subroutine stdfixmass C... force particles to lie on the mass shell C assume that phep(5) is the correct mass C ignore particles which have already decayed IMPLICIT NONE #include "" #include "" integer i double precision msq,p4,newp,oldp,newroot,ms do i=1,nhep if( isthep(i) .eq. 1 ) then msq = phep(4,i)**2-phep(1,i)**2-phep(2,i)**2-phep(3,i)**2 p4 = phep(4,i)**2+phep(5,i)**2-msq if( p4 = phep(5,i)**2+phep(1,i)**2+phep(2,i)**2+phep(3,i)**2 endif phep(4,i) = sqrt(p4) endif enddo return end