// This macro will make a ROOT file containing histograms // of the charged tracking resolutions suitable for use // with the src/programs/Simulation/plugins/hdparsim // plugin for doing parameteric simulations #include "filelist_fdccathshift1.0.h" //-------------------- // mk_hd_charged_res //-------------------- void mk_hd_res_charged(const char *suffix="_fdccathshift1.0") { gROOT->Reset(); gStyle->SetPalette(1); // Create chain of all the input trees TChain *trkeff = new TChain("TRACKING/trkeff","trkeff"); AddFilesToChain(trkeff); // Open output file to hold histograms char fname[256]; sprintf(fname, "hd_res_charged%s.root", suffix); cout<<"Creating file \""<Process("hd_res_charged_selector.C"); // Close resolutions file f->Write(); delete f; }