REAL FUNCTION pi_plot(IFL,KGEANT,KPYTH,IDH) C C-- Fills IDH with the kin. parameters of all photons from pi0 or eta decay. c c photons in fcal selected with energies > fcal_thresh c photons in bcal selected with energies > bcal_thresh c idh with pi0s with photons in fcal only c idh+1 with pi0s with photons in bcal only c idh+2 with pi0s with one photon in fcal, one photon in bcal c idh+3 with pi0s failing above cuts c C IFL=0 - p C =1 - theta (degrees) C =2 - p(Y)-theta(x)(degrees) c KGEANT >0 GENAT particle type C KTYP>0 - GEANT particle type C <=0 use KPYTH - PYTHIA KF type c IDH - number of histogram to be filled c c function based on part_kin, but to plot photons from pi0 (or eta) decay. c Elton Smith 2/8/11 c C IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER IFL,KGEANT,KPYTH,IDH C INCLUDE ? LOGICAL HEXIST C INTEGER ip,j,ifirst,ievstart,nfind,ifind,icnt REAL thcut, fcal_thresh, bcal_thresh INTEGER jj,nkind, ip1, ip2, itopol REAL pf1,th1,qq,pf2,th2, ivmass LOGICAL fcal1, fcal2, bcal1, bcal2 DATA ifirst/1/ data icnt /0/ DATA ievstart/0/ DATA thcut /10./ DATA fcal_thresh, bcal_thresh /0.2, 0.2/ c DATA fcal_thresh, bcal_thresh /0.5, 0.5/ c DATA fcal_thresh, bcal_thresh /0.1, 0.06/ c c count entries c icnt = icnt + 1 c c valid codes are: c KGEANT = 7, KPYTH = 111 (pi0) c KGEANT = 17, KPYTH = 221 (eta) c if (KGEANT.eq.7) then KPYTH = 111 elseif (KGEANT.eq.17) then KPYTH = 221 elseif (KPYTH.eq.111) then KGEANT = 7 elseif (KPYTH.eq.221) then KGEANT = 17 else c c invalid codes cc write (6,*) ' *** pi_plot illegal code KGEANT, KPYTH =' , 1 KGEANT,KPYTH pi_plot =0 return endif c C IF(ifirst.EQ.1.OR.IDNEVT.EQ.ievstart) THEN IF (IDH.NE.0.AND.HEXIST(IDH) .or.HEXIST(IDH+1).or. 1 HEXIST(IDH+2).or.HEXIST(IDH+3)) THEN CALL HRESET(IDH,' ') CALL HRESET(IDH+1,' ') CALL HRESET(IDH+2,' ') CALL HRESET(IDH+3,' ') ievstart=IDNEVT ELSE WRITE(6,*) ' *** ERROR: no histogram ID=', 1 IDH,idh+1,idh+2,idh+3 ENDIF ENDIF ifirst=0 C nfind=0 itopol =0 C DO ip=1,NP ifind=0 c c find pi0 or eta c IF(KPYTH.EQ.ITYP(3,ip)) THEN ip1 = ityp(5,ip) ip2 = ityp(6,ip) c write(6,*) ifind,KGEANT,KPYTH,(ITYP(jj,ip),jj=1,6) c c check decay products are photons c If (ip2.eq.ip1+1) then if ( ityp(3,ip1).eq. 22 .and. ityp(3,ip2).eq.22) then nfind=nfind+1 ifind = 1 c qq=0. DO j=1,3 qq=qq+POUT(j,ip1)**2 ENDDO pf1=SQRT(qq) th1=ACOS(POUT(3,ip1)/pf1)*180./3.1416 c qq=0. DO j=1,3 qq=qq+POUT(j,ip2)**2 ENDDO pf2=SQRT(qq) th2=ACOS(POUT(3,ip2)/pf2)*180./3.1416 c write (6,*) 'ip1, pf1, th1=',ip1,pf1,th1, c 1 ' ip2, pf2,th2=',ip2,pf2,th2 c c invariant mass c ivmass = sqrt(2*(pf1*pf2 - pout(1,ip1)*pout(1,ip2) 1 - pout(2,ip1)*pout(2,ip2) 2 - pout(3,ip1)*pout(3,ip2) )) c write (6,*) ' ivmass =', ivmass c c determine topology c nominal: fcal 1-11 deg, bcal 11-126 deg c fcal1 = .and. fcal2 = .and. bcal1 = .and. bcal2 = .and. if (fcal1 .and. fcal2) then itopol = 1 c write (6,*) ' fcal th1, th2, pf1,pf2=', th1, th2, pf1,pf2 elseif (bcal1 .and. bcal2) then itopol = 2 c write (6,*) ' bcal th1, th2, pf1,pf2=', th1, th2, pf1,pf2 elseif (fcal1.and. bcal2 .or. bcal1.and.fcal2) then itopol = 3 c write (6,*) ' fcal-bcal th1, th2, pf1,pf2=', th1, th2, pf1,pf2 else itopol = 4 c write (6,*) ' None th1, th2, pf1,pf2=', th1, th2, pf1,pf2 endif endif endif ENDIF IF(ifind.NE.0) THEN C IF(IFL.EQ.0) THEN if (itopol .eq. 1) then CALL HFILL(IDH,pf1,0.,1.) CALL HFILL(IDH,pf2,0.,1.) elseif (itopol .eq. 2) then CALL HFILL(IDH+1,pf1,0.,1.) CALL HFILL(IDH+1,pf2,0.,1.) elseif (itopol .eq. 3) then CALL HFILL(IDH+2,pf1,0.,1.) CALL HFILL(IDH+2,pf2,0.,1.) else CALL HFILL(IDH+3,pf1,0.,1.) CALL HFILL(IDH+3,pf2,0.,1.) endif c ELSE IF(IFL.EQ.1) THEN if (itopol .eq. 1) then CALL HFILL(IDH,th1,0.,1.) CALL HFILL(IDH,th2,0.,1.) elseif (itopol .eq. 2) then CALL HFILL(IDH+1,th1,0.,1.) CALL HFILL(IDH+1,th2,0.,1.) elseif (itopol .eq. 3) then CALL HFILL(IDH+2,th1,0.,1.) CALL HFILL(IDH+2,th2,0.,1.) else CALL HFILL(IDH+3,th1,0.,1.) CALL HFILL(IDH+3,th2,0.,1.) endif ELSE IF(IFL.EQ.2) THEN CALL HFILL(IDH,th1,pf1,1.) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO C c if ( write (6,*) c 1 ' icnt, idnevt, nfind, itopol=', icnt, idnevt,nfind, itopol pi_plot = nfind*10 + itopol C RETURN END