subroutine STDDECAYQQ HEPEVT list for particles which QQ can decay by one, decay these particles and add the results to the HEPEVT common IMPLICIT NONE #include "" #include "" #include "" integer I,NCHK,IQQTYP integer qqtran external qqtran logical lfirst data lfirst/.TRUE./ save lfirst C...print version number if this is the first call if(lfirst)then call stdversn lfirst=.FALSE. endif call stdfixmass C...find particles which QQ will decay NCHK = NHEP do I=1,NCHK C...check "stable" particles only if(ISTHEP(I).EQ.1)then C...check for generator-specific "particles" if(IDHEP(I).GE.81 .AND. IDHEP(I).LE.99) GO TO 101 IQQTYP = qqtran(IDHEP(I),2) C...check for quarks and undefined particles if(IQQTYP.LE.0) GO TO 101 C...will QQ decay this particle? if(IPLIST(1,IQQTYP).GT.0)then C...allow this particle to decay call STDQQDCY(I) endif 101 CONTINUE endif enddo return end