# # Solenoidal field parameterization # # This file auto-generated by ParameterizeBField_codegen.C macro. # Sun Nov 1 10:27:34 2009 # Produced by davidl on Amelia.local # # input file: BfieldParameters_Bx.root # section: 1 (out of 10) # 1st level order: 9 # 2nd level order: 9 # # In the following table, values are coefficients of Chebyshev # polynomials. There are 2 levels of parameterization corresponding # to the 2 dimensions in which the field map is parameterized (z and r). # # The first level fits the field as a function of z in lab coordinates. # The second level parametrizes those coefficients as a function of r # also in lab coordinates. # # # # p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 0.188015 0.183403 0.0020038 -0.000454418 -0.000401438 -0.000101342 -2.09317e-05 5.4733e-07 1.69218e-06 2.59325e-06 0.108738 0.123148 0.0212497 0.00435331 0.000286536 -1.42515e-05 -7.58455e-06 1.42619e-05 1.19062e-05 7.78505e-06 0.00572923 0.0106749 0.00647365 0.0019656 0.000381539 5.27151e-05 8.97897e-06 1.27748e-05 6.46181e-06 4.61444e-06 -0.00319776 -0.00334079 -0.000172419 0.000142991 8.41167e-05 2.30495e-05 5.76513e-06 8.54766e-06 5.8758e-06 4.61304e-06 -0.000516919 -0.000625639 -9.17956e-05 7.97967e-05 7.49908e-05 4.05314e-05 1.7851e-05 1.2545e-05 4.7832e-06 4.00441e-06 1.72649e-05 1.86811e-05 1.54142e-05 2.71009e-05 2.49905e-05 1.86457e-05 1.15962e-05 8.07599e-06 6.28223e-06 4.32049e-06 -4.11581e-05 -7.84383e-05 -6.69789e-05 -4.08232e-05 -2.22249e-05 -8.85498e-06 -3.06946e-06 9.31344e-07 3.94115e-07 1.13203e-06 -1.27145e-05 -2.22786e-05 -2.32138e-05 -1.54137e-05 -1.27285e-05 -6.67478e-06 -3.51649e-06 -7.53147e-07 -3.72469e-07 -3.07729e-07 1.21851e-05 1.97006e-05 1.62439e-05 9.20128e-06 8.62271e-06 6.72565e-06 6.70484e-06 6.00739e-06 3.11158e-06 1.78066e-06 -1.27912e-06 3.98465e-06 -5.75192e-07 5.82508e-06 2.38363e-06 7.18218e-06 4.28903e-06 5.47692e-06 2.02529e-06 1.94428e-06