subroutine STDPARENTLST(IP,NPRNT,LSIZE,LPRNT) C...Search the HEPEVT common block for all ancestors of IP C C IP = index to HEPEVT common block C NPRNT = number of ancestors found C LPRNT(LSIZE) = list of ancestors of IP integer IP,NPRNT,LSIZE,ITHIS integer LPRNT(LSIZE) #include "" #include "" NPRNT = 0 ITHIS = IP do WHILE(JMOHEP(1,ITHIS).GT.0) NPRNT = NPRNT + 1 if(NPRNT.LE.LSIZE) LPRNT(NPRNT) = JMOHEP(1,ITHIS) ITHIS = JMOHEP(1,ITHIS) enddo if(NPRNT.GT.LSIZE) write(lnhout,1001) NPRNT,LSIZE return 1001 format(' STDPARENTLST: found ',I4, 1 ' parents, but the list only allows ',I4) end