integer function hepcmp(id) C...Purpose: to compress the standard ID codes for use in mass and decay C...arrays; also to check whether a given code actually is defined. C ID = particle ID C hepcmp = compressed index integer id integer hepchg external hepchg C...Subdivide standard ID code into constituent pieces. hepcmp=0 kqa=iabs(id) kqn=mod(kqa/1000000000,10) kqna=mod(kqa/1000000,1000) kqnz=mod(kqa/1000,1000) kqx=mod(kqa/1000000,10) kqr=mod(kqa/100000,10) kql=mod(kqa/10000,10) kq3=mod(kqa/1000,10) kq2=mod(kqa/100,10) kq1=mod(kqa/10,10) kqj=mod(kqa,10) kqsm=(kqj-1)/2 irt = mod(kqa,10000) k99=mod(kqa/100000,100) is = kqsm if(kqx.eq.9) is = kqsm + 5 C...Simple cases: direct translation or special codes. if( then C... look for ions here if(kqn.eq.1 .and. .and. then C... use stupid compression for now if(kqnz.eq.1 .and. kqna.le.3)then hepcmp = 1900 + 1*(kqnz-1) + kqna if(mod(kqj,2).ne.0) hepcmp = 0 elseif(kqnz.eq.2 .and. (kqna.eq.3 .or. kqna.eq.4))then hepcmp = 1900 + 1*(kqnz-1) + kqna if(mod(kqj,2).eq.0) hepcmp = 0 endif endif C... illegal if not an ion elseif(kqa.le.100) then hepcmp=kqa C... need to check antiparticle legality ich=hepchg(id) if( if( C... quarks elseif( C... leptons elseif(kqa.eq.41 .or. kqa.eq.42)then C... R0 or LQ elseif( C... internal definitions else hepcmp=0 endif endif elseif(kqj.eq.0) then C... KS and KL if(id.eq.130) hepcmp=102 if(id.eq.310) hepcmp=101 C... reggeon, pomeron, odderon if(id.eq.110) hepcmp=107 if(id.eq.990) hepcmp=108 if(id.eq.9990) hepcmp=109 C...SUSY elseif(kqx.eq.1)then if( .and. kqr.eq.0) hepcmp = 110+irt ich=hepchg(id) if( if( C... quarks elseif( C... leptons else hepcmp=0 endif endif C...SUSY, excited elseif(kqx.eq.2 .or. kqx.eq.4)then if( .and. kqr.eq.0) hepcmp = 170 + (kqx-2)*20 + irt C... technicolor elseif(kqx.eq.3)then if(id.eq.3000111) hepcmp = 191 if(kqa.eq.3000211) hepcmp = 192 if(id.eq.3100111) hepcmp = 193 if(id.eq.3000113) hepcmp = 194 if(kqa.eq.3000213) hepcmp = 195 if(id.eq.3000221) hepcmp = 196 if(id.eq.3000223) hepcmp = 197 C... other exotics elseif(kqx.eq.5)then if(kqa.eq.5100061) hepcmp = 201 if(kqa.eq.5100062) hepcmp = 202 if(kqa.eq.5100024) hepcmp = 203 if(kqa.eq.5100012) hepcmp = 204 if(kqa.eq.5100014) hepcmp = 205 if(kqa.eq.5100016) hepcmp = 206 C...miscellaneous particles elseif(k99.eq.99)then if(id.eq.9910113) hepcmp = 231 if(kqa.eq.9910211) hepcmp = 232 if(id.eq.9910223) hepcmp = 233 if(id.eq.9910333) hepcmp = 234 if(id.eq.9910443) hepcmp = 235 if(kqa.eq.9912112) hepcmp = 236 if(kqa.eq.9912212) hepcmp = 237 if(id.eq.9920022) hepcmp = 241 if(kqa.eq.9922212) hepcmp = 242 C...undefined elseif( .and. C...Diquarks. elseif(kq1.eq.0) then if( .and. .and. C... no excited states elseif( then C... only 2 spin states elseif(kq3.eq.0.or.kq3.eq.9.or.kq2.eq.0.or.kq2.eq.9) then C... illegal (no gluons allowed) elseif( then C... illegal quark order elseif(kq3.eq.kq2 .and. kqj.eq.1) then C... illegal spin else C... all diquarks are the same... hepcmp=103 endif C...Mesons. elseif(kq3.eq.0) then if(kq2.eq.0.or.kq2.eq.9.or.kq1.eq.0.or.kq1.eq.9) then C... illegal (no gluons allowed) elseif( then C... illegal quark order elseif( then C... illegal antiparticle elseif(mod(kqj,2).eq.0)then C... illegal spin elseif(kq2.le.2 .and. kq1.eq.1) then hepcmp = 250 + (kq2-1)*120 + kqr*40 + kql*10 + is if( .or. hepcmp = 0 elseif(kq2.eq.2 .and. kq1.eq.2) then hepcmp = 490 + kqr*80 + kql*10 + is if( .or. hepcmp = 0 elseif(kq2.eq.3 .and. kq1.eq.3) then hepcmp = 730 + kqr*30 + kql*10 + is if( .or. hepcmp = 0 elseif(kq2.eq.3 .and. kq1.le.2) then hepcmp = 790 + (kq1-1)*120 + kqr*40 + kql*10 + is if( .or. hepcmp = 0 elseif(kq2.eq.4 .and. kq1.le.3) then hepcmp = 1030 + (kq1-1)*30 + kql*10 + is if( .or. .or. hepcmp = 0 elseif(kq2.eq.4 .and. kq1.eq.4) then hepcmp = 1120 + kqr*40 + kql*10 + is if( .or. hepcmp = 0 elseif(kq2.eq.5 .and. kq1.le.4) then hepcmp = 1200 + (kq1-1)*30 + kql*10 + is if( .or. .or. hepcmp = 0 elseif(kq2.eq.5 .and. kq1.eq.5) then hepcmp = 1320 + kqr*40 + kql*10 + is if( .or. hepcmp = 0 elseif(kq2.eq.6)then hepcmp = 1480 + (kq1-1)*10 + is if( .or. .or. hepcmp = 0 elseif(kq2.eq.7)then hepcmp = 1540 + (kq1-1)*10 + is if( .or. .or. hepcmp = 0 elseif(kq2.eq.8)then hepcmp = 1610 + (kq1-1)*10 + is if( .or. .or. hepcmp = 0 endif C...Baryons. elseif(kqx.eq.0.and.(kqj.eq.2.or.kqj.eq.4)) then C... no excited states and only spins 1/2 and 3/2 if(kq3.eq.0.or.kq3.eq.9.or.kq2.eq.0.or.kq2.eq.9.or. 1 kq1.eq.0.or.kq1.eq.9) then C... illegal (no gluons allowed) elseif( then C... illegal quark order elseif( then C... l and h baryons are all the same hepcmp=97+kq3 if(kq3.eq.kq1.and.kq3.eq.kq2.and.kqj.eq.2) hepcmp=0 if( .and. kq3.eq.kq1) hepcmp=0 if( .and. kqj.eq.4) hepcmp=0 if( hepcmp=0 elseif(kqj.eq.2) then C...Spin 1/2 baryons. if(kq3.eq.kq1 .and. kq3.eq.kq2)then elseif( .and. kq3.eq.kq1)then elseif( then C...antisymmtric (Lambda, etc.) hepcmp=1690+((kq3-1)*(kq3-2)*(kq3-3))/6+ 1 ((kq1-1)*(kq1-2))/2+kq2 else C...symmtric hepcmp=1710+((kq3+1)*kq3*(kq3-1))/6+(kq2*(kq2-1))/2+kq1 endif elseif(kqj.eq.4) then C...Spin 3/2 baryons. if( .and. kq3.eq.kq1)then elseif( then excited states for antisymmetric baryons else C...symmtric hepcmp=1770+((kq3+1)*kq3*(kq3-1))/6+(kq2*(kq2-1))/2+kq1 endif endif endif return end