# # Solenoidal field parameterization # # This file auto-generated by ParameterizeBField_codegen.C macro. # Sun Nov 1 10:27:25 2009 # Produced by davidl on Amelia.local # # input file: BfieldParameters_Bz.root # section: 7 (out of 10) # 1st level order: 9 # 2nd level order: 9 # # In the following table, values are coefficients of Chebyshev # polynomials. There are 2 levels of parameterization corresponding # to the 2 dimensions in which the field map is parameterized (z and r). # # The first level fits the field as a function of z in lab coordinates. # The second level parametrizes those coefficients as a function of r # also in lab coordinates. # # # # p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 -1.82176 -0.117983 -0.0350505 -0.00389533 -0.000721987 -0.000101534 -5.42595e-05 2.22634e-05 2.20648e-05 6.36557e-05 0.590437 0.154234 0.0517567 0.00914584 0.00210362 0.000419776 0.000147586 4.93946e-06 -1.57947e-05 -7.22016e-05 0.0794245 0.0477268 0.0173718 0.00373371 0.000897098 0.000197464 6.8779e-05 1.78486e-05 2.51693e-06 -1.41924e-05 -0.017813 -0.0147405 -0.00601868 -0.00161145 -0.000414236 -9.43982e-05 -2.88717e-05 -8.35451e-06 -2.02997e-06 2.90323e-06 -0.00322161 -0.00336403 -0.00160471 -0.000594964 -0.000221407 -7.3334e-05 -1.9813e-05 1.47463e-06 4.0116e-06 3.88778e-06 0.000543407 0.000566743 0.000205763 2.64519e-05 -1.31461e-05 -1.06889e-05 -8.26722e-07 5.61919e-06 4.07544e-06 1.94285e-06 0.000188303 0.000302162 0.000197762 0.000109614 5.40897e-05 2.59689e-05 1.49144e-05 1.01941e-05 4.97681e-06 1.44642e-06 2.5958e-05 4.6935e-05 4.12457e-05 3.05123e-05 2.00577e-05 1.16343e-05 6.1277e-06 2.85715e-06 1.15687e-06 1.71328e-07 -3.10657e-05 -4.65716e-05 -3.253e-05 -1.89297e-05 -9.79774e-06 -4.02114e-06 -5.6438e-07 1.02249e-06 9.36644e-07 4.22257e-07 -9.96409e-06 -2.16346e-05 -1.78895e-05 -1.30822e-05 -8.41424e-06 -4.50892e-06 -1.30116e-06 1.96516e-06 1.96398e-06 1.05013e-06