# # Solenoidal field parameterization # # This file auto-generated by ParameterizeBField_codegen.C macro. # Sun Nov 1 10:27:25 2009 # Produced by davidl on Amelia.local # # input file: BfieldParameters_Bz.root # section: 8 (out of 10) # 1st level order: 9 # 2nd level order: 9 # # In the following table, values are coefficients of Chebyshev # polynomials. There are 2 levels of parameterization corresponding # to the 2 dimensions in which the field map is parameterized (z and r). # # The first level fits the field as a function of z in lab coordinates. # The second level parametrizes those coefficients as a function of r # also in lab coordinates. # # # # p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 -0.637574 0.110089 0.033004 0.00384994 0.000750074 0.00011606 5.87303e-05 -1.75578e-05 -1.58968e-05 -5.87325e-05 0.50536 0.0131188 -0.0030104 -0.00396545 -0.000970548 -0.000179517 -4.56159e-05 -1.17885e-05 -6.44288e-06 1.13195e-05 -0.0882164 -0.0378615 -0.0102827 -0.000418304 0.000115327 6.07692e-05 -2.80316e-06 4.92254e-06 8.38629e-06 1.99442e-05 0.0032256 0.00844175 0.00327805 0.000712031 9.34276e-05 -4.41282e-06 -9.10062e-06 -3.41678e-06 -1.41828e-06 7.75347e-07 0.00139609 -0.000453365 -0.000562697 -0.000318571 -0.000106114 -2.10903e-05 -8.27347e-06 1.26687e-06 -1.12508e-06 2.98874e-06 -0.000392192 -0.000393342 -0.000137143 -3.26313e-05 -1.76991e-05 -1.18943e-05 -1.0697e-05 -7.78475e-06 -4.41316e-06 -1.64652e-06 8.52697e-05 0.000165562 9.04307e-05 4.30773e-05 1.55435e-05 1.02842e-05 4.2978e-06 4.80664e-06 3.04198e-07 2.73016e-07 3.45837e-05 6.05267e-05 4.93012e-05 4.24312e-05 2.8163e-05 2.25713e-05 9.92949e-06 3.26839e-06 -7.94605e-07 -5.90871e-08 -7.38278e-06 -1.703e-05 -9.96445e-06 -7.61717e-06 -6.06028e-07 8.65951e-07 4.05825e-06 3.00243e-06 1.96383e-06 5.81608e-07 -3.20465e-06 -1.18335e-05 -6.27207e-06 -7.60922e-06 -4.21625e-06 -5.24629e-06 -2.34199e-06 -3.51584e-06 -2.60861e-07 -1.0076e-06