#ifndef OFFLINE_TRACK_STRUCT #define OFFLINE_TRACK_STRUCT c Reconstructed charged tracks. Since there are two representations c (central and forward tracks) we adopt a standard parametrization of c a 4-momentum and a 3-position. #include "const.inc" #include "wtrack_struct.inc" integer OFFLINE_TRACK_WORD parameter ( OFFLINE_TRACK_WORD = + WTRACK_WORD+51*FLOAT_WORD+5*INT_WORD ) structure /offline_track_struct/ record /wtrack_struct/ w !Track parameters DFLOAT mass !Mass DFLOAT cov(7,7) !Covariance matrix DFLOAT chisq !Chisquare of fit - see note 1. integer nhit !Number of hits in fit - see note 1. integer nhit_sil !Number of silicon hits - see note 1. integer nhit_stereo !Number of hits with stereo info integer icov !0 ==> covariance matrix not defined c !1 ==> covariance matrix defined c !2 ==> defined, but no momentum information integer hep !Pos. of corresp. track in HEPEVT list integer dummy !pad to align structure end structure c c Notes: c 1) In the original mcfast, nhit counted the number of hits in the c fit, even if some hits added more than 1 term to the chisq. c If the Kalman filter is selected, either by default or with the c command line "use_kalman T" , then nhit and nhit_sil c are incremented by 2 for every pixel hit added to the track. c All other types of hits increment these counters by 1. c That is, nhit is the number of terms in the chisq and the c distribution of prob(chisq,nhit-5) should be flat. c If the Kalman filter is not selected, then nhit and nhit_sil c are incremented by 1 for all types of hits; also, in this case c chisq = 0 by definition. If the Kalman filter is selected, c then fit_lkalman in fit_params.inc will be .TRUE. . c c #endif c c$Id$ c c$Log$ cRevision 1.1 2000/06/19 19:58:38 eugenio cInitial revision c cRevision 1.6 2000/01/19 19:38:21 garren cfix some ! comments which can cause problems for Linux user code c c Revision 1.5 1999/11/17 16:54:07 mcbride c added pad to align structure c c Revision 1.4 1999/03/16 23:42:08 kutschke c Update some comments. c c Revision 1.3 1998/09/15 04:27:19 kutschke c Bug fix OFFLINE_TRACK_WORD. c c Revision 1.2 1997/03/24 17:37:09 kutschke c Add comment for icov=2 c