program t6 c c Example program for mcfio. Read a file, and split into 2 different c files, depending on store number. Thus, 5 files are opened in c this example. c implicit none #include "" #include "" #include "" integer ostr_stdhep(2), ostr_offl(2), istr_old, inum character *60 filename character *80 title integer numblocks, blkids(3), nevts integer i, ivalue, istore, irun, ievtn integer xdr_stdhep_multi external xdr_stdhep_multi integer xdr_mcfast_track_offline external xdr_mcfast_track_offline c c Initialization phase. c call mcfio_Init filename = 'test4.dat' istr_old = mcfio_OpenReadDirect('test4.dat') numblocks = 1 blkids(1) = MCFIO_STDHEPM filename = 'test6_stdhep_even.dat' title = ' Second Simple test, Stdhep run, even stores. ' ostr_stdhep(1) = mcfio_OpenWriteDirect(filename, & title, %val(0), 1000, blkids, numblocks) filename = 'test6_stdhep_odd.dat' title = ' Second Simple test, Stdhep run, odd stores. ' ostr_stdhep(2) = mcfio_OpenWriteDirect(filename, & title, %val(0), 1000, blkids, numblocks) blkids(1) = MCFIO_OFFTRACKARRAYS filename = 'test6_offl_even.dat' title = ' Second Simple test, Offline Tracks run, even stores.' ostr_offl(1) = mcfio_OpenWriteDirect(filename, & title, %val(0), 1000, blkids, numblocks) filename = 'test6_offl_odd.dat' title = ' Second Simple test, Offline Tracks run, odd stores.' ostr_offl(2) = mcfio_OpenWriteDirect(filename, title, & ' Not so hot ! ', & 1000, blkids, numblocks) c c =============================================================== c call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istr_old, MCFIO_NUMEVTS, nevts) print *,' Number of events on file test4.dat ', nevts do i = 1, nevts if (mcfio_NextEvent(istr_old) .eq. -1) then print *,' Error reading next event, Stop ' stop end if call mcfio_InfoEventInt(istr_old, MCFIO_EVENTNUMBER, ievtn) call mcfio_InfoEventInt(istr_old, MCFIO_STORENUMBER, istore) call mcfio_InfoEventInt(istr_old, MCFIO_RUNNUMBER, irun) if (mcfio_block(istr_old, MCFIO_STDHEPM, xdr_stdhep_multi) & .eq. -1) then print *, ' Error reading STDHEP block ' STOP end if if (mcfio_block(istr_old, MCFIO_OFFTRACKARRAYS, & xdr_mcfast_track_offline).eq. -1) then print *, ' Error reading OFFTRACKARRAYS block ' STOP end if if (mod(istore,2) .eq. 0) then if (mcfio_block(ostr_stdhep(1), & MCFIO_STDHEPM, xdr_stdhep_multi) .eq. -1) then print *, ' Error writing STDHEP block ' STOP end if if (mcfio_block(ostr_offl(1), MCFIO_OFFTRACKARRAYS, & xdr_mcfast_track_offline).eq. -1) then print *, ' Error writing OFFTRACKARRAYS block ' STOP end if c c Transfer the Event Information. c call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_stdhep(1), & MCFIO_EVENTNUMBER, ievtn) call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_stdhep(1), & MCFIO_STORENUMBER, istore) call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_stdhep(1), & MCFIO_RUNNUMBER, irun) if (mcfio_NextEvent(ostr_stdhep(1)) .eq. -1) then print *,' Error writing next event, Stop, stream = ', & ostr_stdhep(1) stop end if call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_offl(1), & MCFIO_EVENTNUMBER, ievtn) call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_offl(1), & MCFIO_STORENUMBER, istore) call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_offl(1), & MCFIO_RUNNUMBER, irun) if (mcfio_NextEvent(ostr_offl(1)) .eq. -1) then print *,' Error writing next event, Stop ', & ostr_offl(1) stop end if else if (mcfio_block(ostr_stdhep(2), & MCFIO_STDHEPM, xdr_stdhep_multi) .eq. -1) then print *, ' Error writing STDHEP block ' STOP end if if (mcfio_block(ostr_offl(2), MCFIO_OFFTRACKARRAYS, & xdr_mcfast_track_offline).eq. -1) then print *, ' Error writing OFFTRACKARRAYS block ' STOP end if call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_stdhep(2), & MCFIO_EVENTNUMBER, ievtn) call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_stdhep(2), & MCFIO_STORENUMBER, istore) call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_stdhep(2), & MCFIO_RUNNUMBER, irun) if (mcfio_NextEvent(ostr_stdhep(2)) .eq. -1) then print *,' Error writing next event, Stop, stream = ', & ostr_stdhep(2) stop end if call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_offl(2), & MCFIO_EVENTNUMBER, ievtn) call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_offl(2), & MCFIO_STORENUMBER, istore) call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_offl(2), & MCFIO_RUNNUMBER, irun) if (mcfio_NextEvent(ostr_offl(2)) .eq. -1) then print *,' Error writing next event, Stop ', & ostr_offl(2) stop end if end if end do c c ================================================================= c call mcfio_close(istr_old) do i = 1,2 call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(ostr_stdhep(i), & MCFIO_NUMWORDS, inum) print *, & ' NUMBER OF 4-BYTES WORDS WRITTEN on Stream',ostr_stdhep(i), & ' is = ', inum call mcfio_close(ostr_stdhep(i)) call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(ostr_offl(i), & MCFIO_NUMWORDS, inum) print *, & ' NUMBER OF 4-BYTES WORDS WRITTEN on Stream',ostr_offl(i), & ' is = ', inum call mcfio_close(ostr_offl(i)) end do stop end