NAME TraceLat DESCRIPTION This Module displays the traces generated by the McFast tracking. INPUTS PickTraceInfo -- Parameter (Opt.) This parameter controls whether to display the hits of the individual traces. Another option is to turn off the display of a trace all together. PickHepNum -- Parameter (Opt.) The HEP particle number of the picked track. WIDGETS Filename -- File Browser Use the file brower to input the file with STDHEP information, Offline track information and trace information here NextEvent -- Button Use to go to the next event. In the current implementation, the first "event" is really the file header. PlotTrace -- Radio Box (off, on). Use this button to display the traces of charged particles which were not found as reconstructed tracks. Green traces are positively charged, yellow are negatively charge. PlotTrack -- Radio Box (off, on). Use this button to display the traces of particle that were found as reconstructed traces. All particles will show as red. PlotNeutral -- Radio Box (off, on). Use this button to display all neutral traces as blue. PlotHit -- Radio Box (off, on). Use this button to display the hits on the tracks. This option takes a while to render and longer to move. Zoom in to the view the tracks before turning on this option MinEta -- Dial Controls the minimum eta of the traces that will be displayed. MaxEta -- Dial Controls the maximum eta of the traces that will be displayed. EventNumber -- Text Displays the event number. Only for information at this time, although I could make it used to select which event to display. PlotAxis -- Radio Box (off, on). If this button is on, arrows showing the positive x,y,and z axis will be shown with the event MomSwitch -- Radio Box (Momentum, Transverse Momentum). Controls whether the momentum cut takes place in momentum or transverse momentum. MinMom -- Dial Controls the minimum momentum cut. ResetView -- Button Use to return to the default view of the traces before picking. The reset view feature will not override momentum, eta, or display parameters. OUTPUTS geom -- Geometry This is the actual information sent to the render hepdata -- Lattice (1-D, float, uniform). This contains the information about the particles that is displayed by the trace pick module filename -- Parameter This port can be hooked to the geom_filename input port of the DetDisplay module to insure that the traces and geometery being displayed come from the same McFast run. KNOWN PROBLEMS It takes an AGE to render the hits. Could use fewer trace points in the non-magnetic region to display connected traces, which might improve performance. Could use event number display to select event. The first event is not the first event, but the header. Could use HEP tree information to display particles by decay chain. SEE ALSO DetDisplay TracePick TraceInfo Render