character*(*) function stdexpname(IT,LMX) C...Purpose: get the padded particle name C C IT = index to HEPEVT common block C LMX = lenght of character variable to be filled C #include "" integer LMX,IP,IT character CHAP*20,CHAC*20,CHDL(4)*4 data CHDL/' ','()','!!','<>'/ save CHDL C...Get particle name, pad it and check it is not too long. CHAP = CHDL(1) IP = IDHEP(IT) if(IP.NE.0) call HEPNAM(IP,CHAP) LEN=0 do 100 LEM=1,18 100 if(CHAP(LEM:LEM).NE.' ') LEN=LEM if(ISTHEP(IT).EQ.1) then CHAC=CHAP if(LEN.GT.LMX) CHAC(LMX:LMX)='?' else ICHR = 3 if(ISTHEP(IT).EQ.2) ICHR = 2 C... This is for isajet partons if(ISTHEP(IT).EQ.21 .OR. ISTHEP(IT).EQ.22) ICHR = 4 if(LEN.EQ.0) then CHAC=CHDL(ICHR)(1:2)//' ' else CHAC=CHDL(ICHR)(1:1)//CHAP(1:MIN(LEN,LMX-2))// & CHDL(ICHR)(2:2)//' ' if(LEN+2.GT.LMX) CHAC(LMX:LMX)='?' endif endif stdexpname = CHAC return end