subroutine STDQQADD(IHEP) C...add QQ tracks to HEPEVT common C...the first QQ particle corresponds to HEPEVT particle IHEP IMPLICIT NONE #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" double precision PMTMP,cfactor integer I,J,L,NEW,NADD,IHEP,IOFF integer qqtran logical lfirst data lfirst/.TRUE./ c... convert picoseconds to mm for decay time data cfactor /0.299792458/ save lfirst, cfactor C...print version number if this is the first call if(lfirst)then call stdversn lfirst=.FALSE. endif C...figure out the offsets if(IHEP.GT.0) then IOFF = NHEP - 1 NEW = NTRKQQ + NHEP - 1 else IOFF = NHEP NEW = NTRKQQ + NHEP endif C...check array limits if(NEW.GT.NMXHEP)then write(lnhout,1001) NEW,NHEP NADD = NMXHEP - NHEP NHEP = NMXHEP else NADD = NTRKQQ NHEP = NEW endif C...add QQ particles onto HEPEVT list do L=1,NADD if(L.EQ.1 .AND. IHEP.GT.0)then C...keep existing information I = IHEP else C...add a new particle I = IOFF + L IDHEP(I) = qqtran(ITYPEV(L,1),1) JMOHEP(1,I) = IPRNTV(L) + IOFF if(IPRNTV(L).EQ.1 .AND. IHEP.GT.0) JMOHEP(1,I) = IHEP JMOHEP(2,I) = 0 do J=1,4 PHEP(J,I) = P4QQ(J,L) enddo PMTMP = PHEP(4,I)**2-PHEP(1,I)**2-PHEP(2,I)**2-PHEP(3,I)**2 if(PMTMP.LE.0.) then PHEP(5,I) = 0. else PHEP(5,I) = SQRT(PMTMP) endif do J=1,3 VHEP(J,I) = XVTX(IVPROD(L),J)*1000. enddo VHEP(4,I) = TVTX(IVPROD(L))*cfactor endif C...set stable code ISTHEP(I) = 1 if(ISTBMC(L).EQ.0) ISTHEP(I) = 2 C...get daughter information if(NDAUTV(L).GT.0) then JDAHEP(1,I) = IDAUTV(L) + IOFF JDAHEP(2,I) = IDAUTV(L) + NDAUTV(L) - 1 + IOFF else JDAHEP(1,I) = 0 JDAHEP(2,I) = 0 endif enddo return 1001 format(' STDQQADD: want to add ',I5, 1 ' particles, but NHEP is already',I5) end