subroutine gheishp x(ipart,pvec,mprod,nprod,iprod,tprod,pprod) c c |gheisha| includes #include "gelhad/ghcdes/" C C |geant| commons #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" #include "geant321/" C C /gheisha/ commons #include "gelhad/ghcdes/" #include "gelhad/ghcdes/" #include "gelhad/ghcdes/" integer *4 nprod,mprod,code,stop integer *4 iprod(mprod) real *4 pprod(3,mprod) real *4 tprod(mprod) integer *4 ipart real *4 pvec(3) character *(*) todo real *4 arg real *4 value integer *4 ivalue equivalence (value,ivalue) c integer *4 intforce/0/ c c *** main steering for hadron shower development *** c *** nve 15-jun-1988 cern geneva *** c c called by : guhadr (user routine) c origin : f.carminati, h.fesefeldt c routines : calim 16-sep-1987 c setres 19-aug-1985 c intact 06-oct-1987 integer *4 ind c c c c c c --- "nevent" changed to "kevent" in common /curpar/ due to clash --- c --- with variable "nevent" in geant common --- c parameter (mxgkcu=mxgkgh) common /curpar /weight(10),ddeltn,ifile,irun,nevt,kevent,shflag, $ ithst,ittot,itlst,ifrnd,tofcut,cmom(5),ceng(5), $ rs,s,enp(10),np,nm,nn,nr,no,nz,ipa(mxgkcu), $ atno2,zno2 c c ipart->kpart because of name conflict with /geant321/ c common /result/ xend,yend,zend,rca,rce,amas,nch,tof,px,py,pz, $ userw,intct,p,en,ek,amasq,deltn,itk,ntk,kpart,ind, $ lcalo,icel,sinl,cosl,sinp,cosp, $ xold,yold,zold,pold,pxold,pyold,pzold, $ xscat,yscat,zscat,pscat,pxscat,pyscat,pzscat real nch,intct c c --- "absl(21)" changed to "abslth(21)" in common /mat/ due to clash --- c --- with variable "absl" in geant common --- c common /mat/ lmat, $ den(21),radlth(21),atno(21),zno(21),abslth(21), $ cden(21),mden(21),x0den(21),x1den(21),rion(21), $ matid(21),matid1(21,24),parmat(21,10), $ ifrat,ifrac(21),frac1(21,10),den1(21,10), $ atno1(21,10),zno1(21,10) c dimension ipelos(35) save ideol c c --- random number array -- dimension rndm(1) c c --- dimension stmts. for geant321/gheisha particle code conversions --- c --- kipart(i)=gheisha code corresponding to geant code i --- c --- ikpart(i)=geant code corresponding to gheisha code i --- c integer kipart(48),ikpart(35) c c --- data stmts. for geant321/gheisha particle code conversions --- c --- kipart(i)=gheisha code corresponding to geant code i --- c --- ikpart(i)=geant code corresponding to gheisha code i --- c data kipart/ $ 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6, 8, 7, $ 9, 12, 10, 13, 16, 14, 15, 11, $ 35, 18, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 33, $ 17, 19, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 34, $ 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, $ 35, 35, 35, 35, 30, 31, 32, 35/ c data ikpart/ $ 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 7, $ 9, 11, 16, 10, 12, 14, 15, 13, $ 25, 18, 26, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28, $ 29, 22, 23, 30, 31, 45, 46, 47, $ 24, 32, 48/ c c c --- denote stable particles according to gheisha code --- c --- stable : gamma, neutrino, electron, proton and heavy fragments --- c --- when stopping these particles only loose their kinetic energy --- data ipelos/ $ 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, $ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, $ 0, 0, 1/ c c --- lowerbound of kinetic energy bin in n cross-section tables --- data teklow /0.0001/ c c --- kinetic energy to switch from "casn" to "gnslwd" for n cascade --- data swtekn /0.05/ c data ideol/0/ c c --- set the interaction mechanism to "hadr" --- c c --- init output --- stop=0 code=0 nprod=0 destep=0.0 c c 9004 continue kpart=kipart(ipart) kkpart=kpart c c --- transport the track number to gheisha and initialise some numbers ntk=0 intct=0.0 next=1 ntot=0 int=0 tof=0.0 c c --- fill result common for this track with geant values --- c --- calim code --- xend=0.0 yend=0.0 zend=0.0 amas=rmass(kpart) nch=rcharg(kpart) charge=rcharg(kpart) p=sqrt(pvec(1)**2+pvec(2)**2+pvec(3)**2) if( then px=0.0 py=0.0 pz=0.0 stop=1 else px=pvec(1)/p py=pvec(2)/p pz=pvec(3)/p endif ! c --- setres code --- amasq=amas*amas en=sqrt(amasq+p*p) ek=abs(en-abs(amas)) enold=en c c sinl=0.0 cosl=1.0 sinp=0.0 cosp=1.0 c if (abs(p) .le. 1.0e-10) go to 1 sinl=pz cosl=sqrt(abs(1.0-sinl**2)) c 1 continue call grndm(rndm,1) phi=rndm(1)*twpi if ((px .eq. 0.0) .and. (py .eq. 0.0)) goto 3 if (abs(px) .lt. 1.e-10) goto 2 phi=atan2(py,px) goto 3 c 2 continue if (py .gt. 0.0) phi=pi/2.0 if (py .le. 0.0) phi=3.0*pi/2.0 c 3 continue sinp=sin(phi) cosp=cos(phi) c c --- set gheisha index for the current medium always to 1 --- ind=1 c c --- transfer global material constants for current medium --- c --- detailed data for compounds is obtained via routine compo --- atno(ind+1)=a zno(ind+1)=z den(ind+1)=dens radlth(ind+1)=radl abslth(ind+1)=absl c c --- setup parmat for physics steering --- parmat(ind+1,5)=0.0 parmat(ind+1,8)=ipfis parmat(ind+1,9)=0.0 parmat(ind+1,10)=0.0 if( then !in some media ? jtmn=lq(jtm) if( parmat(ind+1,5)=q(jtmn+26) endif ! c c --- check for stopping track --- if( then call ghstopp(ipart,code,stop) if(code.eq.5) go to 9999 if( go to 40 if(ipelos(kpart).eq.0) then destep=destep+en !unstable deposit all energy else destep=destep+ek !stable deposit kin energy only endif !ipelos(kpart).eq.0 go to 9999 endif ! stop=0 c c --- indicate light (<= pi) and heavy particles (historically) --- c --- calim code --- j=2 test=rmass(7)-0.001 if (abs(amas) .lt. test) j=1 c c *** division into various interaction channels denoted by "int" *** c the convention for "int" is the following c c int = -1 reaction cross sections not yet tabulated/programmed c = 0 no interaction c = 1 eleastic scattering c = 2 inelastic scattering c = 3 nuclear fission with ineleastic scattering c = 4 neutron capture c c --- intact code --- kk=abs(q(jma+11)) !number of material components alam1=0.0 call grndm(rndm,1) rat=rndm(1)*alam atno2=a zno2 =z c do 6 k=1,kk if (kk .le. 0) go to 6 c if (kk .eq. 1) go to 7 atno2=q(jmixt+k) zno2=q(jmixt+kk+k) c 7 continue c c force selected interaction type if( then int=intforce go to 8 endif !intforce c c --- try for elastic scattering --- int=1 code=13 alam1=alam1+aiel(k) if (rat .lt. alam1) go to 8 c c --- try for inelastic scattering --- int=2 code=20 alam1=alam1+aiin(k) if (rat .lt. alam1) go to 8 c c --- try for nuclear fission with inelastic scattering --- int=3 code=15 alam1=alam1+aifi(k) if (rat .lt. alam1) go to 8 c c --- try for neutron capture --- int=4 code=18 alam1=alam1+aica(k) if (rat .lt. alam1) go to 8 c 6 continue c --- no reaction selected ==> elastic scattering --- int=1 code=13 c c *** take action according to selected reaction channel *** c --- following code is a translation of "calim" into geant jargon --- c 8 continue c c --- in case of no interaction or unknown cross sections ==> done --- if (int .le. 0) go to 40 c c --- in case of non-elastic scattering and no generation of sec. --- c --- particles deposit total particle energy and return --- if ((int .eq. 1) .or. (ihadr .ne. 2)) go to 9 stop=2 destep=destep+en go to 9999 c 9 continue if (int .ne. 4) go to 10 c c --- neutron capture --- stop=1 call captur(nopt) go to 40 c 10 continue if (int .ne. 3) go to 11 c --- nuclear fission --- stop=1 tkin=fissio(ek) int=0 go to 40 c 11 continue c c --- elastic and inelastic scattering --- pv(1,mxgkpv)=p*px pv(2,mxgkpv)=p*py pv(3,mxgkpv)=p*pz pv(4,mxgkpv)=en pv(5,mxgkpv)=amas pv(6,mxgkpv)=nch pv(7,mxgkpv)=tof pv(8,mxgkpv)=kpart pv(9,mxgkpv)=0. pv(10,mxgkpv)=userw c c --- additional parameters to simulate fermi motion and evaporation --- do 111 jenp=1,10 enp(jenp)=0.0 111 continue enp(5)=ek enp(6)=en enp(7)=p c if (int .ne. 1) go to 12 c c *** elastic scattering processes *** c c --- only nuclear interactions for heavy fragments --- if ((kpart .ge. 30) .and. (kpart .le. 32)) go to 35 c c --- normal elastic scattering for light media --- if (atno2 .lt. 1.5) go to 35 c c --- coherent elastic scattering for heavy media --- call coscat go to 40 c c *** non-elastic scattering processes *** 12 continue c c --- only nuclear interactions for heavy fragments --- if ((kpart .ge. 30) .and. (kpart .le. 32)) go to 35 c c *** use sometimes nuclear reaction routine "nucrec" for low energy *** c *** proton and neutron scattering *** call grndm(rndm,1) test1=rndm(1) test2=4.5*(ek-0.01) if ((kpart .eq. 14) .and. (test1 .gt. test2)) go to 85 if ((kpart .eq. 16) .and. (test1 .gt. test2)) go to 86 c c *** fermi motion and evaporation *** tkin=cinema(ek) pv(9,mxgkpv)=tkin enp(5)=ek+tkin c --- check for lowerbound of ekin in cross-section tables --- if (enp(5) .le. teklow) enp(5)=teklow enp(6)=enp(5)+abs(amas) enp(7)=(enp(6)-amas)*(enp(6)+amas) enp(7)=sqrt(abs(enp(7))) tkin=fermi(enp(5)) enp(5)=enp(5)+tkin c --- check for lowerbound of ekin in cross-section tables --- if (enp(5) .le. teklow) enp(5)=teklow enp(6)=enp(5)+abs(amas) enp(7)=(enp(6)-amas)*(enp(6)+amas) enp(7)=sqrt(abs(enp(7))) tkin=exnu(enp(5)) enp(5)=enp(5)-tkin c --- check for lowerbound of ekin in cross-section tables --- if (enp(5) .le. teklow) enp(5)=teklow enp(6)=enp(5)+abs(amas) enp(7)=(enp(6)-amas)*(enp(6)+amas) enp(7)=sqrt(abs(enp(7))) c c *** in case of energy above cut-off let the particle cascade *** test=abs(charge) if ((test .gt. 1.0e-10) .and. (enp(5) .gt. cuthad)) go to 35 if ((test .le. 1.0e-10) .and. (enp(5) .gt. cutneu)) go to 35 c c --- second chance for anti-baryons due to possible annihilation --- if ((amas .ge. 0.0) .or. (kpart .le. 14)) go to 13 anni=1.3*p if (anni .gt. 0.4) anni=0.4 call grndm(rndm,1) test=rndm(1) if (test .gt. anni) go to 35 c c *** particle with energy below cut-off *** c --- ==> only nuclear evaporation and quasi-elastic scattering --- 13 continue c stop=3 c c if ((kpart .ne. 14) .and. (kpart .ne. 16)) go to 14 if (kpart .eq. 16) go to 86 c c --- slow proton --- 85 continue call nucrec(nopt,2) c if (nopt .ne. 0) go to 50 c call coscat go to 40 c c --- slow neutron --- 86 continue nucflg=0 call gnslwd(nucflg,int,nfl,teklow) if (nucflg .ne. 0) go to 50 go to 40 c c --- other slow particles --- 14 continue ipa(1)=kpart c --- decide for proton or neutron target --- ipa(2)=16 call grndm(rndm,1) test1=rndm(1) test2=zno2/atno2 if (test1 .lt. test2) ipa(2)=14 avern=0.0 nfl=1 if (ipa(2) .eq. 16) nfl=2 ippp=kpart call twob(ippp,nfl,avern) goto 40 c c --- initialisation of cascade quantities --- 35 continue c c *** cascade generation *** c --- calculate final state multiplicity and longitudinal and --- c --- transverse momentum distributions --- c c --- fixed particle type to steer the cascade --- kkpart=kpart c c --- no cascade for leptons --- if (kkpart .le. 6) go to 9999 c c *** what to do with "new particles" for gheisha ?????? *** c --- return for the time being --- if (kkpart .ge. 35) go to 9999 c c --- cascade of heavy fragments if ((kkpart .ge. 30) .and. (kkpart .le. 32)) go to 390 c c --- initialize the ipa array --- call vzero(ipa(1),100) c c --- cascade of omega - and omega - bar --- if (kkpart .eq. 33) go to 330 if (kkpart .eq. 34) go to 331 c nvepar=kkpart-17 if (nvepar .le. 0) go to 15 go to (318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329),nvepar c 15 continue nvepar=kkpart-6 go to (307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318),nvepar c c --- pi+ cascade --- 307 continue call caspip(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- pi0 ==> no cascade --- 308 continue go to 40 c c --- pi- cascade --- 309 continue call caspim(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- k+ cascade --- 310 continue call caskp(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- k0 cascade --- 311 continue call cask0(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- k0 bar cascade --- 312 continue call cask0b(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- k- cascade --- 313 continue call caskm(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- proton cascade --- 314 continue call casp(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- proton bar cascade --- 315 continue c if (nprt(9)) print 2013 2013 format(' *gheish* routine caspb will be called') call caspb(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- neutron cascade --- 316 continue nucflg=0 if (ek .gt. swtekn) call casn(j,int,nfl) if (ek .le. swtekn) call gnslwd(nucflg,int,nfl,teklow) if (nucflg .ne. 0) go to 50 go to 40 c c --- neutron bar cascade --- 317 continue call casnb(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- lambda cascade --- 318 continue call casl0(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- lambda bar cascade --- 319 continue c if (nprt(9)) print 2018 2018 format(' *gheish* routine casal0 will be called') call casal0(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- sigma + cascade --- 320 continue call cassp(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- sigma 0 ==> no cascade --- 321 continue go to 40 c c --- sigma - cascade --- 322 continue call cassm(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- sigma + bar cascade --- 323 continue call casasp(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- sigma 0 bar ==> no cascade --- 324 continue go to 40 c c --- sigma - bar cascade --- 325 continue call casasm(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- xi 0 cascade --- 326 continue call casx0(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- xi - cascade --- 327 continue call casxm(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- xi 0 bar cascade --- 328 continue call casax0(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- xi - bar cascade --- 329 continue c if (nprt(9)) print 2026 2026 format(' *gheish* routine casaxm will be called') call casaxm(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- omega - cascade --- 330 continue c if (nprt(9)) print 2027 2027 format(' *gheish* routine casom will be called') call casom(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- omega - bar cascade --- 331 continue c if (nprt(9)) print 2028 2028 format(' *gheish* routine casaom will be called') call casaom(j,int,nfl) go to 40 c c --- heavy fragment cascade --- 390 continue nucflg=0 call casfrg(nucflg,int,nfl) if (nucflg .ne. 0) go to 50 c c *** check whether there are new particles generated *** 40 continue if ((ntot .ne. 0) .or. (kkpart .ne. kpart)) go to 50 nprod=1 iprod(1)=ikpart(kpart) pprod(1,1)=px*p pprod(2,1)=py*p pprod(3,1)=pz*p tprod(1)=tprod(1)+tof*0.5e-10 edep=abs(enold-en) if(stop.eq.0) destep=destep+edep go to 9999 c c *** current particle is not the same as in the beginning or/and *** c *** one or more secondaries have been generated *** 50 continue c nvedum=kipart(ipart) c c --- initial particle type has been changed ==> put new type on --- c --- the geant temporary stack --- c c --- chose beteen ks/kl if(kpart.eq.11.or.kpart.eq.12) then kpart=1 call grndm(rndm,1) if(rndm(1).gt.0.5) kpart=12 endif !kpart.eq.11.or.kpart.eq.12 c c c --- put particle on the stack --- nprod=1 iprod(1)=ikpart(kpart) pprod(1,1)=px*p pprod(2,1)=py*p pprod(3,1)=pz*p tprod(1)=tprod(1)+tof*0.5e-10 c c c *** check whether secondaries have been generated and copy them *** c *** also on the geant stack *** 60 continue c c --- all quantities are taken from the gheisha stack where the --- c --- convention is the following --- c c eve(index+ 1)= x c eve(index+ 2)= y c eve(index+ 3)= z c eve(index+ 4)= ncal c eve(index+ 5)= ncell c eve(index+ 6)= mass c eve(index+ 7)= charge c eve(index+ 8)= tof c eve(index+ 9)= px c eve(index+10)= py c eve(index+11)= pz c eve(index+12)= type c if (ntot .le. 0) go to 9999 c c --- one or more secondaries have been generated --- do 61 l=1,ntot index=(l-1)*12 jnd=eve(index+12) c c --- make choice between k0 long / k0 short --- if ((jnd .ne. 11) .and. (jnd .ne. 12)) go to 63 call grndm(rndm,1) jnd=11.5+rndm(1) c c --- forget about neutrinos --- 63 continue if (jnd .eq. 2) go to 61 c c --- swith to geant quantities --- ity=ikpart(jnd) plx=eve(index+9) ply=eve(index+10) plz=eve(index+11) c c c --- add particle to the stack if stack not yet full --- fail=1301 if ( go to 1313 nprod=nprod+1 iprod(nprod)=ity pprod(1,nprod)=plx pprod(2,nprod)=ply pprod(3,nprod)=plz tprod(nprod)=tprod(nprod)+eve(index+8)*0.5e-10 c c 61 continue c 9999 continue return c 1313 continue write(6,*) 'fail=',fail,' in |gheish|' if(fail.eq.1301) then write(6,*) 'produced particle array overflowed' write(6,*) 'results will be truncated' endif !fail.eq.1301 return c entry gheiset(todo,arg) value=arg if(todo.eq.'ihadr') then ihadr=ivalue else if (todo.eq.'ipfis') then ipfis=ivalue else if(todo.eq.'cuthad') then cuthad=value else if(todo.eq.'cutneu') then cutneu=value else if(todo.eq.'intforce') then intforce=ivalue endif !todo.eq.'ihadr' end