subroutine stdtcopy(idir,istr,lok) C...Purpose: to copy an event to/from the standard common block. C #include "" #include "" #include "" integer idir,lok,i,k,istr lok=0 if(idir.eq.1)then c... copy from hepevt to stdtmp nhept = nhep nevhept = nevhep do i=1,nhep isthept(i) = isthep(i) idhept(i) = idhep(i) do k=1,2 jmohept(k,i) = jmohep(k,i) jdahept(k,i) = jdahep(k,i) enddo do k=1,5 phept(k,i) = phep(k,i) enddo do k=1,4 vhept(k,i) = vhep(k,i) enddo enddo elseif(idir.eq.2)then c... copy from stdtmp to hepevt c... allow for multiple interactions if((nhep+nhept) .gt. NMXHEP) go to 900 nevhep = nevhept do i=1,nhept isthep(i+nhep) = isthept(i) idhep(i+nhep) = idhept(i) do k=1,2 jmohep(k,i+nhep) = jmohept(k,i) jdahep(k,i+nhep) = jdahept(k,i) enddo do k=1,5 phep(k,i+nhep) = phept(k,i) enddo do k=1,4 vhep(k,i+nhep) = vhept(k,i) enddo enddo nmulti = nmulti + 1 if(nmulti.le.NMXMLT) then nevmulti(nmulti) = nevhept itrkmulti(nmulti) = nhep + 1 mltstr(nmulti) = istr else write(lnhout,902) nmulti,NMXMLT endif C... adjust pointers for "multiple interaction" events do i=1,nhept jmulti(nhep+i) = nmulti do k=1,2 c... make sure 0 pointers remain 0 if(jmohep(k,i+nhep).ne.0) 1 jmohep(k,i+nhep) = jmohep(k,i+nhep) + nhep if(jdahep(k,i+nhep).ne.0) 1 jdahep(k,i+nhep) = jdahep(k,i+nhep) + nhep enddo enddo nhep = nhep + nhept else write (lnhout,801) endif return 900 continue write (lnhout,901) nevhept lok = 5 return 801 format(/5X,'STDTCOPY: improper calling flag') 901 format(/5X,'STDTCOPY: event would overflow HEPEVT array size'/ 1 5X,'STDTCOPY: event ',i8,' has been lost') 902 format(/5X,'STDTCOPY: ',i2,' multiple interactions in this event'/ 1 5X,'STDTCOPY: only ',i2,'multiple interactions are allowed') end