#if !defined(TRACING_PARTICLE_H) #define TRACING_PARTICLE_H // -*- C++ -*- // // Package: Tracing // Module: MCParticle // // Description: Container for traces, hits etc as particle moves through // detector. // // Usage: // MCParticle particle( hepIndexC ); // initialize with fortran hepIndex-1 // // Author: Martin Lohner // Created: Jan 23, 1997 // RCS(Id) // // Revision history // // RCS(Log) // system include files #include #include // user include files #include "cc_fortran_types.hh" #include "GenParticle.hh" #include "path_struct.hh" #include "bfield_struct.hh" #include "Trace.hh" #include "shower_trace_struct.hh" // forward declarations //class HitStruct; class Medium; class CompositeMedium; class MCParticle : public GenParticle { // ------- friend classses and functions --------------- public: // ------- constants, enums and typedefs --------------- enum Status {ALIVE, DECAYED, INTERACTED, ABSORBED, LEFT, STOPPED, LOOPING, LOST, STUCK, PRIMARY, ERROR }; enum { NHYP=5 }; // number of hypotheses NHYP enum { N_ALLOC=100 }; // how many vector elements to allocate //typedef HitStruct Hit; // shorten the name // -------- Constructors and destructor ---------------- MCParticle( int hepIndexC=0 ); virtual ~MCParticle() {} // -------- copy constructor and assignment operator --- // needed by stl vector //MCParticle( const MCParticle& ); //const MCParticle& operator=( const MCParticle& ); // -------- member functions --------------------------- // particle status void setStatus( MCParticle::Status iStatus ); // path related PathStruct& path(); // propagate the particle and all of its progeny. MCFBool propagate( const CompositeMedium& ); // used for propagation Medium* nextMediumIn( const CompositeMedium& compMedium ); DFLOAT checkStep( int& howMany, MCFBool& oneStepToMedium ); MCFBool stepBy( DFLOAT step, MCFBool oneStepToMedium=false ); void endStep( const MCFBool isLastStep ); void updateTurns(); // adding to traces, hist etc. //void addTrace( Trace::Type iType, const Hit* iHit=0, int iHitIndexF=0 ); void addTrace( Trace::Type iType, int iHitIndexF=0 ); //const Hit* addHit( int hitIndexF ); void addHit( int hitIndexF ); // calorimetry stuff void resetShowering(); void startShowering(); MCFBool showeringHasStarted() const; ShowerStruct& shower(); const ShowerStruct& shower() const; // --------- const member functions --------------------- MCParticle::Status status() const; virtual const char* nameOf() const { return "MCParticle"; } virtual void printOn( ostream& ) const; const vector& traceList() const; //const vector& hitList() const; const vector& hitIndexList() const; //const vector& smearedHitList() const; const WTrackStruct& wtrack_atProduction() const ; // member functions for internal implementation WTrackStruct& wtrack(); WTrackStruct& wtrack_prev(); BFieldStruct& bfield(); const WTrackStruct& wtrack() const; const WTrackStruct& wtrack_prev() const; const BFieldStruct& bfield() const; DFLOAT timeOfDecay() const; int& stepCount(); DFLOAT& stepLength(); DFLOAT& turnAngle(); DFLOAT& turns(); int stepCount() const; DFLOAT stepLength() const; DFLOAT turnAngle() const; DFLOAT turns() const; void updatePath( DFLOAT step ); void updatePath( const PathStruct& path ); const PathStruct& path() const; const Medium& currentMedium() const; const Medium* pCurrentMedium() const; Medium*& pCurrentMedium(); DFLOAT* eloss(); DFLOAT* sigma_ms(); const DFLOAT* eloss() const; const DFLOAT* sigma_ms() const; const DFLOAT* eta() const; int typeOfPlane() const; // find distance to decay point from current point DFLOAT distanceToDecay() const; // ------------ static member functions --------------- protected: // ------------ protected member functions ------------ // ------------ protected const member functions ------ private: // ------------ Constructors and destructor ----------- // ------------ private member functions -------------- // ------------ private const member functions -------- // decay: interface to trk_lifetime_() DFLOAT generateTimeOfDecay() const; // ------------ data members -------------------------- Status m_status; // current status vector m_traceList; // list of traces //vector m_hitList; // list of hits vector m_hitIndexList; // list of fortran indices to hits // list of pointers to smeared hits // (into main large store of all // smeared hits!) //vector m_smearedHitList; WTrackStruct m_wtrack_atProduction;// track parameters at production // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // the following are used to keep track of internal parameters // during propagation only; keep them internal; // not all of them need to be initialized! // ------------------------------------------------------------------ Medium* m_currentMedium; // the current medium DFLOAT m_turnAngle; // total angular deflection so far DFLOAT m_turns; // number of turns so far DFLOAT m_step; // distance of present step int m_stepcount; // step counter DFLOAT m_timeOfDecay; // actual decay time WTrackStruct m_wtrack; // keep track of track parameters WTrackStruct m_wtrack_prev; // keep track of track parameters BFieldStruct m_bfield; // keep track of kinematics PathStruct m_path; // keep track of current path // material effects of last step DFLOAT m_eloss[NHYP]; DFLOAT m_sigma_ms[NHYP]; // calorimetry stuff MCFBool m_startedShowering; // has particle started showering yet ShowerStruct m_shower; // calorimeter shower info // ------------- static data members ------------------- }; // inline function definitions inline ostream& operator<<( ostream& os, const MCParticle& particle ) { particle.printOn(os); return os; } inline ostream& operator<<( ostream& os, const MCParticle* particle ) { particle->printOn(os); return os; } inline ostream& operator<<( ostream& os, const BFieldStruct& bfield ) { os << "bfield: " << "bmag=" << bfield.bmag << ", " << "bdir=( " << bfield.bdir[0] << ", " << bfield.bdir[1] << ", " << bfield.bdir[2] << " )" << ", " << "type=" << bfield.type << ", " << "devtype=" << bfield.devtype << ", " << "devnum=" << bfield.devnum << "\n"; return os; } inline void MCParticle::setStatus( MCParticle::Status iStatus ) { m_status = iStatus; } inline MCParticle::Status MCParticle::status() const { return m_status; } inline const vector& MCParticle::traceList() const { return m_traceList; } //inline //const vector& //MCParticle::hitList() const //{ // return m_hitList; //} inline const vector& MCParticle::hitIndexList() const { return m_hitIndexList; } //inline //const vector& //MCParticle::smearedHitList() const //{ // return m_smearedHitList; //} inline const WTrackStruct& MCParticle::wtrack_atProduction() const { return m_wtrack_atProduction; } // internal implementation inline PathStruct& MCParticle::path() { return m_path; } inline const PathStruct& MCParticle::path() const { return m_path; } inline WTrackStruct& MCParticle::wtrack() { return m_wtrack; } inline const WTrackStruct& MCParticle::wtrack() const { return m_wtrack; } inline WTrackStruct& MCParticle::wtrack_prev() { return m_wtrack_prev; } inline const WTrackStruct& MCParticle::wtrack_prev() const { return m_wtrack_prev; } inline BFieldStruct& MCParticle::bfield() { return m_bfield; } inline const BFieldStruct& MCParticle::bfield() const { return m_bfield; } inline DFLOAT MCParticle::timeOfDecay() const { return m_timeOfDecay; } inline int& MCParticle::stepCount() { return m_stepcount; } inline int MCParticle::stepCount() const { return m_stepcount; } inline DFLOAT& MCParticle::stepLength() { return m_step; } inline DFLOAT MCParticle::stepLength() const { return m_step; } inline DFLOAT& MCParticle::turnAngle() { return m_turnAngle; } inline DFLOAT MCParticle::turnAngle() const { return m_turnAngle; } inline DFLOAT& MCParticle::turns() { return m_turns; } inline DFLOAT MCParticle::turns() const { return m_turns; } inline const Medium& MCParticle::currentMedium() const { return *m_currentMedium; } inline const Medium* MCParticle::pCurrentMedium() const { return m_currentMedium; } inline Medium*& MCParticle::pCurrentMedium() { return m_currentMedium; } inline DFLOAT* MCParticle::eloss() { return m_eloss; } inline DFLOAT* MCParticle::sigma_ms() { return m_sigma_ms; } inline const DFLOAT* MCParticle::eloss() const { return m_eloss; } inline const DFLOAT* MCParticle::sigma_ms() const { return m_sigma_ms; } inline void MCParticle::resetShowering() { m_startedShowering=false; } inline void MCParticle::startShowering() { m_startedShowering=true; } inline MCFBool MCParticle::showeringHasStarted() const { return m_startedShowering; } inline const ShowerStruct& MCParticle::shower() const { return m_shower; } inline ShowerStruct& MCParticle::shower() { return m_shower; } // ================================================================== // Comments, suggestions, get on line 1! // // $Id$ // $Log$ // Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 19:59:32 eugenio // Initial revision // // Revision 1.14 1998/11/20 23:47:53 mkl // switch Boolean to MCFBool to avoid clashes with other typedef-ed bool types // // Revision 1.13 1998/08/08 19:45:12 mkl // rookie needs to be on a direction basis // // Revision 1.12 1998/08/04 19:44:29 mkl // new flag for initialization status // // Revision 1.11 1998/05/15 03:50:54 mkl // first attempt at taking one step to new wtrack without using move_wtk_arc routine // // Revision 1.10 1997/09/03 02:09:18 mkl // made internal stepping methods public for outside use // // Revision 1.9 1997/08/23 01:10:12 mkl // toward volume-based tracing // // Revision 1.8 1997/08/03 06:01:46 mkl // small fixes // // Revision 1.7 1997/08/02 19:38:03 mkl // fix for switch-backs // // Revision 1.6 1997/08/01 20:56:31 mkl // forward declare stl containers // // Revision 1.5 1997/07/31 14:53:04 bphyslib // minor changes // // Revision 1.4 1997/07/03 03:33:50 mkl // new approach: surfaces vs volumes; box tracing // // Revision 1.3 1997/04/19 21:57:21 bphyslib // new method "distanceToDecay()" in MCParticle makes similar function in // DetCalorimeter obsolete; added generateTimeOfDecay as private method to // MCParticle (was static local before). // // Revision 1.2 1997/03/15 19:02:21 mkl // moved src/tracing/Types.hh to inc/event/cc_fortran_types.hh. // fixed commend headers for .inc files from # to c. // // Revision 1997/03/14 22:52:33 mkl // Imported sources for Martin Lohner s new c++ tracing code // #endif /* TRACING_PARTICLE_H */