#ifndef VTXHEP_INC #define VTXHEP_INC c c Rob Kutschke, Oct. 20, 1998. c c Stores information about vertices from the StdHep commons. c c ------------------------------------------------------- c c WARNING: if you change this file, also make sure you change c vtxhep.h ! c c -------------------------------------------------------- c #include "const.inc" integer ipvhep, idvhep * common /pointhep/ ipvhep(mcf_nmxhep), idvhep(mcf_nmxhep) save /pointhep/ * * ipvhep - pointer to production vertex for stdhep track * idvhep - pointer to decay vertex for stdhep track * integer maxvtx parameter (maxvtx = 1000) DFLOAT vtx_pos integer vtx_intrk, vtx_outrk, vtx_ntrk, vtx_hep_n * common /vtxhep/ * vtx_hep_n, * vtx_intrk(maxvtx), * vtx_outrk(maxvtx), * vtx_ntrk(maxvtx) common /vtxhep1/ * vtx_pos(4,maxvtx) save /vtxhep/ * vtx_hep_n - number of vertices stored * vtx_intrk - stdhep track # of incoming track of this vertex * vtx_outrk - stdhep track # of 1st outgoing track of this vertex * vtx_ntrk - number of tracks emerging from this vertex * vtx_pos(1,..) - x vertex position * vtx_pos(2,..) - y vertex position * vtx_pos(3,..) - z vertex position * vtx_pos(4,..) - c*production time #endif