subroutine lunhep(mconv) C...Purpose: to convert JETSET event record contents to or from C...the standard event record common block. C...convert (mconv=1) from JETSET numbering scheme to PDG numbering scheme C... or (mconv=2) from PDG numbering scheme to JETSET numbering scheme #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" integer pycomp logical lfirst data lfirst/.TRUE./ save lfirst C...print version number if this is the first call if(lfirst)then call stdversn if(mconv.EQ.1) NEVHEP = 0 lfirst=.FALSE. endif C...Conversion from JETSET to standard, the easy part. if(mconv.EQ.1) then NEVHEP=NEVHEP + 1 if(N.GT.NMXHEP) call pyerrm(8, & '(LUNHEP:) no more space in /HEPEVT/') NHEP=MIN(N,NMXHEP) do 140 I=1,NHEP ISTHEP(I)=0 if(K(I,1).GE.1.AND.K(I,1).LE.10) ISTHEP(I)=1 if(K(I,1).GE.11.AND.K(I,1).LE.20) ISTHEP(I)=2 if(K(I,1).GE.21.AND.K(I,1).LE.30) ISTHEP(I)=3 if(K(I,1).GE.31.AND.K(I,1).LE.100) ISTHEP(I)=K(I,1) IDHEP(I)=lutran(K(I,2),1) JMOHEP(1,I)=K(I,3) JMOHEP(2,I)=0 if(K(I,1).NE.3.AND.K(I,1).NE.13.AND.K(I,1).NE.14) then JDAHEP(1,I)=K(I,4) JDAHEP(2,I)=K(I,5) else JDAHEP(1,I)=0 JDAHEP(2,I)=0 endif do 100 J=1,5 100 PHEP(J,I)=P(I,J) do 110 J=1,4 110 VHEP(J,I)=V(I,J) C...Fill in missing mother information. if(I.GE.3.AND.K(I,1).EQ.21.AND.K(I,3).EQ.0) then IMO1=I-2 if(I.GE.4.AND.K(I-1,1).EQ.21.AND.K(I-1,3).EQ.0) IMO1=IMO1-1 JMOHEP(1,I)=IMO1 JMOHEP(2,I)=IMO1+1 elseif(K(I,2).GE.91.AND.K(I,2).LE.93) then I1=K(I,3)-1 120 I1=I1+1 if(I1.GE.I) call pyerrm(8, & '(LUNHEP:) translation of inconsistent event history') if(I1.LT.I.AND.K(I1,1).NE.1.AND.K(I1,1).NE.11) GOTO 120 KC=pycomp(K(I1,2)) if(I1.LT.I.AND.KC.EQ.0) GOTO 120 if(I1.LT.I.AND.KCHG(KC,2).EQ.0) GOTO 120 JMOHEP(2,I)=I1 elseif(K(I,2).EQ.94) then NJET=2 if(NHEP.GE.I+3.AND.K(I+3,3).LE.I) NJET=3 if(NHEP.GE.I+4.AND.K(I+4,3).LE.I) NJET=4 JMOHEP(2,I)=MOD(K(I+NJET,4)/MSTU(5),MSTU(5)) if(JMOHEP(2,I).EQ.JMOHEP(1,I)) JMOHEP(2,I)= & MOD(K(I+1,4)/MSTU(5),MSTU(5)) endif C...Fill in missing daughter information. if(K(I,2).EQ.94.AND.MSTU(16).NE.2) then do 130 I1=JDAHEP(1,I),JDAHEP(2,I) I2=MOD(K(I1,4)/MSTU(5),MSTU(5)) 130 JDAHEP(1,I2)=I endif if(K(I,2).GE.91.AND.K(I,2).LE.94) GOTO 140 I1=JMOHEP(1,I) if(I1.LE.0.OR.I1.GT.NHEP) GOTO 140 if(K(I1,1).NE.13.AND.K(I1,1).NE.14) GOTO 140 if(JDAHEP(1,I1).EQ.0) then JDAHEP(1,I1)=I else JDAHEP(2,I1)=I endif 140 CONTINUE do 150 I=1,NHEP if(K(I,1).NE.13.AND.K(I,1).NE.14) GOTO 150 if(JDAHEP(2,I).EQ.0) JDAHEP(2,I)=JDAHEP(1,I) 150 CONTINUE C...Conversion from standard to JETSET, the easy part. else if(NHEP.GT.MSTU(4)) call pyerrm(8, & '(LUNHEP:) insufficient space in /LUJETS/') N=MIN(NHEP,MSTU(4)) NKQ=0 KQSUM=0 do 180 I=1,N K(I,1)=0 if(ISTHEP(I).EQ.1) K(I,1)=1 if(ISTHEP(I).EQ.2) K(I,1)=11 if(ISTHEP(I).EQ.3) K(I,1)=21 K(I,2)=lutran(IDHEP(I),2) K(I,3)=JMOHEP(1,I) K(I,4)=JDAHEP(1,I) K(I,5)=JDAHEP(2,I) do 160 J=1,5 160 P(I,J)=PHEP(J,I) do 170 J=1,4 170 V(I,J)=VHEP(J,I) V(I,5)=0. if(ISTHEP(I).EQ.2.AND.PHEP(4,I).GT.PHEP(5,I)) then I1=JDAHEP(1,I) if(I1.GT.0.AND.I1.LE.NHEP) V(I,5)=(VHEP(4,I1)-VHEP(4,I))* & PHEP(5,I)/PHEP(4,I) endif C...Fill in missing information on colour connection in jet systems. if(ISTHEP(I).EQ.1) then KC=pycomp(K(I,2)) KQ=0 if(KC.NE.0) KQ=KCHG(KC,2)*isign(1,K(I,2)) if(KQ.NE.0) NKQ=NKQ+1 if(KQ.NE.2) KQSUM=KQSUM+KQ if(KQ.NE.0.AND.KQSUM.NE.0) then K(I,1)=2 elseif(KQ.EQ.2.AND.I.LT.N) then if(K(I+1,2).EQ.21) K(I,1)=2 endif endif 180 CONTINUE if(NKQ.EQ.1.OR.KQSUM.NE.0) call pyerrm(8, & '(LUNHEP:) input parton configuration not colour singlet') endif return end