% BiBTeX Sample Database @Preamble{ {\hyphenation{Post-Script Sprin-ger}} } @String{AW = {{Ad\-di\-son-Wes\-ley}}} @String{AW:adr = {Reading, Massachusetts}} @String{j-TUGboat = {TUGboat}} @Article{pdg, author ={Yao, W.-M. and others}, title ={{The Review of Particle Physics}}, journal ={Journal of Physics G}, volume =33, pages ={286}, year =2006, note ={Section 28.13.1 \emph{Electromagnetic Calorimeters}} } @Article{SiPM, author = "Dolgoshein, B. and others", title = "Status report on silicon photomultiplier development and its applications", journal = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A", volume = "563", year = "2006", pages = "368-376" } @inproceedings{SiPMb, author = "Moser, H.-G.", title = "Silicon Photomultipliers, A New Device for Low Light Level Photon Detection", booktitle = "XII International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics", editor = {Magill, S.R. and Yoshida, R.}, publisher = {American Institute of Physics}, year = "2006", pages = "98" } @unpublished{wiremesh1, author ={Ioannou, P. and others}, title ={{BCAL read-out utilizing field resistant PT's}}, note ={GlueX-doc-699}, year =2006 } @unpublished{bcal_review, author ={GlueX/Hall D Calorimeter Conceptual Design Report}, title ={{Section 2: BCAL -- The Barrel Calorimeter, 2008}}, note ={The KLOE design expects 1400 photoelectrons per GeV (both sides), and we take 21000 for this estimate assuming the expected improvements in the light yield discussed in the document} } @unpublished{bcal_segmentation, author ={Huber, G. and others}, title ={{Dependence of the Spatial and Energy Resolution of BCAL on Segmentation}}, note ={GlueX-doc-659}, year =2006 } @unpublished{planacon, author ={Zorn, C.}, title ={{Alternative Readout Scheme for GlueX Barrel Calorimeter}}, note ={GlueX-doc-730}, year =2006 } @unpublished{planacon2, author ={Martin,J. and Holt,P. }, title ={{Characterization of a Microchannel Plate Photomultiplier Tube with High Sensitivity GaAs Photocathode}}, note ={Unpublished NASA technical note, http://cddis.nasa.gov/lw13/docs/papers/detect\_martin\_1m.pdf} } @unpublished{conventional_options, author ={Smith, E.S.}, title ={{Readout of the barrel calorimeter based on conventional photomultiplier tubes}}, note ={GlueX-doc-832}, year =2007 } @Article{Atoian:2003qb, author = "Atoian, G. S. and others", title = "{Development of shashlik calorimeter for KOPIO}", journal = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth.", volume = "A531", year = "2004", pages = "467-480", eprint = "physics/0310047", archivePrefix = "arXiv", doi = "10.1016/j.nima.2004.05.094", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = PHYSICS/0310047;%%" } @Article{Atoian:2007up, author = "Atoian, G. S. and others", title = "{An Improved Shashlyk Calorimeter}", journal = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth.", volume = "A584", year = "2008", pages = "291-303", eprint = "0709.4514", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "physics.ins-det", doi = "10.1016/j.nima.2007.10.022", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = 0709.4514;%%" } @unpublished{fm_pmt2, author ={Boeglin, W.U.}, title ={{A Study of the Fine Mesh Photomultiplier Tube Assemblies H6152-01 and H6614-01}}, note ={GlueX-doc-1173}, year =2008 } @unpublished{fm_pmt1, author ={Ioannou,P. and Kourkoumelis,C. and Voulgaris,G.}, title ={{BCAL read-out utilizing field resistant PMT's}}, note ={GlueX-doc-712}, year =2006 } @unpublished{talk_collapr06, author ={Lolos, G.}, title ={{BCAL R\&D SiPM's}}, note ={GlueX-doc-623}, year =2006 } @misc{shepherd, note ={M. Shepherd, private communication.} } @unpublished{talk_colloct06, author ={Lolos, G.}, title ={{BCAL and SiPM Update}}, note ={GlueX-doc-699}, year =2007 } @unpublished{fm_pmt3, author ={Katsaganis, S. and Kourkoumelis, C. and Voulgaris, G.}, title ={{Another readout alternative for the BCAL}}, note ={GlueX-doc-731}, year =2006 } @unpublished{bcal_channels, author ={Papandreou, Z.}, title ={{BCAL Readout Channel Calculation}}, note ={GlueX-doc-739}, year =2007 } @unpublished{talk_collmar07a, author ={Papandreou, Z.}, title ={{SiPM Status and Readout Decision}}, note ={GlueX-doc-777}, year =2007 } @unpublished{talk_collmar07b, author ={Zorn, C.}, title ={{Alternate Photodetector Readout for BCAL}}, note ={GlueX-doc-781}, year =2007 } @unpublished{talk_bcalrevmar07, author ={Lolos, G.}, title ={{BCAL Readout Review 07}}, note ={GlueX-doc-808}, year =2007 } @unpublished{gain_uniformity, author ={Jones, R.T.}, title ={{Uniformity Requirements for the GlueX Barrel Calorimeter}}, note ={GlueX-doc-812}, year =2007 } @unpublished{bcal_cosmic, author ={Semenov, A. and Papandreou, Z. and Semenova, I.}, title ={{Analysis of Amplitude Information from 2006 {BCAL} Cosmic Runs}}, note ={GlueX-doc-845}, year =2007 } @unpublished{Garutti, author ={Garutti, E.}, title ={{Silicon-photomultiplier technology and their application in high energy physics detectors}}, note ={DESY Seminar}, month ={November 22-23,}, year =2006 } @unpublished{sipm_cooling, author ={Smith, E.S.}, title ={{Performance estimates for cooled silicon photomultiplier}}, note ={GlueX-doc-1214}, year =2009 } @unpublished{bcalreadout_specs, author ={Smith, E.S.}, title ={{Specifications and Evaluation of Bcal Readout Options}}, note ={GlueX-doc-795-v21}, year =2009 } @unpublished{fm_guides, author ={Smith, E.S.}, title ={{Light collection for light guides for use with fine mesh PMTs for the Bcal readout}}, note ={GlueX-doc-1177}, year =2008 } @unpublished{de_sys, author ={Smith, E.S.}, title ={{Contributions to the BCAL energy resolution from calibration systematics}}, note ={GlueX-doc-1296}, year =2009 } @unpublished{BCAL_tof, author ={Smith, E.S. and others}, title ={{Time-of-flight measurements with the barrel calorimeter and the forward scintillators}}, note ={GlueX-doc-1001}, year =2008 } @unpublished{fluka, author ="Semenova, I.A. and Semenov, {A. Yu.}", title ="{Energy Resolution and Output Signals Simulation for Detailed-Structure BCAL Module Model}", note ="{GlueX-doc-1301}", year ="2009" } @unpublished{bcal_guides, author ={Smith, E.S.}, title ={{Light guide collection for the Bcal outer layers}}, note ={GlueX-doc-1077}, year =2009 } @unpublished{radiation, author ={Somov, A.}, title ={{Radiation Dose Estimates in the BCAL SiPM Region}}, note ={GlueX-doc-1242}, year =2009 } @unpublished{acceptance_gap, author ={Somov, A. and Kornicer, M.}, title ={{BCAL Light Guide Simulation: Acceptance and Background Studie}}, note ={GlueX-doc-1297 and private communication}, year =2009 } @unpublished{fm_lifetime, author ={Bailey,T.}, title ={{Hamamatsu private communication}}, note ={Lifetime is defined as the point at which anode output current falls to 50\% of the initial output}, year =2009 } @unpublished{radiation_damage, author ={Matsubara,T. and others}, title ={{Radiation damage of MPPC by $\gamma$-ray irradiation with $^{60}$Co}}, note ={{International Workshop on New Photon Detectors, DP07}, http://pos.sissa.it//archive/conferences/051/032/PD07\_032.pdf}, year =2007 } @unpublished{module_pe, author ={Semenov, A. and others}, title ={{Number of photoelectrons measured with the SiPMPlus-array and Module 2}}, note ={GlueX-doc-1069}, year =2008 } @unpublished{fiber_pe, author ={Semenov, A.}, title ={{Report on test of first article fibers from Kuraray}}, note ={GlueX-doc-1261}, year =2009 } @unpublished{bcal_design, author ={Dzierba, A. and others}, title ={{BCAL: Barrel Calorimeter}}, note ={GlueX-doc-986, Appendix A and Fig. 2.16}, year =2008 } @Article{Leverington:2008zz, author = "Leverington, B. D. and others", title = "{Performance of the prototype module of the GlueX electromagnetic barrel calorimeter}", journal = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth.", volume = "A596", year = "2008", pages = "327-337", doi = "10.1016/j.nima.2008.08.137", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = NUIMA,A596,327;%%" } @Article{Antonelli:1996gj, author = "Antonelli, A. and others", title = "{Performance of fine mesh photomultiplier tubes in magnetic fields up to 0.3-T}", journal = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth.", volume = "A368", year = "1996", pages = "628-634", doi = "10.1016/0168-9002(95)00660-5", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = NUIMA,A368,628;%%" } @Article{Ambrosino:2004qx, author = "Ambrosino, F. and others", title = "{Data handling, reconstruction, and simulation for the KLOE experiment}", journal = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth.", volume = "A534", year = "2004", pages = "403-433", eprint = "physics/0404100", archivePrefix = "arXiv", doi = "10.1016/j.nima.2004.06.155", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = PHYSICS/0404100;%%" }