# # Solenoidal field parameterization # # This file auto-generated by ParameterizeBField_codegen.C macro. # Sun Nov 1 10:27:25 2009 # Produced by davidl on Amelia.local # # input file: BfieldParameters_Bz.root # section: 9 (out of 10) # 1st level order: 9 # 2nd level order: 9 # # In the following table, values are coefficients of Chebyshev # polynomials. There are 2 levels of parameterization corresponding # to the 2 dimensions in which the field map is parameterized (z and r). # # The first level fits the field as a function of z in lab coordinates. # The second level parametrizes those coefficients as a function of r # also in lab coordinates. # # # # p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 -0.110889 0.0453668 0.00998509 -0.000560198 -0.000107141 -1.04896e-05 8.63724e-07 -4.97102e-06 -3.74536e-06 -7.7174e-06 0.0918226 -0.0426898 -0.010456 -1.62321e-05 6.17675e-05 1.89152e-05 1.34072e-06 6.70008e-06 4.75953e-06 9.22785e-06 -0.0229842 0.00989644 0.00315462 0.000421901 5.06123e-05 -7.60729e-07 -2.1106e-06 -5.29834e-06 -3.57874e-06 -4.64944e-06 0.00430117 -0.000831951 -0.000549183 -0.0002209 -5.09173e-05 -1.01881e-05 -7.34744e-07 1.94466e-06 1.71388e-06 2.01152e-06 -0.000652998 -0.000273216 -1.28462e-05 4.45208e-05 1.87563e-05 6.87341e-06 9.82523e-07 -1.28373e-06 -1.42698e-06 -1.22357e-06 8.41436e-05 0.000135041 4.85941e-05 6.27903e-06 -1.33841e-06 -2.8237e-06 -8.24738e-07 -2.69616e-07 3.18535e-07 -1.71496e-07 -7.78846e-06 -3.10303e-05 -1.92955e-05 -8.19956e-06 -2.69521e-06 -3.40622e-08 2.58087e-07 2.91041e-07 2.55555e-08 -5.76625e-08 -1.03389e-06 3.35078e-06 3.93844e-06 2.59979e-06 1.23509e-06 3.61433e-07 5.23526e-07 5.42441e-07 2.90376e-07 7.67569e-08 1.00764e-06 7.21039e-08 1.94435e-07 -1.87145e-07 -4.10135e-07 -2.63979e-07 -7.03975e-07 -6.18977e-07 -1.07649e-07 2.99932e-07 -1.10061e-06 -2.46863e-07 -2.36365e-07 -1.17834e-07 3.34377e-08 1.88755e-07 3.39587e-07 3.18456e-07 1.35306e-07 -5.27373e-09