* * $Id: gtnext.F,v 1995/10/24 10:21:44 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gtnext.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:44 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" #if !defined(CERNLIB_OLD) *CMZ : 3.21/04 21/03/95 16.13.08 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GTNEXT C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * SUBR. GTNEXT * C. * * C. * Computes SAFETY and, only when new SAFETY is smaller than * C. * STEP, computes SNEXT. * C. * STEP has to be preset to BIG or to physical step size * C. * * C. * Called by : GTELEC, GTGAMA, GTHADR, GTMUON, GTNEUT, GTNINO * C. * * C. * Author : S.Giani (1993) * C. * * C. * This routine is now based on the new 'virtual divisions' * C. * algorithm to speed up the tracking. * C. * The tracking for MANY volumes is not anymore based on a step * C. * search: it is now based on a search through the list of * C. * 'possible overlapping volumes' built by GTMEDI. * C. * Boolean operations and divisions along arbitrary axis are * C. * now supported. * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gcflag.inc" #include "geant321/gconsp.inc" #include "geant321/gcstak.inc" #include "geant321/gctmed.inc" #include "geant321/gctrak.inc" #include "geant321/gcvolu.inc" #include "geant321/gcshno.inc" #if defined(CERNLIB_USRJMP) #include "geant321/gcjump.inc" #endif #include "geant321/gchvir.inc" #include "geant321/gcvdma.inc" DIMENSION NUMTMP(15),NAMTMP(15) C. PARAMETER (BIG1=0.9*BIG) C. CHARACTER*4 NAME dimension iarrin(500),cxm(3),xxm(6) REAL X0(6), XC(6), XT(6) INTEGER IDTYP(3,12) LOGICAL BTEST C. DATA IDTYP / 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, + 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 1, 1, + 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1/ C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * * *** Transform current point and direction into local reference system * mycoun=0 myinfr=0 newfl=0 manyfl=0 tsafet=big tsnext=big 401 IF (GRMAT(10,NLEVEL).EQ.0.) THEN XC(1) = VECT(1) - GTRAN(1,NLEVEL) XC(2) = VECT(2) - GTRAN(2,NLEVEL) XC(3) = VECT(3) - GTRAN(3,NLEVEL) XC(4) = VECT(4) XC(5) = VECT(5) XC(6) = VECT(6) ELSE C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GTRNSF C * XL1 = VECT(1) - GTRAN(1,NLEVEL) XL2 = VECT(2) - GTRAN(2,NLEVEL) XL3 = VECT(3) - GTRAN(3,NLEVEL) XC(1) = XL1*GRMAT(1,NLEVEL) + XL2*GRMAT(2,NLEVEL) + XL3* 1 GRMAT(3,NLEVEL) XC(2) = XL1*GRMAT(4,NLEVEL) + XL2*GRMAT(5,NLEVEL) + XL3* 1 GRMAT(6,NLEVEL) XC(3) = XL1*GRMAT(7,NLEVEL) + XL2*GRMAT(8,NLEVEL) + XL3* 1 GRMAT(9,NLEVEL) * C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GTRNSF C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GROT C XC(4) = VECT(4)*GRMAT(1,NLEVEL) + VECT(5)*GRMAT(2,NLEVEL) + 1 VECT(6)*GRMAT(3,NLEVEL) XC(5) = VECT(4)*GRMAT(4,NLEVEL) + VECT(5)*GRMAT(5,NLEVEL) + 1 VECT(6)*GRMAT(6,NLEVEL) XC(6) = VECT(4)*GRMAT(7,NLEVEL) + VECT(5)*GRMAT(8,NLEVEL) + 1 VECT(6)*GRMAT(9,NLEVEL) * C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GROT ENDIF * * *** Compute distance to boundaries * SNEXT = STEP SAFETY = BIG INGOTO = 0 JVO = LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLUM(NLEVEL)) ISH = Q(JVO+2) IF (Q(JVO+3).EQ.0.) GO TO 300 if(raytra.eq.1..and.imyse.eq.1)then CALL UHTOC(NAMES(NLEVEL),4,NAME,4) CALL GFIND(NAME,'SEEN',ISSEEN) if(isseen.eq.-2.or.isseen.eq.-1)goto 300 endif NIN = Q(JVO+3) IF (NIN.LT.0) GO TO 200 * * *** Case with contents positioned * sneold=SNEXT nnn=0 nflag=0 mmm=0 snxtot=0. 111 if(nin.gt.1)then if(nnn.gt.0)goto 112 clmoth=q(jvirt+4*(LVOLUM(NLEVEL)-1)+3) chmoth=q(jvirt+4*(LVOLUM(NLEVEL)-1)+4) ndivto=q(jvirt+4*(LVOLUM(NLEVEL)-1)+2) iaxis =q(jvirt+4*(LVOLUM(NLEVEL)-1)+1) if(iaxis.eq.4)then do 1 i=1,6 xxm(i)=xc(i) 1 continue endif divthi=(chmoth-clmoth)/ndivto if(iaxis.le.3)then cx=xc(iaxis) if(xc(iaxis+3).ge.0.)then inc=1 else inc=-1 endif xvdiv=((cx-clmoth)*ndivto/(chmoth-clmoth))+1 ivdiv=xvdiv if((xvdiv-ivdiv).lt.0.0001.and.inc.eq.-1)ivdiv=ivdiv-1 if(ivdiv.lt.1)then ivdiv=1 elseif(ivdiv.gt.ndivto)then ivdiv=ndivto endif else call gfcoor(xc,iaxis,cx) if(iaxis.eq.4)then dr= xc(1)*xc(4)+xc(2)*xc(5) * if(dr.eq.0.)print *,'dr.eq.0.' if(dr.ge.0.)then inc=1 else inc=-1 endif elseif(iaxis.eq.6)then if((cx-clmoth).lt.-1.)then cx=cx+360. elseif((cx-chmoth).gt.1.)then cx=cx-360. endif if(cx.gt.chmoth)then cx=chmoth elseif(cx.lt.clmoth)then cx=clmoth endif dfi=xc(1)*xc(5)-xc(2)*xc(4) if(dfi.ge.0)then inc=1 else inc=-1 endif endif xvdiv=((cx-clmoth)*ndivto/(chmoth-clmoth))+1 ivdiv=xvdiv if((xvdiv-ivdiv).lt.0.0001.and.inc.eq.-1)ivdiv=ivdiv-1 if(ivdiv.lt.1)then ivdiv=1 elseif(ivdiv.gt.ndivto)then ivdiv=ndivto endif endif jvdiv=lq(jvirt-LVOLUM(NLEVEL)) 112 iofset=iq(jvdiv+ivdiv) jcont2=jvdiv+iofset+1 ncont=iq(jcont2) if(ncont.eq.0)then idmi=iq(jcont2+1) idma=iq(jcont2+2) llflag=0 elseif(ncont.eq.1)then idmi=iq(jcont2+2) idma=iq(jcont2+3) in=iq(jcont2+1) else idmi=iq(jcont2+ncont+1) idma=iq(jcont2+ncont+2) iii=1 in=iq(jcont2+iii) endif if(nnn.eq.0)then cxold=cx if(inc.gt.0)then cmin=clmoth+(idmi-1)*(chmoth-clmoth)/ndivto if(iaxis.ne.6)then safety=min(safety,(cxold-cmin)) else safefi=min(90.,(cxold-cmin)) saferr=sqrt(xc(1)**2+xc(2)**2) safe22=saferr*sin(safefi) safety=min(safety,safe22) endif else cmax=(clmoth+(idma-1)*(chmoth-clmoth)/ndivto)+divthi if(iaxis.ne.6)then safety=min(safety,(cmax-cxold)) else safefi=min(90.,(cmax-cxold)) saferr=sqrt(xc(1)**2+xc(2)**2) safe22=saferr*sin(safefi) safety=min(safety,safe22) endif endif endif if(ncont.eq.0)goto 181 elseif(nin.eq.1)then in=1 endif * 150 if(nin.gt.1.and.ncont.gt.1)then in=iq(jcont2+iii) endif if(nin.gt.0)then * if(infrom.gt.0.and.myinfr.eq.0.and.newfl.eq.0)then * if(in.eq.infrom)goto 171 * endif jin=lq(jvo-in) if(.NOT.BTEST(iq(jin),4))then else goto 171 endif endif if(nin.gt.1)then llflag=0 if(mmm.le.500)then do 151 ll=1,mmm if(iarrin(ll).eq.in)then llflag=1 goto 171 endif 151 continue endif if(llflag.eq.0)then mmm=mmm+1 if(mmm.le.500)then iarrin(mmm)=in endif endif endif IF (IN.LT.0) GO TO 300 JIN = LQ(JVO-IN) IVOT = Q(JIN+2) JVOT = LQ(JVOLUM-IVOT) IROTT = Q(JIN+4) * IF (BTEST(IQ(JVOT),1)) THEN * (case with JVOLUM structure locally developed) JPAR = LQ(LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLUM(NLDEV(NLEVEL)))) DO 169 ILEV = NLDEV(NLEVEL), NLEVEL IF (IQ(JPAR+1).EQ.0) THEN IF (ILEV.EQ.NLEVEL) THEN JPAR = LQ(JPAR-IN) ELSE JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDEX(ILEV+1)) ENDIF IF (JPAR.EQ.0) GO TO 170 ELSE IF (IQ(JPAR-3).GT.1) THEN JPAR = LQ(JPAR-LINDEX(ILEV+1)) ELSE JPAR = LQ(JPAR-1) ENDIF 169 CONTINUE JPAR = JPAR + 5 NPAR = IQ(JPAR) GO TO 179 ENDIF * (normal case) 170 NPAR = Q(JVOT+5) IF (NPAR.EQ.0) THEN JPAR = JIN +9 NPAR = Q(JPAR) ELSE JPAR = JVOT +6 ENDIF 179 if((nin.eq.1).or.(nin.gt.1.and.llflag.eq.0))then * * * Compute distance to boundary of current content * C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GITRAN 180 IF (IROTT .EQ. 0) THEN XT(1) = XC(1) - Q(5+JIN) XT(2) = XC(2) - Q(6+JIN) XT(3) = XC(3) - Q(7+JIN) * XT(4) = XC(4) XT(5) = XC(5) XT(6) = XC(6) * ELSE XL1 = XC(1) - Q(5+JIN) XL2 = XC(2) - Q(6+JIN) XL3 = XC(3) - Q(7+JIN) JR = LQ(JROTM-IROTT) XT(1) = XL1*Q(JR+1) + XL2*Q(JR+2) + XL3*Q(JR+3) XT(2) = XL1*Q(JR+4) + XL2*Q(JR+5) + XL3*Q(JR+6) XT(3) = XL1*Q(JR+7) + XL2*Q(JR+8) + XL3*Q(JR+9) * C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GITRAN C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GRMTD XT(4)=XC(4)*Q(JR+1)+XC(5)*Q(JR+2)+XC(6)*Q(JR+3) XT(5)=XC(4)*Q(JR+4)+XC(5)*Q(JR+5)+XC(6)*Q(JR+6) XT(6)=XC(4)*Q(JR+7)+XC(5)*Q(JR+8)+XC(6)*Q(JR+9) * C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GRMTD ENDIF * IACT = 1 ISHT = Q(JVOT+2) call ginme(xt,q(jvot+2),q(jpar+1),iyes) if (iyes.ne.0) then c print *, 'inside when assumed outside, rounding error!' snxt = 0 safe = 0 else IF (ISHT.LT.5) THEN IF (ISHT.EQ.1) THEN CALL GNOBOX (XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.2) THEN CALL GNOTRA(XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,1,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.3) THEN CALL GNOTRA(XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,2,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE CALL GNOTRP (XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ENDIF ELSE IF (ISHT.LE.10) THEN IF (ISHT.EQ.5) THEN CALL GNOTUB(XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,1,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.6) THEN CALL GNOTUB(XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,2,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.7) THEN CALL GNOCON(XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,1,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.8) THEN CALL GNOCON(XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,2,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.9) THEN CALL GNOSPH (XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE CALL GNOPAR (XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ENDIF ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.11) THEN CALL GNOPGO (XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.12) THEN CALL GNOPCO (XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.13) THEN CALL GNOELT (XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.14) THEN CALL GNOHYP (XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.28) THEN CALL GSNGTR (XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE,0) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.NSCTUB) THEN CALL GNOCTU (XT,Q(JPAR+1),IACT,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE PRINT *, ' GTNEXT : No code for shape ', ISHT STOP ENDIF * safe=max(safe,0.) if(snxt.le.-prec)snxt=big1 snxt=max(snxt,0.) IF (SAFE.LT.SAFETY) SAFETY = SAFE IF (SNXT.LE.MIN(SNEXT,BIG1)) THEN INGOTO = IN SNEXT = SNXT IGNEXT = 1 LQ(JGPAR-NLEVEL-1) = JPAR IQ(JGPAR+NLEVEL+1) = NPAR ENDIF endif 171 if(nin.eq.1)then goto 300 elseif(nin.ge.1.and.ncont.gt.1)then iii=iii+1 if(iii.le.ncont)goto 150 endif * * * Compute distance to boundary of current volume * 181 if(nnn.eq.0)then JPAR = LQ(JGPAR-NLEVEL) IACT = 2 ISH = Q(JVO+2) call ginme(xc,q(jvo+2),q(jpar+1),iyes) if (iyes.eq.0) then c print *, 'outside when assumed in, rounding error!' snxt = 0 safe = 0 else IF (ISH.LT.5) THEN IF (ISH.EQ.1) THEN CALL GNBOX (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.2) THEN CALL GNTRAP (XC, Q(JPAR+1),IACT,1, SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.3) THEN CALL GNTRAP (XC, Q(JPAR+1),IACT,2, SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE CALL GNTRP (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ENDIF ELSE IF (ISH.LE.10) THEN IF (ISH.EQ.5) THEN CALL GNTUBE (XC, Q(JPAR+1),IACT,1, SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.6) THEN CALL GNTUBE (XC, Q(JPAR+1),IACT,2, SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.7) THEN CALL GNCONE (XC, Q(JPAR+1),IACT,1, SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.8) THEN CALL GNCONE (XC, Q(JPAR+1),IACT,2, SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.9) THEN CALL GNSPHR (XC, Q(JPAR+1),IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE CALL GNPARA (XC, Q(JPAR+1),IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ENDIF ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.12) THEN CALL GNPCON (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.11) THEN CALL GNPGON (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.13) THEN CALL GNELTU (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.14) THEN CALL GNHYPE (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.28) THEN CALL GSNGTR (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE,1) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.NSCTUB) THEN CALL GNCTUB (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE PRINT *, ' GTNEXT : No code for shape ', ISH STOP ENDIF * safe=max(safe,0.) if(snxt.le.-prec)snxt=big1 snxt=max(snxt,0.) IF (SAFE.LT.SAFETY) SAFETY = SAFE IF (SNXT.LE.MIN(SNEXT,BIG1)) THEN SNEXT = SNXT IGNEXT = 1 INGOTO = 0 ENDIF endif if(iaxis.eq.4)then if(idma.eq.ndivto.and.inc.gt.0)goto 400 cxm(1)=clmoth+(idmi-1)*(chmoth-clmoth)/ndivto if(idmi.eq.idma)then cxm(2)=cxm(1)+divthi else cxm(2)=(clmoth+(idma-1)*(chmoth-clmoth)/ndivto)+divthi endif cxm(3)=20000. call gntube(xxm,cxm,3,1,SNEXT,snxnew,safe) if(snxnew.lt.0.)snxnew=big1 snxnew=snxnew+.004 snxtot=snxtot+snxnew if(snxtot.lt.SNEXT)then xxm(1)=xxm(1)+snxnew*xxm(4) xxm(2)=xxm(2)+snxnew*xxm(5) xxm(3)=xxm(3)+snxnew*xxm(6) call gfcoor(xxm,iaxis,cxnew) xevdiv=((cxnew-clmoth)*ndivto/(chmoth-clmoth))+1 ivdiv=xevdiv dr= xxm(1)*xxm(4)+xxm(2)*xxm(5) * if(dr.eq.0.)print *,'dr.eq.0.' if(dr.ge.0.)then inc=1 else inc=-1 endif if((xevdiv-ivdiv).lt.0.0001.and.inc.eq.-1)ivdiv=ivdiv-1 if(ivdiv.lt.1)then ivdiv=1 elseif(ivdiv.gt.ndivto)then ivdiv=ndivto endif nnn=nnn+1 goto 111 else if(inc.gt.0)then cmax=(clmoth+(idma-1)*(chmoth-clmoth)/ndivto)+divthi safety=min(safety,(cmax-cxold)) else cmin=clmoth+(idmi-1)*(chmoth-clmoth)/ndivto safety=min(safety,(cxold-cmin)) endif goto 400 endif endif if(nnn.ne.0.and.SNEXT.eq.sneold)goto 199 x0(1) = xc(1) + SNEXT*xc(4) x0(2) = xc(2) + SNEXT*xc(5) x0(3) = xc(3) + SNEXT*xc(6) x0(4) = xc(4) x0(5) = xc(5) x0(6) = xc(6) if(iaxis.le.3)then cx=x0(iaxis) xevdiv=((cx-clmoth)*ndivto/(chmoth-clmoth))+1 ievdiv=xevdiv if((xevdiv-ievdiv).lt.0.0001.and.inc.eq.-1)ievdiv=ievdiv-1 if(ievdiv.lt.1)then ievdiv=1 elseif(ievdiv.gt.ndivto)then ievdiv=ndivto endif else call gfcoor(x0,iaxis,cx) if(iaxis.eq.6)then if((cx-clmoth).lt.-1.)then cx=cx+360. elseif((cx-chmoth).gt.1.)then cx=cx-360. endif if(cx.gt.chmoth)then cx=chmoth elseif(cx.lt.clmoth)then cx=clmoth endif endif xevdiv=((cx-clmoth)*ndivto/(chmoth-clmoth))+1 ievdiv=xevdiv if((xevdiv-ievdiv).lt.0.0001.and.inc.eq.-1)ievdiv=ievdiv-1 if(ievdiv.lt.1)then ievdiv=1 elseif(ievdiv.gt.ndivto)then ievdiv=ndivto endif endif 199 if(ievdiv.ge.idmi.and.ievdiv.le.idma)then if(inc.gt.0)then cmax=(clmoth+(idma-1)*(chmoth-clmoth)/ndivto)+divthi if(iaxis.ne.6)then safety=min(safety,(cmax-cxold)) else safefi=min(90.,(cmax-cxold)) safe22=saferr*sin(safefi) safety=min(safety,safe22) endif else cmin=clmoth+(idmi-1)*(chmoth-clmoth)/ndivto if(iaxis.ne.6)then safety=min(safety,(cxold-cmin)) else safefi=min(90.,(cxold-cmin)) safe22=saferr*sin(safefi) safety=min(safety,safe22) endif endif goto 400 endif if(iaxis.eq.6.or.iaxis.le.3)then if(ievdiv.lt.idmi.and.inc.gt.0)then if(nnn.eq.0.and.iaxis.eq.6 + .and.(chmoth-clmoth).eq.360.)nflag=1 if(nflag.eq.0)then * print *,'ievdiv=',ievdiv,' ;idmi=',idmi,' inc.gt.0' * print *,isht,'=isht; ',iaxis,'=iaxis; ',ish,'=ish;' if(iaxis.le.3)then cmax=(clmoth+(idma-1)*(chmoth-clmoth)/ndivto)+divthi safety=min(safety,abs(cmax-cxold)) elseif(iaxis.eq.6)then cmax=(clmoth+(idma-1)*(chmoth-clmoth)/ndivto)+divthi safefi=min(90.,(cmax-cxold)) safe22=saferr*sin(safefi) safety=min(safety,safe22) endif goto 400 endif elseif(ievdiv.gt.idma.and.inc.lt.0)then if(nnn.eq.0.and.iaxis.eq.6 + .and.(chmoth-clmoth).eq.360.)nflag=1 if(nflag.eq.0)then * print *,'ievdiv=',ievdiv,' ;idma=',idma,' inc.lt.0' * print *,isht,'=isht; ',iaxis,'=iaxis; ',ish,'=ish;' if(iaxis.le.3)then cmin=clmoth+(idmi-1)*(chmoth-clmoth)/ndivto safety=min(safety,abs(cxold-cmin)) elseif(iaxis.eq.6)then cmin=clmoth+(idmi-1)*(chmoth-clmoth)/ndivto safefi=min(90.,(cxold-cmin)) safe22=saferr*sin(safefi) safety=min(safety,safe22) endif goto 400 endif endif endif nnn=nnn+1 sneold=SNEXT if(inc.gt.0)then if(iaxis.eq.6)then if(idma.eq.ndivto.and.(chmoth-clmoth).eq.360.)then ivdiv=1 else ivdiv=idma+1 endif else ivdiv=idma+1 endif else if(iaxis.eq.6)then if(idmi.eq.1.and.(chmoth-clmoth).eq.360.)then ivdiv=ndivto else ivdiv=idmi-1 endif else ivdiv=idmi-1 endif endif goto 111 * * *** Case of volume incompletely divided * 200 JDIV = LQ(JVO-1) IAXIS = Q(JDIV+1) IVOT = Q(JDIV+2) JVOT = LQ(JVOLUM-IVOT) ISHT = Q(JVOT+2) * * ** Get the division parameters * IF (NLEVEL.LT.NLDEV(NLEVEL)) THEN JPARM = 0 ELSE * (case with JVOLUM structure locally developed) JPARM = LQ(LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLUM(NLDEV(NLEVEL)))) IF (NLEVEL.EQ.NLDEV(NLEVEL)) GO TO 215 DO 210 ILEV = NLDEV(NLEVEL), NLEVEL-1 IF (IQ(JPARM+1).EQ.0) THEN JPARM = LQ(JPARM-LINDEX(ILEV+1)) IF (JPARM.EQ.0) GO TO 215 ELSE IF (IQ(JPARM-3).GT.1) THEN JPARM = LQ(JPARM-LINDEX(ILEV+1)) ELSE JPARM = LQ(JPARM-1) ENDIF IF (ILEV.EQ.NLEVEL-1) THEN NDIV = IQ(JPARM+1) ORIG = Q(JPARM+2) SDIV = Q(JPARM+3) ENDIF 210 CONTINUE GO TO 220 ENDIF * (normal case) 215 NDIV = Q(JDIV+3) ORIG = Q(JDIV+4) SDIV = Q(JDIV+5) * * ** Look at the first and the last divisions only * 220 IDT = IDTYP(IAXIS, ISH) IF (IDT.EQ.1) THEN IN2 = 0 IF (XC(IAXIS).LT.ORIG) THEN IN = 1 ELSE IN = NDIV ENDIF ELSE IF (IDT.EQ.2) THEN R = XC(1)**2 + XC(2)**2 IF (ISH.EQ.9) R = R + XC(3)**2 R = SQRT(R) IN2 = 0 IF (ISH.EQ.5.OR.ISH.EQ.6.OR.ISH.EQ.9) THEN IF (R.LT.ORIG) THEN IN = 1 ELSE IN = NDIV ENDIF ELSE ** PRINT *, ' GTNEXT : Partially divided ',ISH,IAXIS IN = 1 IF (NDIV.GT.1) IN2 = NDIV ENDIF ELSE IF (IDT.EQ.4) THEN IN2 = 0 RXY = XC(1)**2 + XC(2)**2 RXY = SQRT(RXY) IF (XC(3).NE.0.0) THEN THET = RADDEG * ATAN (RXY/XC(3)) IF (THET.LT.0.0) THET = THET + 180.0 ELSE THET = 90. ENDIF IF (THET.LE.ORIG) THEN IN = 1 ELSE IN = NDIV ENDIF ELSE IN2 = 0 IF (ISH.EQ.5.OR.ISH.EQ.7) THEN IN = 1 IF (NDIV.GT.1) IN2 = NDIV ELSE IF (XC(1).NE.0.0.OR.XC(2).NE.0.0) THEN PHI = RADDEG * ATAN2 (XC(2), XC(1)) ELSE PHI = 0.0 ENDIF IF (ISH.EQ.6.OR.ISH.EQ.8) THEN IF (PHI.LT.ORIG) THEN IN = 1 ELSE IN = NDIV ENDIF ELSE IN = 1 IF (NDIV.GT.1) IN2 = NDIV ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF * 225 IF (IDT.EQ.1) THEN X0(1) = 0.0 X0(2) = 0.0 X0(3) = 0.0 X0(IAXIS) = ORIG + (IN - 0.5) * SDIV IF (ISH.EQ.4.OR.(ISH.EQ.10.AND.IAXIS.NE.1)) THEN CALL GCENT (IAXIS, X0) ENDIF XT(1) = XC(1) - X0(1) XT(2) = XC(2) - X0(2) XT(3) = XC(3) - X0(3) XT(4) = XC(4) XT(5) = XC(5) XT(6) = XC(6) ELSE IF (IDT.EQ.3) THEN PH0 = DEGRAD * (ORIG + (IN - 0.5) * SDIV) CPHR = COS(PH0) SPHR = SIN(PH0) XT(1) = XC(1)*CPHR + XC(2)*SPHR XT(2) = XC(2)*CPHR - XC(1)*SPHR XT(3) = XC(3) XT(4) = XC(4)*CPHR + XC(5)*SPHR XT(5) = XC(5)*CPHR - XC(4)*SPHR XT(6) = XC(6) ELSE DO 234 I = 1, 6, 2 XT(I) = XC(I) XT(I+1) = XC(I+1) 234 CONTINUE ENDIF * IF (JPARM.NE.0) THEN IF (IQ(JPARM-3).GT.1) THEN JPAR = LQ(JPARM-IN) ELSE JPAR = LQ(JPARM-1) ENDIF JPAR = JPAR + 5 ELSE JPAR = JVOT + 6 ENDIF * IACT = 1 call ginme(xt,q(jvot+2),q(jpar+1),iyes) if (iyes.ne.0) then c print *, 'inside when assumed out, rounding error!' snxt = 0 safe = 0 else IF (ISHT.LT.5) THEN IF (ISHT.EQ.1) THEN CALL GNOBOX (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.2) THEN CALL GNOTRA (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, 1, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.3) THEN CALL GNOTRA (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, 2, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE CALL GNOTRP (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ENDIF ELSE IF (ISHT.LE.10) THEN IF (ISHT.EQ.5) THEN CALL GNOTUB (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, 1, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.6) THEN CALL GNOTUB (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, 2, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.7) THEN CALL GNOCON (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, 1, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.8) THEN CALL GNOCON (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, 2, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.9) THEN CALL GNOSPH (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE CALL GNOPAR (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ENDIF ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.11) THEN CALL GNOPGO (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.12) THEN CALL GNOPCO (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.13) THEN CALL GNOELT (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.28) THEN CALL GSNGTR (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE,0) ELSE IF (ISHT.EQ.NSCTUB) THEN CALL GNOCTU (XT, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE PRINT *, ' GTNEXT : No code for shape ', ISHT STOP ENDIF * safe=max(safe,0.) if(snxt.le.-prec)snxt=big1 snxt=max(snxt,0.) IF (SAFE.LT.SAFETY) SAFETY = SAFE IF (SNXT.LE.MIN(SNEXT,BIG1)) THEN SNEXT = SNXT IGNEXT = 1 if(raytra.eq.1.)ingoto=-1 ENDIF * IF (IN2.NE.0) THEN IF (IN2.NE.IN) THEN IN = IN2 GO TO 225 ENDIF ENDIF * (later, this section only for concave volumes if INGOTO >0 300 IACT = 1 IF (IGNEXT.NE.0) THEN IF (.NOT.BTEST(IQ(JVO),2)) IACT = 0 ENDIF if(nin.eq.1.and.ignext.ne.0)then if(q(jin+8).eq.0.)iact=1 endif JPAR = LQ(JGPAR-NLEVEL) call ginme(xc,q(jvo+2),q(jpar+1),iyes) if (iyes.eq.0) then c print *, 'outside when assumed inside, rounding error!' snxt = 0 safe = 0 else IF (ISH.LT.5) THEN IF (ISH.EQ.1) THEN CALL GNBOX (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE ) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.2) THEN CALL GNTRAP (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, 1, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.3) THEN CALL GNTRAP (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, 2, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE CALL GNTRP (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ENDIF ELSE IF (ISH.LE.10) THEN IF (ISH.EQ.5) THEN CALL GNTUBE (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, 1, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.6) THEN CALL GNTUBE (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, 2, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.7) THEN CALL GNCONE (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, 1, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.8) THEN CALL GNCONE (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, 2, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.9) THEN CALL GNSPHR (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE CALL GNPARA (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ENDIF ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.12) THEN CALL GNPCON (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.11) THEN CALL GNPGON (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.13) THEN CALL GNELTU (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.14) THEN CALL GNHYPE (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.28) THEN CALL GSNGTR (XC,Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE,1) ELSE IF (ISH.EQ.NSCTUB) THEN CALL GNCTUB (XC, Q(JPAR+1), IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) ELSE PRINT *, ' GTNEXT : No code for shape ', ISH STOP ENDIF * safe=max(safe,0.) if(snxt.le.-prec)snxt=big1 snxt=max(snxt,0.) IF (SAFE.LT.SAFETY) SAFETY = SAFE IF (SNXT.LE.MIN(SNEXT,BIG1)) THEN SNEXT = SNXT IGNEXT = 1 INGOTO = 0 ENDIF * 400 if(iswit(9).eq.123456789.and.Q(JVO+3).gt.1.)then print *,'n. of checked objects = ',mmm endif if(myinfr.gt.0)then jin=lq(jvo-myinfr) iq(jin)=ibclr(iq(jin),4) myinfr=0 endif if(gonly(nlevel).eq.0..or.nvmany.ne.0) THEN if(safety.lt.tsafet)tsafet=safety if(snext.lt.tsnext)then mycoun=mycoun+1 tsnext=snext tignex=ignext tingot=ingoto call gscvol if(ingoto.gt.0)then iq(jgpar2+nlevel+1)=iq(jgpar+nlevel+1) lq(jgpar2-nlevel-1)=lq(jgpar-nlevel-1) endif endif if(gonly(nlevel).eq.0.)then 404 continue if(gonly(nlevel-1).eq.0..or.newfl.eq.0)then if(gonly(nlevel-1).ne.0.)newfl=1 nlevel=nlevel-1 jvo=lq(jvolum-lvolum(nlevel)) nin=q(jvo+3) if(nin.lt.0)goto 404 myinfr=lindex(nlevel+1) jin=lq(jvo-myinfr) iq(jin)=ibset(iq(jin),4) ignext=0 goto 401 endif endif 403 continue if(manyfl.lt.nvmany)then manyfl=manyfl+1 if(manyfl.eq.nfmany)goto 403 levtmp=manyle(manyfl) do 402 i=1,levtmp namtmp(i)=manyna(manyfl,i) numtmp(i)=manynu(manyfl,i) 402 continue call glvolu(levtmp,namtmp,numtmp,ier) if(ier.ne.0)print *,'Fatal error in GLVOLU' ignext=0 goto 401 endif if(tsafet.le.safety)safety=tsafet if(tsnext.le.snext)then snext=tsnext ignext=tignex ingoto=tingot call gfcvol nlevin=nlevel if(ingoto.gt.0)then iq(jgpar+nlevel+1)=iq(jgpar2+nlevel+1) lq(jgpar-nlevel-1)=lq(jgpar2-nlevel-1) endif endif endif * * *** Attempt to rescue negative SNXT due to rounding errors * 900 IF (SNXT.EQ.BIG1) THEN CCC debug IF (ISWIT(9).EQ.123456789) THEN PRINT *,' GTNEXT : SNEXT,SAFETY,INGOTO=',SNEXT,SAFETY,INGOTO CALL GPCXYZ ENDIF CCC SAFETY = 0. SNEXT = 0. IGNEXT = 1 INGOTO = 0 ENDIF IF(JGSTAT.NE.0) CALL GFSTAT(3) * END GTNEXT END #endif