program tN1 c c Example program for mcfio. Simple case for Ntuple c implicit none #include "" integer ostr_all, ostr_sel, istr_old character *60 filename character *80 title integer numblocks, blkids(3) integer i, ivalue integer NUMTRIES PARAMETER (NUMTRIES = 50) #include "" #include "" c c Initialization phase. c call mcfio_Init c filename = '/home/focus/scr1/pltmp/mcfio_mcfio/testN1_l.dat' filename = 'testN1_l.dat' title = ' First Simple test ' numblocks = 3 ostr_all = mcfio_OpenWriteDirect(filename, title, %val(0), & NUMTRIES, blkids, 0) if (ostr_all .eq. -1) then print *, ' Can t open output file, give up ' stop end if blkids(1) = mcfio_DeclareNtuple(22, 'Global Super_22', 'Top', & ostr_all, 'glob22.db') blkids(2) = mcfio_DeclareNtuple(23, 'Global Super_23', 'Top', & ostr_all, 'glo23.db') blkids(3) = mcfio_DeclareNtuple(1, & 'Global Super_Charm', 'Charming', & ostr_all, 'glob22.db') if (mcfio_EndDeclNTuples(ostr_all) .ne. 3) then print *, 'Problem with stream initialisation ' stop end if c c Set the version token. We must do this.. c glob_c.version = '1.10' version_glo23 = '1.00' ivalue = 456 call mcfio_SetEventInfo(ostr_all, MCFIO_RUNNUMBER, ivalue) do i = 1, NUMTRIES call fill_glob22(i) if (mcfio_NTuple(ostr_all,blkids(1), glob_c.version) & .eq. -1) then print *, 'Problem with Encoding glob22 ' stop end if call fill_glo23(i) if (mcfio_NTuple(ostr_all,blkids(2), version_glo23) & .eq. -1) then print *, 'Problem with Encoding glo23 ' stop end if if (mcfio_NextEvent(ostr_all) .eq. -1) then print *,' Error writing next event, Stop ' stop end if print *,' Written evt number ',i end do call mcfio_close(ostr_all) stop end subroutine fill_glob22(ievt) implicit none c c Dummy fill for now.. c #include "" integer ievt, i,j, k glob_c.eventnumber(1) = mod(ievt,64) c No_way = ievt+99 glob_c.Missinget = 578.9 - ievt*1. glob_c.something = 123.5 +ievt*7. glob_c.nglob = mod(ievt, 10) if (ievt .eq. 1) glob_c.nglob = 12 if (glob_c.nglob .eq. 0) return do i=1, glob_c.nglob glob_c.glob_var(i).missingEtphi = 'Not too much ' if (i .gt. 4) & glob_c.glob_var(i).missingEtphi = 'Quite a bit' do j = 1,80 glob_c.glob_var(i).v6_new(j) = j + mod(ievt,2) end do do j= 1,6 do k = 1,5 glob_c.glob_var(i).v5_new(k,j) = 0.0 end do end do glob_c.glob_var(i).v7_now2 = ievt*10 + i glob_c.glob_var(i).missingetnomuon = ievt*100. + i*10. glob_c.glob_var(i).v7_now = ievt/10. + i glob_c.glob_var(i).v7_now_last = i*1.d0 end do return end subroutine fill_glo23(ievt) implicit none c c Dummy fill for now.. c #include "" c integer ievt, i,j,k,iseed save iseed data iseed /5683873/ #if AIX real rand #else real ran external ran #endif #if AIX ngl23 = ifix(ngl23_max*rand()/10.) #else ngl23 = ifix(ngl23_max*ran(iseed)/10.) #endif eventnumber = ievt #if AIX triggerbit1(1) = .false. triggerbit1(2) = .false. #else triggerbit1(1) = 0 triggerbit1(2) = 0 #endif runnumber = 456 No_way = 0 missingEt = 789. something = 0. do i = 1, ngl23 do j= 1,5 do k = 1,8 Amtrack(j,k,i) = 1.0 *(j + k + i) end do end do do j= 1,10 do k = 1,10 v5_new(j,k,i) = 0. end do end do v7_now2(i) = 0. missingetnomuon(i) = 0. end do return end