MCFast v2.4 June 1, 1996 PL McBride Setup for MCFast(in csh or tcsh): setenv $MCFAST_DIR ~bphyslib/mcfast/v2.4 source ~bphyslib/setup_files/mcenv.fnalu v2.4 Tutorial on the web: Changes include: Electromagnetic fast shower development in EM calorimeters was included in v2.3. Simple hadronic shower development in EM calorimeters has been included in this release). Tracing and tracking is done in combined forward and central geometries. This means that forward tracking elements in a solenoid are handled correctly. New vertex routines for vertexing in a central dipole have been added. routines are provided in $MCFAST_DIR/src/vertex Geometry files are .db files which are read with DBin. Template files for each geometry structure are in $MCFAST_DIR/db. Please create a link to $MCFAST_DIR/db in the directory where you plan to run MCFast. Output of traces, tracks, calorimetry and geometry files can be done. Call usr_mcfio_out for each event you wish to write. $MCFAST_DIR/Explorer contains the makefiles that will allow you to build the explorer modules for visualization of MCFast events for your SGI machine. (We haven't tried other platforms, but in principle this is possible.) DetDiplay is the detector display module and TraceInfo will display the tracks. To run MCFast v2.4, new versions of QQ and STDHEP are required. To use this version please setup the following: QQ version v9_1 STDHEP version v3_02