C Imput data for the eta primakoff generator on proton 10/18/09 C LIST TRIGGERS 10368 ! represents 4 days of running C DEBUG 1 2 1 DEBUG 0 0 0 SWIT 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 10 30 CUTS 5*5.E-3 ! was 1.e-4 C C C PKINE(1) => is the initial Electron beam energy in GeV = EINI C PKINE(2) => C PKINE(3) => C PKINE(4) => C PKINE(5) => C PKINE(6) => C PKINE(7) => C PKINE(8) => C PKINE(9) => is the upper limit of eta polar angle (deg.) C PKINE(10) => C sampling in azimutal angle isdone in (0-360) degrees C First one here is IKINE => the type of the particle ( be careful ) C C KINE 3 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.200 0.00 C C Fraction of Tagged Photon beam interval deltaE=(EGFR2-EGFR1)*Ebeam C EGFR 0.850 0.9500 C C Number of equivqlent Photons in Tagged beam per second C in units of 10+7 eq. gama/sec QEQU 7.2135 C C The total Run time of the experiment in (Hours) TSAM 1080.0 C C the standard GEANT flags C PRINT 'MATE' 'VOLU' 'TMED' PAIR 1 COMP 1 PHOT 1 PFIS 1 MULS 1 BREM 1 LOSS 1 DRAY 1 ANNI 1 MUNU 1 HADR 1 CKOV 1 LABS 1 SYNC 1 C the GEANT time TIME 100000. 10. -1 C the run number and ? RUNG 88 1 C the initial random number seeds RNDM 1654511046 251059678 STOP END