#include "drf_anode_struct.inc" #include "drf_cathode_struct.inc" #ifndef DRIFT_STRUCT #define DRIFT_STRUCT c Drift chamber definition. Several of these can be defined at one time. c c c num_anode !Number of anode layers c num_cathode !Number of cathode layers c rmin !Radius of inner wall c rmax !Radius of outer wall c zmin !Zmin of wall c zmax !Zmax of wall c thick_boun(4) !effective thickness of material c !at each rmin....zmax boundry c mat_boun(4) !material at each rmin....zmax bound. c material !material filling device c nchan !Total number of electronic channels c an(max_drf_anode) !Array of anode params c cath(max_drf_cathode) !Array of cathode params c name !Name of device c integer max_drf_anode integer max_drf_cathode parameter (max_drf_anode = 100) parameter (max_drf_cathode = 2) structure /drift_struct/ integer num_anode integer num_cathode real rmin real rmax real zmin real zmax real thick_boun(4) integer mat_boun(4) integer material integer nchan record /drf_anode_struct/ * an(max_drf_anode) record /drf_cathode_struct/ * cath(max_drf_cathode) character*40 name end structure #endif