NOTES GlueX Offline Meeting, February 9, 2010 1. Dependency generation in the make scheme: Mark has revised the scheme for making dependency files in the BMS system. 2. Task priority ratings: Mark added priority ratings to the items on the Task List. APS practice talk on GlueX Rates David gave us a preview of his talk on rates at the upcoming Spring APS meeting (being held in February). His slide titles: Eliott, DANA-EVIO conversion, almost complete PID Scheme introduced, Simon GlueX Offline Meeting, February 23, 2010 2. Environment variable checking in the makefiles: Mark 4. Auto-notification of build errors: Mark * Noise Hits in mcsmear: We decided to change the default behavior of mcsmear from noise-hits-generated mode to skip-noise-hit-generation mode. * GEANT4 for GlueX sentiment for re-raising this issue GlueX Offline Meeting, March 9, 2010 Mark presented a proposal to make change in the top-level structure of our simulation and reconstruction code, in essence give it name ("sim-recon") less generic than the current one ("src"). ded, a new GlueX event display, Dave Heddle Improvements in full event reconstruction calorimeter clusters and the resulting photon objects b1pi/omega analysis Elton GlueX Offline Meeting, March 23, 2010 * BMS change: binaries depend on libraries: Mark mentioned the recent change made to the binary making makefile (Makefile.bin). Now binaries should automatically be remade when libraries, upon which they depend, have changed. * Partial wave analysis, initial contacts: Craig has been in contact with Matt and Curtis on this. Versioning of Calibration Constants Mark reviewed the interim scheme (link above) FCAL clustering, See Mihajlo's slides Material on Splitoffs from Curtis and Matt Documentation Structure Mark outlined some ideas GlueX Offline Meeting, April 6, 2010 BCAL Reconstruction, David gave us a succinct outline of the reconstruction algorithm we have been using for the BCAL DANA-to-EVIO conversion Elliott presented his recent efforts, in collaboration with David, on a plug-in that serializes a selection of DANA objects in EVIO format. 4. Explore action item tracking software. -> Mark GlueX Offline Meeting, April 20, 2010 BCAL reconstruction responsibility New Fine-Mesh B-field Option, Simon described recent work in trying to speed up the tracking code. The code spends a lot of time in interpolation of the B-field and its derivatives. He tried an approach where the interpolation was done in advance and the results stored as a map with a much smaller grid spacing. GlueX Offline Meeting, May 4, 2010 Minutes 1. Mark reported that the change request, which was recently submitted to the project, for Offline Computing will have to be redone. The current version references last year's baseline BIA schedule. The request must reference the current revised schedule. 3. David has successfully run our reconstruction on MacOS 10.6 (HDGEANT is still problematic on this platform). Changes to support this have been checked in on the trunk. Tests of a SIMD version of DVector3 Simon described his recent re-write of the DVector3 class to take advantage of the SSE hardware present on many x86 processors. See his wiki page for details. Speed increases of a factor of two to three were seen for most member functions. The goal is to increase the speed of charged particle tracking. * David reported that the script to run the "b1pi" analysis is done. Mark will incorporate it into a weekly cron job.