subroutine evgen_start C C JTDKY = +/- unit number for decay table file. C If it is negative, decay table is not printed. C JTEVT = +/- unit number for output event file. C If it is negative, only stable particles are written on it. C JTCOM = unit number for command file. C JTLIS = unit number for listing. C IMPLICIT NONE C #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" C COMMON/ITAPES/ITDKY,ITEVT,ITCOM,ITLIS INTEGER ITDKY,ITEVT,ITCOM,ITLIS COMMON/IDRUN/IDVER,IDG(2),IEVT,IEVGEN INTEGER IDVER,IDG,IEVT,IEVGEN COMMON/PRIMAR/NJET,SCM,HALFE,ECM,IDIN(2),NEVENT,NTRIES,NSIGMA INTEGER NJET,IDIN,NEVENT,NTRIES,NSIGMA REAL SCM,HALFE,ECM COMMON/ISLOOP/NEVOLV,NFRGMN,IEVOL,IFRG INTEGER NEVOLV,NFRGMN,IEVOL,IFRG SAVE /ITAPES/,/IDRUN/,/PRIMAR/,/ISLOOP/ COMMON/PRTOUT/NEVPRT,NJUMP SAVE /PRTOUT/ INTEGER NEVPRT,NJUMP C C... local variables INTEGER NQUARK,LQUARK(50) INTEGER LOK,IKEEP,ISEED,NH1,NDIF,istream,maxev INTEGER JTDKY,JTEVT,JTCOM,JTLIS,IFL,ILOOP,INDEC DOUBLE PRECISION SEED CHARACTER*132 ISADEC LOGICAL OK,DONE data maxev/10000/ SAVE ILOOP,JTDKY,JTEVT,JTCOM,JTLIS,istream EXTERNAL ALDATA C C Initialize ISAJET C JTDKY=-1 JTEVT=-2 JTCOM=21 JTLIS=22 C initialize HEP logical units LNHWRT=23 LNHRD=0 LNHDCY=0 LNHOUT=JTLIS C set file names if blank if(file_input .eq. ' ') file_input = 'isajet_exam.isa' if(file_lpt .eq. ' ') file_lpt = 'isajet_exam.lpt' if(file_evt_wrt .eq. ' ') file_evt_wrt = 'isajet_exam.evt' C point to standard decay tables CALL GETENV( 'ISAJET_DECAY', ISADEC) IF(ISADEC.EQ.' ')THEN CALL GETENV( 'ISAJET_DIR', ISADEC ) IF ( ISADEC .EQ. ' ' ) THEN ISADEC = 'isadecay.dat' ELSE INDEC = INDEX ( ISADEC , ' ' ) - 1 ISADEC = ISADEC(:INDEC) // '/isadecay.dat' ENDIF ENDIF C open files open(unit=1,file=isadec,status='old',err=9991) open(unit=jtcom,file=file_input,status='old',err=9992) open(unit=jtlis,file=file_lpt,status='new',err=9993) C... Open the event output file call stdxwinit(file_evt_wrt,'EVGEN with Isajet and QQ', 1 maxev,istream,lok) if( go to 9994 C call initialization CALL ISAINI(JTDKY,JTEVT,JTCOM,JTLIS) C book histograms CALL bookhistos C set random number seed call get_ranseed_from_time(ISEED) SEED = ISEED CALL RANFST(SEED) C initialize QQ if appropriate if(lqq) call STDQQUSET C C Read instructions; terminate for STOP command or error. C 201 IFL=0 CALL ISABEG(IFL) IF(IFL.NE.0)THEN C... call user's end-of-job routine call usr_end_job CALL HRPUT(0,file_hbk,'N') C...print histograms CALL HOUTPU(LNHOUT) CALL HISTDO ENDIF IF(IFL.NE.0) STOP C Write begin-run record CALL STDFLISXSEC CALL stdxwrt(100,istream,lok) C C Event loop C ILOOP=1 301 CONTINUE C Generate one event - discard if .NOT.OK CALL ISAEVT(ILOOP,OK,DONE) IF(OK)THEN C CALL ISAHEP(1) NH1 = NHEP C call usr_filter_preqq(IKEEP) C we want to keep this event? IF(IKEEP.EQ.1)THEN C... do QQ decay C... search HEPEVT list for particles which QQ can decay C... one by one, decay these particles and add the results to the C... HEPEVT common if(lqq) CALL STDDECAYQQ CALL STDFLISXSEC we want to keep this event? call usr_filter_postqq(IKEEP) IF(IKEEP.EQ.1)THEN IF(ILOOP.LE.NEVPRT) CALL HEPLST(1) C... CALL STDQUARKLST(5,NQUARK,50,LQUARK) CALL HF1(1,FLOAT(NQUARK)+0.5,1.0) CALL HFILL(2,FLOAT(NHEP)+0.5,0.,1.0) if(lqq)then NDIF = NHEP - NH1 CALL HFILL(3,FLOAT(NH1)+0.5,0.,1.0) CALL HFILL(4,FLOAT(NDIF)+0.5,0.,1.0) endif call usr_end_event C... Write the event to disk CALL stdxwrt(1,istream,lok) ILOOP=ILOOP+1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF(.NOT.DONE) GO TO 301 C C Calculate cross section and luminosity C CALL ISAEND C Write end-of-run record CALL STDFLISXSEC call stdxwrt(200,istream,lok) C... Close up shop call stdxend(istream) GO TO 201 c Come here if error opening isajet decay file 9991 write(6,5001) isadec 5001 format('Error opening isajet decay file ',a) stop c Come here if error opening input command file 9992 write(6,5002) file_input 5002 format('Error opening input command file file ',a) stop c Come here if error opening output print file 9993 write(6,5003) file_lpt 5003 format('Error opening output print file ',a) stop c Come here if error opening output event file 9994 write(6,5004) file_evt_wrt 5004 format('Error opening output event file ',a) stop END c $Id$ c $Log$ c Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 19:58:35 eugenio c Initial revision c c Revision 1.8 1998/06/25 15:49:00 bphyslib c add all necessary changes from v3_3 c