// This file contains the documentation for the DANA framework // It is written in this way so Doxygen can find it. /** * @defgroup DANA the DANA framework * @{ */ class DContainer{}; class DEvent{}; class DEventLoop[]; class DEventProcessor{}; class DEventSource{}; class DEventSourceET{}; class DEventSourceFile{}; class DFactory{}; /** \page DANA The DANA framework \section Introduction The DANA (Hall-D Analysis) framework is a framework which the Hall-D reconstruction/analysis software is built around. The framework implements the HDDM (Hall-D Data Model) I/O package for reading in HDDM formatted files. The framework is designed however so that other input sources can be used.
The framework itself is designed to work with event based data. A program typically creates a single DEventLoop object which implements the main event loop for the program. User routines are invoked as callbacks during the event loop. Reconstruction routines are implemented as factories which can be accessed from the callback routines. By implementing the reconstruction as factories, reconstruction code is executed only when it is needed. Having partial reconstruction for some events allows for efficient filtering of events as well as more efficient "special purpose" programs which look only at specific detector systems. @} */