program t2 c c Example program for mcfio. Simple case. Read the file produced by t1 c implicit none #include "" integer ostr_all, ostr_sel, istr_old, nopen, istr(10), length integer inum, iblki(5) character *60 filename character *80 title character *255 answer integer numblocks, blkids(3) integer i, numevts_real integer NUMTRIES PARAMETER (NUMTRIES = 5000000) integer MCFIO_CRAPPER parameter (MCFIO_CRAPPER = 4562468) integer xdr_stdhep_multi external xdr_stdhep_multi c c Initialization phase. c call mcfio_Init c call mcfio_PrintDictionary() c istr_old = mcfio_OpenReadDirect('/home/simulation/pltmp/chi_test.dat') istr_old = mcfio_OpenReadDirect( & 'test1.dat') nopen = mcfio_InfoNumStream(istr, 10) print *, ' Number of stream opened ', nopen print *, ' Stream index ' , istr(1) call mcfio_InfoStreamChar( & istr(1), MCFIO_CREATIONDATE, answer, length) print *, ' Creation Date ', answer(1:length) call mcfio_InfoStreamChar( & istr(1), MCFIO_TITLE, answer, length) print *, ' TITLE ', answer(1:length) print *, ' Expect an error message now.. ' call mcfio_InfoStreamChar( & istr(1), MCFIO_CRAPPER, answer, length) print *, ' No answer expected. ', answer(1:length) call mcfio_InfoStreamChar( & istr(1), MCFIO_COMMENT, answer, length) print *, ' COMMENT ', answer(1:length) call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istr(1), MCFIO_NUMEVTS, inum) print *,' Number of events ', inum numevts_real = inum call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istr(1), MCFIO_NUMBLOCKS, inum) print *,' Maximum number of Blocks per event ', inum call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istr(1), MCFIO_BLOCKIDS, iblki) print *,'Block id for the last block ', iblki(inum) c c ============================================================= c call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istr(1), MCFIO_NUMWORDS, inum) print *,' Number of words read ', inum do i = 1, numevts_real + 10 if (mcfio_NextEvent(istr_old) .ne. MCFIO_RUNNING) then print *,' Error reading next event ' call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istr_old, MCFIO_STATUS, inum) if (inum .eq. MCFIO_EOF ) then print *, ' Reached EOF, Close and Stop ' call mcfio_Close(istr_old) stop else print *, ' Unrecognized Status, stat = ', inum end if stop else print *, ' O.K., running... ' end if if (i .eq. 1) then call mcfio_InfoEventInt(istr_old, MCFIO_RUNNUMBER, inum) print *, ' Run number ', inum end if call mcfio_InfoEventInt(istr_old, MCFIO_EVENTNUMBER, inum) print *, ' Event number ', inum call mcfio_InfoEventInt(istr_old, MCFIO_STORENUMBER, inum) print *, ' Store number ', inum call mcfio_InfoEventInt(istr_old, MCFIO_TRIGGERMASK, inum) if (inum .eq. 255) print *, ' Special lucky event' if (mcfio_block(istr_old, MCFIO_STDHEPM, xdr_stdhep_multi) & .eq. -1) then print *, ' Error reading STDHEP block ' STOP end if c if (i .lt. 30) call study_stdhep end do c c ============================================================= c call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istr(1), MCFIO_NUMWORDS, inum) print *,' Number of words read ', inum call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istr(1), MCFIO_EFFICIENCY, inum) print *,' Efficiency ', inum call mcfio_Close(istr_old) stop end subroutine study_stdhep implicit none integer i, io, nn #include "" print *, ' Number of tracks ', nhep nn = nhep if (nn .gt. 2) nn = 2 do i = 1,nn print *, ' Pz, Py, Pz, ', (phep(io,i), io = 1,3) print *, ' Mass ', phep(5,i) print *, ' Y position, Z position ', vhep(2,i), vhep(3,i) end do print *, ' NMULTI = ' , NMULTI return end