subroutine STDQQUSET C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C Initialize QQ stuff C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" logical LERROR,lfile C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C Initialize variables call QBINIT C Initialize unit numbers LTTOQQ = lnhout LTTIQQ = 5 LOUTQQ = lnhout call QQGLUN(LTMPQQ) call QQGLUN(LTINQQ) call QQGLUN(LTOUQQ) C set the QQ user decay file if appropriate if(qqufile .ne. ' ')then inquire(file=qqufile,exist=lfile) if(.not.lfile)then write(LNHOUT,1002) qqufile else newdec = qqufile endif endif C Date and time from Driver #if UNIX call DATIMH(DATEQQ, TIMEQQ) #elif VMS call DATE(DATEQQ) call TIME(TIMEQQ) #endif write(LTTOQQ,1001) DATEQQ,TIMEQQ C Initialize QQ call QQINIT(LERROR) if(LERROR) STOP return #if UNIX 1001 format(//' QQ date and time: ',A8,2x,A8) #elif VMS 1001 format(//' QQ date and time: ',A10,2x,A8) #endif 1002 format(' STDQQUSET: WARNING file ',A80,' does not exist'/ 1 ' The QQ user decay file is not defined') end