program t3 c c Example program for mcfio. Simple case. Read the file produced by t1 c implicit none #include "" integer ostr_all, ostr_sel, istr_old, nopen, istr(10), length integer inum, iblki(5) integer numblocks, blkids(3) integer i, irun, ievt, istore, itrig integer NUMTRIES PARAMETER (NUMTRIES = 50) integer xdr_stdhep_multi external xdr_stdhep_multi c c Initialization phase. c call mcfio_Init istr_old = mcfio_OpenReadDirect('test1.dat') irun = 0 istore = 0 ievt = 0 itrig = 255 if ( & mcfio_SpecificEvent(istr_old, ievt, istore, irun, itrig) & .eq. -1) then print *, ' Magic event not found, stop ' stop end if call mcfio_InfoEventInt(istr_old, MCFIO_EVENTNUMBER, inum) print *, ' Event number for magic trigger ', inum if (mcfio_block(istr_old, MCFIO_STDHEPM, xdr_stdhep_multi) & .eq. -1) then print *, ' Error reading STDHEP block ' STOP end if call study_stdhep itrig = 0 istore = 3 if ( & mcfio_NextSpecificEvent(istr_old, ievt, istore, irun, itrig) & .eq. -1) then print *, ' First event of magic spill not found, stop ' stop end if call mcfio_InfoEventInt(istr_old, MCFIO_EVENTNUMBER, inum) print *, ' Event number for 1st evt from magic spill', inum c call mcfio_Close(istr_old) stop end subroutine study_stdhep implicit none integer i, io, nn #include "" print *, ' Number of tracks ', nhep nn = nhep if (nn .gt. 3 ) nn = 3 do i = 1, nn print *, ' Pz, Py, Pz, ', (phep(io,i), io = 1,3) print *, ' Mass ', phep(5,i) print *, ' Y position, Z position ', vhep(2,i), vhep(3,i) end do return end