subroutine PDGRDTB C C read mass and width table supplied by PDG C fill two common blocks C PDGTBL - complete list of particles in PDG table C STDTBL - list of particles in PDG table defined by STDHEP C #include "" #include "" #include "" C character cline*130 character ctype*1 character cpartic*21,chepn*20 integer i,j,iidnum,indx,itr,pdgtran,icnt,icnt2 integer aidnum(4),itmp(nmxln2) real rpos,rneg,tmpl(nmxln2),tmph(nmxln2) double precision rval,tmpw(nmxln2) #if UNIX character*100 pdgmasst #endif integer hepcmp external hepcmp C logical lfirst data lfirst/.TRUE./ save lfirst C...print version number if this is the first call if(lfirst)then call stdversn lfirst=.FALSE. endif #if UNIX C point to standard decay tables call getenv( 'PDG_MASS_TBL', pdgmasst ) if ( pdgmasst .eq. ' ' ) then pdgmasst = 'pdg_mass.tbl' endif open(unit=lnhdcy, file=pdgmasst, status='old') #elif VMS open(unit=lnhdcy, file='pdg_mass_tbl', status='old', readonly) #endif icnt = 0 icnt2 = 0 100 continue read (lnhdcy, fmt = '(a)', end = 600) cline if (cline (1 : 1) .eq. 'M' .or. cline (1 : 1) .eq. 'W') then read (cline, & fmt = '(bn, a1, 4i8, 1x, e15.0, 1x, 2e8.0, 1x, a21)') & ctype, (aidnum(iidnum), iidnum = 1, 4), rval, rpos, rneg, & cpartic C... fill stdtbl here do j=1,4 if(aidnum(j).ne.0)then C... translate to STDHEP numbering itr = pdgtran(aidnum(j),1) if( C... get stdhep compressed index indx = hepcmp(itr) if( if(ctype.eq.'M')then C... this is a mass definition call hepnam(itr,chepn) idt(indx) = itr stmass(indx) = rval stmerr(1,indx) = rpos stmerr(2,indx) = rneg stname(indx) = chepn elseif(ctype.eq.'W')then C... this is a width definition stwidth(indx) = rval stwerr(1,indx) = rpos stwerr(2,indx) = rneg endif endif endif endif enddo C... fill pdgtbl here do j=1,4 if(aidnum(j).ne.0)then if(ctype.eq.'M')then C... this is a mass definition icnt = icnt + 1 idpdg(icnt) = aidnum(j) pdmass(icnt) = rval pdmerr(1,icnt) = rpos pdmerr(2,icnt) = rneg pdname(icnt)=cpartic elseif(ctype.eq.'W')then C... this is a width definition icnt2 = icnt2 + 1 itmp(icnt2) = aidnum(j) tmpw(icnt2) = rval tmph(icnt2) = rpos tmpl(icnt2) = rneg endif endif enddo endif go to 100 600 close(unit=lnhdcy) C... match widths to masses for PDG list do i=1,icnt2 do j=1,icnt if(itmp(i).eq.idpdg(j))then pdwidth(j) = tmpw(i) pdwerr(1,j) = tmph(i) pdwerr(2,j) = tmpl(i) go to 610 endif enddo C... no match?? write(lnhout,111) itmp(i) 610 continue enddo return 101 format(' Cannot compress particle ', 1 a1, 1x, a21, 1x, 4i8, 1x, e25.16, 1x, 2e9.1) 102 format(' Cannot translate particle ', 1 a1, 1x, a21, 1x, 4i8, 1x, e25.16, 1x, 2e9.1) 111 format(' Failed to find match of width for ',i8) end