subroutine pyt_user_init(istream) c c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c User initialization of the program. c Open files for I/O. c Call routine to read in Pythia variables c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" C... local variables integer i,istream c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C... Initialize STDHEP unit numbers LNHOUT = 9 LNHWRT = 0 LNHRD = 0 LNHDCY = 17 C... Initialize jetset output unit MSTU(11) = LNHOUT C... set default number of event to print to 1 maxpr = 1 C Set file names if blank if(file_input .eq. ' ') file_input = 'pythia_exam.pyt' if(file_lpt .eq. ' ') file_lpt = 'pythia_exam.lpt' if(file_evt_wrt .eq. ' ') file_evt_wrt = 'pythia_exam.evt' call pyt_command !Get commands from input file C... Open the output file for histos, etc. C Write the name of the input file to it. open(LNHOUT,FILE=file_lpt,STATUS='NEW') write(LNHOUT,9000) file_input 9000 format(/'Input command file: ',a,/) c Set random seeds by time of day or use seed from file call pyt_get_seed C... call pygive if necessary if( do i=1,npygv call pygive(pygvlst(i)) enddo endif C... set particle masses c pyupda(1...) writes the jetset/pythia decay table c open(unit=lnhdcy,file='jetset.dcy',status='new') c call pyupda(1,lnhdcy) c close(unit=lnhdcy) c pyupda(2...) reads the jetset/pythia decay table write(lnhout,9001) jetset_decay_file 9001 format(/'Reading jetset decay table: ',a,/) open(unit=lnhdcy,file=jetset_decay_file,status='old') call pyupda(2,lnhdcy) close(unit=lnhdcy) C... Book histograms. call bookhistos C... CALL HOUTPU(LNHOUT) C... Open the event output file call stdxwinit(file_evt_wrt,'EVGEN with Pythia and QQ', 1 maxev,istream,lok) c... Initialize Pythia call pyinit(frame, beam, target, cms_energy) RETURN END c $Id$ c $Log$ c Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 19:58:35 eugenio c Initial revision c c Revision 1.6 1998/07/09 21:00:24 garren c for lund v6_115, herwig v5_9a, and isajet v7_37 c c Revision 1.5 1998/06/25 15:49:03 bphyslib c add all necessary changes from v3_3 c