README Oct. 20, 2009 David Lawrence This directory contains so ROOT macros that can be used to produce a parameterization of the solenoidal magnetic field map of the GlueX detector. Currently, the only available maps are 2-D and so the parameterization is also 2-D. To produce a parameterization of a field map, do the following: 1.) Use the bfield2root utility program to produce a bfield.root file containing a (more or less) full field map. > bfield2root Note: run "bfield2root -h" to see a list of options including ones that can be used to specify a map other than the default. 2.) Run the ParameterizeBField.C macro > root -q -b ParameterizeBField.C 3.) Run the ParameterizeBField_codegen.C macro, giving it the specialized part of the name of the original map so that it can be used in the output file names to make it clear what the parameterization represents. e.g. If the Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090827_03 map was used to generate bfield.root, then pass the "_1500_poisson_20090827_03" as the argument. > root -q -b ParameterizeBField_codegen.C("_1500_poisson_20090827_03") In this example several files will be produced with names like: solenoid_1500_poisson_20090827_03_Bx_chebyshev_sec1 solenoid_1500_poisson_20090827_03_Bx_chebyshev_sec2 solenoid_1500_poisson_20090827_03_Bx_chebyshev_sec3 solenoid_1500_poisson_20090827_03_Bz_chebyshev_sec1 solenoid_1500_poisson_20090827_03_Bz_chebyshev_sec2 solenoid_1500_poisson_20090827_03_Bz_chebyshev_sec3 4.) Copy these into the Magnets/Solenoid directory of the root directory used to locally store calibration constants. You can then specify the parameterized by setting the BFIELD_MAP and BFIELD_TYPE configuration parameters. > hd_root -PBFIELD_MAP=Magnets/Solenoid/solenoid_1500_poisson_20090827_03 -PBFIELD_TYPE=Parameterized ....