8/26 FDC-half cell stagger study: Alternate B-field studies Ansys? Poisson position dependent smearing will be added 8/12 GPU effort at JLab Action item list an active activity 7/29 BCAL and mcsmear changes Hall D Unix groups Tracking libraries removed from HDGeant Organizing work: offline vs. detector group 7/15? Renee out of town 7/1 2 GB file size limit resolved multi-threading the DRootGeom class 6/17 mcsmear should contain all random number processes missing FDC and CDC hits, richard fixed kalman filter progress 6/3? Primex collaboration meeting 5/20 Cerenkov dropped from default geometry event.xml made the authoritative file FDC geometry changes CDC geometry changes 5/13: collaboration meeting 5/6 Monte Carlo changes * FFREAD cards for controlling: o supression of events with no detector hits o EM shower generation in the beam collimator * Adding start counter truth information to the data model * Adding a command-line option to genr8_2_hddm to allow a range for the z-vertex position 4/22 Software brainstorming