subroutine QQHEP(mconv) C...Convert QQ event record to and from the HEPEVT common block C...convert (mconv=1) from QQ numbering scheme to PDG numbering scheme C... or (mconv=2) from PDG numbering scheme to QQ numbering scheme C... or (mconv=3) from PDG numbering scheme to QQ numbering scheme C... but allow "stable" particles to decay IMPLICIT NONE #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" double precision PMTMP,cfactor integer I,J,mconv integer qqtran logical NOMATCH logical lfirst data lfirst/.TRUE./ c... convert picoseconds to mm for decay time data cfactor /0.299792458/ save lfirst, cfactor C...print version number if this is the first call if(lfirst)then call stdversn lfirst=.FALSE. endif if(mconv.EQ.1) then C...convert from QQ to HEPEVT NEVHEP = IEVTQQ if(NTRKQQ.GT.NMXHEP) 1 write(lnhout,*) ' QQHEP: NTRKQQ exceeds NMXHEP!' NHEP = MIN(NMXHEP,NTRKQQ) do I=1,NHEP ISTHEP(I) = 1 if(ISTBMC(I).EQ.0) ISTHEP(I) = 2 IDHEP(I) = qqtran(ITYPEV(I,1),mconv) JMOHEP(1,I) = IPRNTV(I) JMOHEP(2,I) = 0 if(NDAUTV(I).GT.0) then JDAHEP(1,I) = IDAUTV(I) JDAHEP(2,I) = IDAUTV(I) + NDAUTV(I) -1 else JDAHEP(1,I) = 0 JDAHEP(2,I) = 0 endif do J=1,4 PHEP(J,I) = P4QQ(J,I) enddo PMTMP = PHEP(4,I)**2-PHEP(1,I)**2-PHEP(2,I)**2-PHEP(3,I)**2 if(PMTMP.LE.0.) then PHEP(5,I) = 0. else PHEP(5,I) = SQRT(PMTMP) endif do J=1,3 VHEP(J,I) = XVTX(IVPROD(I),J)*1000. enddo VHEP(4,I) = TVTX(IVPROD(I))*cfactor enddo elseif(mconv.EQ.2 .OR. mconv.EQ.3) then C...first, sort HEPEVT by daughter list call STDSORT C...convert from HEPEVT to QQ IEVTQQ = NEVHEP if(NHEP.GT.MCTRK) 1 write(lnhout,*) ' QQHEP: NHEP exceeds MCTRK!' NTRKQQ = MIN(NHEP,MCTRK) NSTBQQ = 0 NCHGQQ = 0 NVRTX = 0 N = 0 do I=1,NTRKQQ IPRNTV(I) = JMOHEP(I,1) ITYPEV(I,1) = qqtran(IDHEP(I),2) IVPROD(I) = 0 IDECSV(I) = 0 IVDECA(I) = 0 IDAUTV(I) = 0 NDAUTV(I) = 0 ITYPEV(I,2) = 0 ISTBMC(I) = 0 do J=1,4 P4QQ(J,I) = PHEP(J,I) PSAV(I,J) = PHEP(J,I) enddo HELCQQ(I) = -100. if(ISTHEP(I).EQ.1)then C...stable if(mconv.EQ.3 .AND. IDMC(ITYPEV(I,1)).LT.0)then C...allow this particle to decay C...Fill QQ common block /JET/ with information needed by DECADD N = N + 1 if(N.LE.250)then K(N,1) = 0 K(N,2) = ITYPEV(I,1) do J=1,5 P(N,J) = PHEP(J,I) enddo endif else C...fill in stable particle information NSTBQQ = NSTBQQ + 1 ITYPEV(I,2) = IDMC(ITYPEV(I,1)) ISTBMC(I) = NSTBQQ IDSTBL(NSTBQQ) = I if(CHARGE(ITYPEV(I,1)).NE.0.) NCHGQQ = NCHGQQ + 1 endif else C...intermediate C...fragmentation does not always provide daughter information if(JDAHEP(1,I).GT.0)then IDAUTV(I) = JDAHEP(1,I) NDAUTV(I) = JDAHEP(2,I) - JDAHEP(1,I) + 1 endif endif C...fill production vertex list if(I.EQ.1)then definition, this is the first vertex NVRTX = NVRTX + 1 IVPROD(I) = NVRTX do J=1,3 XVTX(NVRTX,J) = VHEP(J,I)/1000. enddo TVTX(NVRTX) = VHEP(4,I)/cfactor RVTX(NVRTX) = SQRT(XVTX(NVRTX,1)**2 + XVTX(NVRTX,2)**2) ITRKIN(NVRTX) = JMOHEP(1,I) NTRKOU(NVRTX) = 1 ITRKOU(NVRTX) = I IVKODE(NVRTX) = 1 else C...does this match an existing vertex? NOMATCH = .TRUE. do J=1,NVRTX if(JMOHEP(1,I).EQ.ITRKIN(J)) then NOMATCH = .FALSE. NTRKOU(J) = NTRKOU(J) + 1 endif enddo if(NOMATCH)then vertex NVRTX = NVRTX + 1 IVPROD(I) = NVRTX IVDECA(IPRNTV(I)) = NVRTX do J=1,3 XVTX(NVRTX,J) = VHEP(J,I)/1000. enddo TVTX(NVRTX) = VHEP(4,I)/cfactor RVTX(NVRTX) = SQRT(XVTX(NVRTX,1)**2 + XVTX(NVRTX,2)**2) ITRKIN(NVRTX) = I NTRKOU(NVRTX) = 1 ITRKOU(NVRTX) = I IVKODE(NVRTX) = 1 endif endif enddo NTRKMC = NTRKQQ NSTBMC = NSTBQQ NCHGMC = NCHGQQ C...clean up N after telling us how bad it is... if(N.GT.250)then write(lnhout,1001) N N = 250 endif else C...unsupported option write(lnhout,*) ' QQHEP: unallowed conversion option' endif return 1001 format(' QQHEP: too many particles for QQ to decay' 1 /10X,'N was ',I5,' and is reset to 250') end