* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:25 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/10/08 02:21:32 zfiles * first version of qqlib in CVS * * *CMZ : 1.04/00 22/09/94 00.06.59 by Paul Avery *-- Author : * * >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * QQBRAT.INC * * Information on decay channels * >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * * Decay information per particle * IPLIST(1,*) Pntr to first entry in MLLIST/BRLIST per particle (0=stable) * (2,*) # of decay channels per particle (0 if stable) * (3,*) Pntr to first entry in CPLIST per particle (0=no CP decays) * (4,*) # of CP eigenstate channels in CPLIST INTEGER IPLIST COMMON/QQBRA1/ * IPLIST(4,-20:MCNUM) * Decay information per channel * NBRLST # of decay channels defined * BRLIST(*) Branching fraction per channel (in cumulative order) * AGLIST(7,*) User defined parameters for channel. For 2 body decays they * specify the angular distribution: * dN/dcos(theta) = A1 + ... + A7*cos(theta)**6 * MLLIST(1-9,*) Decay information per channel * 1 # daughters * 2 pointer to first daughter position in IDLIST * 3 MATRX = matrix element ID number * 4 Number of helicity states defined * 5 Number of helicity angular distributions * 6 Pointer to first helicity state in HELPRB (0 if none) * 7 Pointer to helicity angular dist. list HELANG (0 if none) * 8 Pointer to corresponding entry in CPLIST (CP eig. BR list) * 9 Sum of daughter type ID's. Used in inclusive B decays * LCPTAG(*) TRUE if daughter decays to be carried out as tag + CP eig. * INTEGER NBRLST, MLLIST LOGICAL LCPTAG REAL BRLIST, AGLIST COMMON/QQBRA2/ * NBRLST, * BRLIST(MCHANS), AGLIST(7,MCHANS), MLLIST(9,MCHANS), * LCPTAG(MCHANS) * Daughter list pointed to by all channels * NDGHTR Total number of daughters defined * IDLIST(*) List of daughters INTEGER NDGHTR, IDLIST COMMON/QQBRA3/ * NDGHTR, IDLIST(MCDTRS) * Helicity ang. distributions (set by ANGULAR_HELICITY commd.) * NHLANG Length of HELANG list * HELANG(*) Helicity of this decay * COFANG(7,*) A1, A2, etc. used in dN/dcos = A1 + ... + A7*cos(theta)**6 INTEGER NHLANG REAL HELANG, COFANG COMMON/QQBRA4/ * NHLANG, HELANG(MHLANG), COFANG(7,MHLANG) * Helicity state probability list (set by HELICITY command) * NHLPRB Length of HELPRB * IHLPRB(*) Pointer to first daughter helicity in HELLST * HELPRB(*) Probability (stored in cumulative order) INTEGER NHLPRB, IHLPRB REAL HELPRB COMMON/QQBRA5/ * NHLPRB, IHLPRB(MHLPRB), HELPRB(MHLPRB) * Helicity states of certain daughters * NHLLST Length of HELLST * HELLST(*) List of helicities (pointed to by IHLPRB(I)) INTEGER NHLLST REAL HELLST COMMON/QQBRA6/ * NHLLST, HELLST(MHLLST) * List of CP eigenstatechannels * NCPLST Number of CP eigenstate channels * CPLIST(*) CP branching fraction per channel (in cumulative order) * ICPLST(*) Pointer to corresponding entry in MLLIST * CPSNPH(*) CP sin(phi) per channel INTEGER NCPLST, ICPLST REAL CPLIST, CPSNPH COMMON/QQBRA7/ * NCPLST, CPLIST(MCPLST), ICPLST(MCPLST), CPSNPH(MCPLST) * NFDECA # of decay files read in * CFDECA(*) List of decay files read in INTEGER NFDECA COMMON/QQBRA8/ * NFDECA CHARACTER*80 CFDECA COMMON/QQBRA9/ * CFDECA(MFDECA)