= 0.5; v[2] -= 0.5; } v[0] *= BEAM_DIAMETER; v[1] *= BEAM_DIAMETER; v[2] *= TARGET_LENGTH; v[2] += TARGET_CENTER; vert->origin->vx = v[0]; vert->origin->vy = v[1]; vert->origin->vz = v[2]; } gsvert_(v, &ntbeam, &nttarg, &ubuf, &nubuf, &nvtx); prods = vert->products; prodCount = prods->mult; for (ip = 0; ip < prodCount; ip++) { int ntrk; float p[3]; Particle_t kind; s_Product_t* prod = &prods->in[ip]; kind = prod->type; p[0] = prod->momentum->px; p[1] = prod->momentum->py; p[2] = prod->momentum->pz; if (prod->decayVertex == 0) { gskine_(p, &kind, &nvtx, &ubuf, &nubuf, &ntrk); } } } } return 0; } int storeInput (int runNo, int eventNo, int ntracks) { s_PhysicsEvent_t* pe; s_Reactions_t* rs; s_Vertices_t* vs; s_Origin_t* or; s_Products_t* ps; int nvtx, ntbeam, nttarg, itra, nubuf; float vert[3], plab[3], tofg, ubuf[10]; Particle_t kind; if (thisInputEvent) { flush_s_HDDM(thisInputEvent, 0); } thisInputEvent = make_s_HDDM(); thisInputEvent->physicsEvent = pe = make_s_PhysicsEvent(); pe->reactions = rs = make_s_Reactions(1); rs->mult = 1; rs->in[0].vertices = vs = make_s_Vertices(99); vs->mult = 0; for (itra = 1; itra <= ntracks; itra++) { gfkine_(&itra,vert,plab,&kind,&nvtx,ubuf,&nubuf); if (nvtx < 1) { return 1; } else { vs->mult = (nvtx < vs->mult)? vs->mult : nvtx; } gfvert_(&nvtx,vert,&ntbeam,&nttarg,&tofg,ubuf,&nubuf); or = vs->in[nvtx-1].origin; ps = vs->in[nvtx-1].products; if (or == HDDM_NULL) { or = make_s_Origin(); vs->in[nvtx-1].origin = or; or->vx = vert[0]; or->vy = vert[1]; or->vz = vert[2]; or->t = tofg; } if (ps == HDDM_NULL) { ps = make_s_Products(ntracks); vs->in[nvtx-1].products = ps; ps->mult = 0; } ps->in[ps->mult].type = kind; ps->in[ps->mult].momentum = make_s_Momentum(); ps->in[ps->mult].momentum->px = plab[0]; ps->in[ps->mult].momentum->py = plab[1]; ps->in[ps->mult].momentum->pz = plab[2]; ps->in[ps->mult].momentum->E = plab[3]; ps->mult++; } pe->runNo = runNo; pe->eventNo = eventNo; return 0; } int closeInput () { if (thisInputStream) { close_s_HDDM(thisInputStream); thisInputStream = 0; } return 0; } /* entry points from Fortran */ int openinput_ (char* filename) { int retcode = openInput(strtok(filename," ")); return retcode; } int skipinput_ (int* count) { return skipInput(*count); } int nextinput_ () { return nextInput(); } int loadinput_ () { return loadInput(); } int storeinput_ (int* runNo, int* eventNo, int* ntracks) { return storeInput(*runNo,*eventNo,*ntracks); } int closeinput_ () { return closeInput(); }