# # TOF data base of constants used # # effective light speed in the plastic scintillator paddles units [ns] TOF_C_EFFECTIVE 15.0 # attenuation legth of paddle units [cm] TOF_ATTEN_LENGTH 150. # TOF position resolution in the transvers direction of the paddle [cm] TOF_POS_RES 3.0 # conversion of ADC to energy TOF_ADC_TO_E 1.0 # TDC resolution as in the MC units [ns] TOF_TDC_MC_RES 0.06 # scintillation photon generated per MeV energy TOF_PHOTONS_PERMEV 8000. # total internal reflection TOF_THETA_MAX 50.74 # PMT surface in cm^2 TOF_PMT_SURFACE 19.63 # adc resolution pC/count in MC TOF_ADC_RES_MC 50. #TDC resolution in ns TOF_TDC_RES_MC 0.06 # PMT gain factor in MC TOF_PMT_GAIN_MC 40000000. # PMT quantum efficiency TOF_PHE_EFF 0.2 # reflection efficiency of scintillation light TOF_REFLECT_EFF 0.5 # timing resolution in the center of the paddle log10(0.2ns) TOF_CENT_TRES -0.698970004 # ADC to energy conversion factor in MC TOF_ADC_TO_E 1.0 # half the length of a TOF paddle in cm TOF_HALFPADDLE 126. # half the length of a TOF paddle in cm TOF_PADDLE_LENGTH 252. # with of a TOF paddle in cm TOF_PADDLEWIDTH 6. # Energy threshold in GeV TOF_E_THRESHOLD 0.001 # Timing resolution in [ns] TOF_SIGMA 0.1 # two hit resolution in tof [ns] TOF_TWO_HIT_RESOL 25. # threshold applied to deposited energy in MC TOF_THRESH_MEV 0. # maximum merged hits per paddle TOF_MAX_HITS 25 # maximum total hits per paddle TOF_MAX_PAD_HITS 25