C C 12/22/09 sross section with Lage/Sergey and 3 variable parameters C C f77 laget_eta.f -o laget -L $CERN/2004/lib -lpacklib -lmathlib -lkernlib C SUBROUTINE CRSEC6(egama,thpi0,sumall) C C program-laget_eta ! dsigma/dt(microbarn/Gev^2) c Labels: o-omega contribution,r-rho meson,c-coulomb implicit none double precision meta, mn, ebeam parameter(meta = 0.54775d0, mn = 0.938272d0) real dgamma real egama,sumall double precision thpi0 double precision s, s0, t,ao,ar,alpha,phi common/spar_com/ s, s0, t,ao,ar,alpha,phi double precision pi,co,cr,cc,w,wo,wr,wc double precision wdomeg double precision go,gr,fo,fr,fc double precision par(3),dwidth C parameter(pi = 3.1416d0) C PDG after 2004 Ct parameter(dwidth = 0.51d0) C PDG before 2004 parameter(dwidth = 0.46d0) C integer n double precision tmin, theta C C !I put here the phase from Cornell, Sergey Ct phi=pi/3.d0 ! not correct, Ashot Ct phi=1.0d0 Ct phi=-0.35d0 C phi=0.0d0 C par(1) = dwidth ! magn. of Primakoff process par(2) = 1.0d0 ! magn. of hadr. amplitude par(3) = phi ! diff. of interf. phase angle C ebeam = egama C C do n=0,100 C theta=n*0.03d0 * thetal = theta / sqrt((mn+2.d0*ebeam)/mn) C theta = thpi0 C s0 = 1.0d0 s = 2.d0*mn*ebeam + mn**2 co=0.063d0 !0.29*sqrt(6.44/137) cr=0.0664d0 !0.81*sqrt(0.92/137) tmin = meta**4/(4.d0*ebeam**2) t = -4.d0*ebeam**2*dsin(0.5d0*theta*pi/180.d0)**2-tmin ao=0.44d0+0.9d0*t ar=0.55d0+0.8d0*t if((ao.lt.0.0).OR.(ar.lt.0.0)) then sumall = 0 RETURN endif go=dgamma(ao) !Euler Gamma functions gr=dgamma(ar) !Euler Gamma functions C the omega amplitude fo= par(2)*20.0d0*co*ebeam**2*s**(ao-1.d0)*dsin(theta*pi/180.d0)* &(pi*0.9d0/(go*dsin(pi*ao)))/(1.414d0*meta) wo=fo**2 fr= par(2)*20.0d0*cr*ebeam**2*s**(ar-1.d0)*dsin(theta*pi/180.d0)* &(pi*0.8d0/(gr*dsin(pi*ar)))/(1.414d0*meta) wr=fr**2 fc=-dsqrt((8.0d0*par(1))/(137.0d0*meta**3))*ebeam**2* &dsin(theta*pi/180.0d0)/(t*50.0d0) wc=fc**2 w=pi*(wo+wr+wc+2.0d0*dcos(pi*(ar-ao))*fo*fr+ &2*fc*(fo*dcos(pi*ao+par(3))+fr*dcos(pi*ar+par(3))))/ebeam**2 C C !to change to c dsigma/domega drop out pi at front and ebeam**2 at end of C this expression. C * from Ashot, calculation of d(sigma)/d(omega) C wdomeg = (ebeam*ebeam*w)/pi C C OPEN(2,FILE='laget_eta.dat') C write(2,1) -t,w C write(*,1) -t,w C 1 format(x,7(E10.4,x)) C C enddo C sumall = SNGL(wdomeg/1000.0) C return end