July 3, 1998
In addition there is one unsupported mixing example:
The last example is present on the fnalu cluster ( and, for developers only, on fnsimu1 ).
The detailed documentation for each example is found in README files which are in the indicated directory heirarchy.
In this example, the K0s and stable hyperons which are produced inside evgen still have zero lifetime.
A minor and, for the time, ignoreable weakness of this example is that the random number seeds for qq and for mcfast are not propagated from one job to the next -- the are initialized in each job using the time of day.
Now consider writing the event generator to simulate the above process and to study a specific channel of the B_s. In this case, one wants to force the first B_s meson in an event to decay into the channel being studied. The second B_s meson should be allowed to decay according to the default branching ratios.
Now suppose that the channel in question is a long decay chain,
such as:
B_s -> Psi K*bar -> mu+ mu- K- pi+.
It is important to only force the psi and K* decays if
the psi and K* are decay products of the first B_s in the event.
This example does all of the above. It has the added bonus that the correct particle ID codes are preserved at all steps in the job. If you look at this example, you will see that it requires changes to both qq and stdhep. For this reason it will remain unsupported until those changes are incorporated into the released versions of qq and stdhep.
Rob Kutschke kutschke@fnal.gov
Patricia McBride mcbride@fnal.gov